Conversation 25
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is number 25 out of the
series. I created and started this thread 10 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe. 🌹✨😎
Peace Out Peeps enjoy your evening.
On July 14, measuring twice means something extra on National Tape Measure Day. Measure our facts after we share a quick history about the tape measure and explain why it is a standard tool in almost every household.
National Mac and Cheese Day earns a place of honor on July 14 as one of the classic comfort foods at America’s dinner table.
National Grand Marnier Day on July 14 recognizes a liquor that brings citrus notes to cocktails and desserts. Since the 1880s, we’ve been enjoying the fruits of Grand Marnier’s exquisite flavor.
Good Morning Peeps and welcome to our lovely Community on this Sunday Morning. 😎🎈
Keep safe and cool out there. -
Shannen Doherty, Heathers and Beverly Hills 90210 star, dies at 53
The actor, also known for roles in Charmed and Little House on the Prairie, has died of cancer.Shannen Doherty, star of Beverly Hills 90210 and Heathers, has died at the age of 53.
A statement from her publicist Leslie Sloane, cited by People magazine, said: “It is with a heavy heart that I confirm the passing of actress Shannen Doherty. On Saturday, July 13, she lost her battle with cancer after many years of fighting the disease.”
The actor had been first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015 and underwent a mastectomy. In 2020, she said that her diagnosis was then terminal, calling it “a bitter pill to swallow” in a Good Morning America interview.
In June 2023, Doherty shared an Instagram post that revealed news that cancer had spread to her brain alongside a video of her receiving treatment. “My fear is obvious,” she wrote.
Doherty started working at a young age with small-screen roles in Father Murphy and Little House on the Prairie and big-screen roles in The Secret of NIMH and Girls Just Want to Have Fun all before the age of 15.
In 1988, Doherty starred in the dark comedy Heathers alongside Winona Ryder. While it wasn’t a financial success at the time, it since became a cult favourite, widely seen as one of the best high school films ever. She later made a cameo appearance in the pilot of a TV adaptation.
Two years later, Doherty found success as Brenda Walsh in hit teen drama Beverly Hills 90210, which averaged over 21 million viewers by its fourth season. “We get accosted in malls,” said Doherty of the show’s success in 1992. “Basically, it takes over your life.”
Doherty left before season five but later returned for the 2008 reboot and 2019’s meta BH90210, where she played herself.
She also found major success in witchcraft drama Charmed, which she starred in for three seasons. She also directed a number of episodes. Her film roles included Mallrats and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back for the film-maker Kevin Smith.
When Doherty shared her latest update in June 2023, Smith wrote: “You have been such a fearless fighter your whole life, so it’s understandable to be a little scared from time to time. But when those moments pass, let that indomitable Doherty spirit take over anew. I love you so much, my Mallrat.”
RIP Shannon Doherty Godspeed. 🎈
Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.
~ Khalil Gibran -
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Good afternoon in Florida. 😎🎈💕Wishing you and hubby a nice day.
Xango remember when I said I had two vaccines at my physical on Friday? Well
yesterday I was down for the count my arm was aching so bad and I had a temp of
101 degrees I felt like Crappola. The heat index in OZ was around 104 degrees and I
was shivering it just came out of no where. I am glad I had the shots in different arms
so I know which shot caused all the fuss. My husband had to put me to bed.I told him if I felt worst I was going to ER or Urgent Care. I am feeling alright today but
the arm is still sore so I am taking it easy.😎My doctor did tell me this would happen and
if it got real bad to let her know. Well I survived the night so I am good.💕“Patience is not sitting and waiting, it is foreseeing.
It is looking at the thorn and seeing the rose,
Looking at the night and seeing the day.
Lovers are patient and know
That the moon needs time to become full.”
“This is what love does and continues to do.
It tastes like honey to adults and milk to children.”
-Rumi -
Good afternoon on the Gulf Coast of Florida. 💕😎🎈I hope you had a good visit with
your husband and I am so glad you are working on getting him home come what may.I think with the proper help and in-home therapy if just may work.
Very hot all over Oodie my vaccines caused me to be very ill yesterday afternoon.
My husband took my temp and it was 101 degrees my arm was sore and hurting I expected
this I was cold and we were around 104 heat index in OZ. I never felt so bad. I rode it out
and thank goodness for Tylenol. My arm is still swollen and sore but I am up and getting
around. 😎Oodie let me know if you got your shopping done I know you will miss the nurse who
is leaving. So much stuff is on the news I have not turned on the Telly today.“Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.
Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.
Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.”
― RumiIt’s so sad that Shannon Doherty passed at the age of 53 from breast cancer.
I have been a fan since she started acting and 90210 was my favorite program.
When she got cancer I thought she’d beat it and then it came back. My heart
goes out to her family she fought a tough fight. I know all to well what that is like.
I got my breast cancer a few years after she did. I had mine right smack in the middle
of Covid when everything was shut down and no one could come with you for support.
This was a very lonely time for me but I made it. Shannon and I are from the same
home town. May she RIP. -
What a reaction you had. Your doctor warning you was a good start and taking Tylenol also. However, tomorrow I would let her know on the reactions and the pain in your arm even though you are alright today.
I made it to Costco yesterday. I did purchase the purified water and noticed it went up about $.50. Looks like our membership will also go up soon as well. But that is to be expected. l did receive an apology from one of the nurses after I had made a phone call to the Administrator. It is extremely hard to eat in front of hubby who just grabs at the food I bring. I definitely need to make a stop either tomorrow or Tuesday at the Farmer’s Market. I need to replenish my supply of fruits and veggies. By the way, Costco has in their “deli” area, cut up veggies. I decided to try it and used my own salad seasoning. It was delicious and so healthy. No, I didn’t eat the entire container. I will have enough for the next few days. As I walked into the warehouse, I noticed they had towels for $4.99 ea.. At least 4 colors to choose from and I did put two in my carriage in the teal. These towels are huge.
It seems, as I entered the rehab yesterday, some or should I say most of the staff, were happy that the head nurse is now gone. They have no idea who would replace him. I have no idea if they will choose someone within or from the outside. I will miss him but also noticed that there were times when I had to remind him of upcoming appointments or to make one. He also would forget some other things as well, so I had to keep track. Hubby would love nothing better than to go shopping with me. I am looking at transit for the handicapped. That would enable him to go from wheelchair to a battery operated cart. The wheelchair can be folded and put into my car, so there is no problem in that respect. I think the outing will do him more good and give him the lift he so needs. Well, now back to KP.
I would not take Poppy out for his walk today. Think you should let him go to his usual place. Take it easy and give that arm a good rest. Other than that, hope you three have a great day. Enjoy the A/C. Maybe do takeout. 😀🌴🍕🥗🥪🌮🌯🥡🍧🍨🍦🧊🥶
My arms are killing me and is swollen and painful will check in with the doctor tomorrow.
I will write in the morning I hope things are better I just took some medicine.Thank you for posting and all your good wishes. 💕
So sorry that you are still not feeling up to par. The meds should help, but your reaction is lasting
too long. Definitely contact your physician and hopefully, you will start feeling better by the end of day. Take care and let Poppy out in the yard. It is too hot to be out and about especially if you are having warnings relating to the heat. I was fully hydrated yesterday and still did not feel right. -
Good morning in S. California Taci thank you for being you. 💕😘🎈
I have to say I had a whopper of a day yesterday. Those two vaccines
I had in different arms well one of them made me real sick. I had a temp
of 101 degrees and I was cold and then hot. Oz was 104 heat index.Let’s just say I made it through the night. I took some Tylenol and hubby kept a watch
over me. My arms are still sore but I feel better. I have never had a reaction like that
in my life. My doctor did say if I had any issues to let her know. I am fine now so that’s
is that. 😎🎈How are things going for you? I can’t wait for you to get the Rarities Earrings. 😘😎
Wishing you Happy Trails. 🎶💕🎈
Lose yourself
Escape from the black cloud that surrounds you
Then you will see your own light
As radiant as the full moon~ Maulana Rumi
Sheba, Ouch! Well it sounds like the vaccines are doing their job. You will be well protected. I missed my last covid vaccine and never went back for it and ended up with Covid in January. Had my 3rd Bob cat encounter of the year and yesterday joined a local gym. The other place didn’t follow-up with me so I moved on. This last time a hiker and is daughter warned me, but I saw people in the area and on the trail so kept going. It looked like a baby bob cat in a side area off the trail. Poor thing, I think he wanted to get up the trail and was waiting. The Sales Guy at the gym and I chatted quite a bit and he ended up telling me to arm for my hike and believe me no one, including me, would want that. Speaking off, that was when Trump’s Rally and assassination attempt was going on. Sad about the death of an innocent in the stand and the 2 others injured.
