- Sheba2011
- 1 week ago
Good morning in S. California. Wishing you a nice Sunday. 🎈💕😎
I did watch Iman last broadcast on HSN. Taci HSN is moving to a different
facility sharing with QVC. I think we will know more toward the end of the
month.So a lot will be going on between now and then. I feel really sad about HSN leaving
the Campus in St. Petersburg.Wishing you happy hiking trails. 😎💕🎈
- Sheba2011
- 1 week ago
I was surprised at Iman leaving she did announce it on HSN Wednesday. I had photos of
her that’s what was going on. I will miss her very classy lady. I do own many of her pieces
since day one. 😎Iman has all the money in world that she and Lexi needs I am sure she is taking some
me time.I had fun with Oodie’s Anniversary. 💕🎈
- sexyhappycj
- 1 week ago
Iman will be leaving HSN.
- Susanne31
- 2 weeks ago
Ugh!!! Spoke too soon!! IMAN is leaving HSN. This will be her last show!!!
I’m devastated.- Sheba2011
- 2 weeks ago
Good Evening my post to you went poof. Happy 54th Anniversary. I did try to get the
correct date I knew it was close.Iman is leaving HSN on March 8th her final show I found out today.
We will celebrate your anniversary for a couple more days. I will make a gallery.
I am so glad your husband have a hand in the renovation I would smile too. 🎈💕
Love never ends. 💕
- 01.16.23 11:06 PM
Posted in Forum: FashionI just noticed all of Iman’s stuff is on clearance. Is she leaving HSN? If so, it is just another reason to not shop here.
- tillyboy
- 05.11.21 3:41 PM
Being retired from the business work place, I’m buying a lot of casual clothing from Iman, and some from Curations. I think they might be leaving HSN, though. But, I have been buying a lot of Korres and Prai items. I’m a big fan of their products, especially when the 20% off coupons are offered. Happy shopping, ladies!
- IamShortDiva
- 02.12.20 9:05 PM
Andrew Lessman and Heidi Daus are really my favorites and are most of my purchases . Korres is also a favorite (great quality ) and I am very happy Iman (CLASSY lady) is returning (:
I was heartbroken when HSN dropped Sharif .. I had never felt so sad over anyone leaving as I did when Sharif ElFouly left – he also seem sad , He was just tossed aside . He is still very much alive and doing ok .
I do not buy or watch Evine , ShopHQ or whatever they call it now.
I do buy Sharif purses on eBay and Amazon .I buy occasionally from QVC – Peter Thomas Roth , Dr Denise and Wen
HSN was my first choice to shop for years. I miss the old HSN and keep hoping it returns.
- suzycurlyq
- 08.30.19 1:57 PM
I miss Joy! I didn’t know or think Iman was leaving. That would be a huge mistake on Qvc/Hsn! If you get rid of your unique exclusive one of a kind vendors what do you have… nothing! I don’t want to see crossover vendors from qvc to hsn and back. No! HSN is special! Don’t mess it up! I mean how boring! When you mix the two you cancel out the fun of shopping at one place over another. And by the way, I noticed that Marilyn Miglin’s 26 year anniversary was just shoved under a rug. No fanfare, no excitement. Why!? She deserves better!
- 06.19.19 3:29 PM
I think these hosts leaving are just a tip of the “iceberg.” As I said above, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if they move everyone to Pa so that they can merge into one shopping channel. At one time these owners purchased HSN. However, later on, they brought in QVC as a high quality shopping network. All the energy went into building this new company leaving HSN to fend for itself. Yes, these are the same owners, just under a different company name. They bought HSN because they wanted to go against Amazon and Wal-Mart. So far, in all honesty, I have not seen the necessary changes. Shipping costs have almost doubled. Clearance prices in some cases have gone down a few cents. Vendors we have enjoyed are now with other shopping channels. The list goes on and on. There were other ideas that brought us to HSN. Coupon savings was one of them and lower shipping costs on shoes was another. There were vendors that made us laugh and vendors who were honest and stood behind their products. Now, we are back to another beginning where HSN is beginning to look like a basement store and QVC is still your Lord & Taylor. or Neiman Marcus. Many HSN customers have left and others are purchasing less. All the hoopla we say here seems to go in one ear and out the other. There are times when I wish Barry Diller would buy back HSN and bring it to life once again. Then again, why did he let it go in the first place. Guess all of us have been duped.
- kittengirl
- 02.20.19 1:04 AM
I’m going to respond to you up here so it doesn’t get lost on the next page.
Amy, none of us are seventeen anymore! Lol! Don’t you feel much younger than you are sometimes? I do. Sometimes I am taken aback at my age when I feel like I’m 35 inside! It’s not fair! But Life is like that! I used to dread my birthdays but now I am just grateful I am here still. I used to hear people older than me say that back when I was in my 30’s and 40’s but now I understand.I don’t think it was me who asked about the Marla leggings but I have always wondered. It’s nice to know you like them so I will consider them sometime. Right now I am not buying much of anything. I have several Iman items I want to get and there is a Patricia Nash satchel that matches my umbrella and scarf set. Not necessary but very cute. I recently bought the Beekman Boys apple cider vinegar for the hair and the jade bracelet that was the TS. I also got the Lancome TS the other day and took advantage of the Lancome gift with purchase at Macy’s. There is a chiffon blouse of Marla’s I want too. I’m not watching much of hsn so I won’t buy anything. I have so much and it’s crazy that I keep buying.
When do you leave for your trip? Are you getting anxious to leave the little man? I don’t blame you but he will be in good hands. Even better hands once you get back. 😀 I really have trouble leaving the kitties. I take my laptop which is filled with their pictures and I watch a slide show of them at night so I can fall asleep. Yes, I’m crazy but I don’t care. 😀
I am glad you had a nice birthday. Stay safe and healthy! 😀