Hope your feel better soon. -
Good afternoon in the ‘burgh. 🎈💕😎 How are you today? I know it’s hot!
I am doing alright today and we have a heat advisory all ready in effect.
Lady I was so sick yesterday late afternoon all of a sudden I was cold and my arms
hurt like heck. I knew it was from the two vaccines I had on Friday. My doctor did say
if I had any problems to let her know. I took some Tylenol and don’t remember a thing.So much was on the Telly yesterday I had to turn it off. I am snapping out of it.
When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety; if I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me, and without pain. From this I understand that what I want also wants me, is looking for me and attracting me. There is a great secret here for anyone who can grasp it.
Sending cool waves to you and Jake. 😘🎈💕😎
I understand how you feel with the shots.💉 The flu shot always seems to bother me. I am right-handed so I get my shots in my left arm because sometimes it is so sore I can’t lift it. I want to at least be able to comb my hair and brush my teeth.
What a day yesterday. Went out with friends for an early dinner and we came back to the house to talk and relax. Trump’s rally was about 40 minutes from my house so we put the TV on to see how it was going. Big mistake – actually saw it happen live. Just shaking my head. My husband was talking to a friend at the gym this morning and her friend’s neighbor was ten feet away from the person that got killed. So sad.😪
Have no problem celebrating National Mac and Cheese Day, one of my favorite comfort foods.😊 Pretty much anything with cheese on it is my favorite.
Hope you continue to feel better.👍 Order out or have hubs pick up something for dinner. Sending healing hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖
Good morning in California Kitten wishing you a great Sunday. 💕🎈
When it’s cold and raining,
you are more beautiful.
And the snow brings me
even closer to your lips.
The inner secret, that which was never born,
you are that freshness, and I am with you now.
I can’t explain the goings,
or the comings. You enter suddenly,
and I am nowhere again.
Inside the majesty.”
― Rumi -
Be safe in Texas and New Mexico. 🎈💕😎
Lovers find secret places
inside this violent world
where they make transactions
with beauty.”
National Beans ‘N’ Franks Day on July 13 encourages us to make our favorite recipes during National Hot Dog Month. This simple recipe cooks up a delicious dish in no time and goes well with summertime barbecues, too!
National Delaware Day on July 13 recognizes the First State to declare independence from the British. Rich in history, Delaware’s lands once belonged to New York and later Pennsylvania. But the independent spirit of this beautiful coastal countryside is more than just legendary.
If you can hear that sweet music on July 13, you already know it’s National Barbershop Music Appreciation Day. Today, we celebrate a cappella style of music and commemorate the anniversary of one of its musical societies.
Good Morning Peeps and welcome to our wonderful Community on this
Saturday. 🎈😎 -
“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
Rumi highlights that inner transformation often involves confronting and healing our deepest wounds.
Rebirth depends on inner work on one’s self. No one can be reborn without changing this self. -
I once asked a bird,
how is it that you fly
in this gravity of darkness?
The bird responded, ‘Love lifts me.”
― Hāfez -
“The garden of the world has no limits
Except in your mind.
Its presence is more beautiful than the stars
With more clarity
Than the polished mirror of your heart.” – Rumi -
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It does not matter how many languages you know. To know the language of the heart makes you worthy.
-Rumi -
Good day in Florida and may this be a nice cool day for you and your husband. 😎🎈
Oz is warming up and soon we will be blazing hot. Hello Summer.Hey keep cool I am making sure the animals all have good clean water and such.
My arm is sore from the vaccines shot yesterday but I hope this too shall pass and quickly. 😎
Nice day for a cool salad and something cool to drink like tea. 💕😎🎈Let me know how things are going for you when you can. 😘
Good afternoon on the Gulf Coast of Florida. I just read your post from yesterday.
I am seeing red right now. How dare they say what you can and cannot do with your
meals with your husband. I am not surprised the head nurse is leaving. Hmm…I agree with you get your husband out of there sooner rather than later. I do not have
a good feeling about this once the head nurse leaves.I hope this will be a joyful day for you being out and about. Oodie something is not right
about this place I feel it in my bones.Keep your eyes open and look at everything and everyone who comes in contact with
your husband. I am going to say prayers that you are able to do what you need to do to get
him home.A little tea with your Manuka Honey will help a bit. 😎🎈Let me know how things goes
today. -
I haven’t left yet, but will soon. Here is a small update. I did some research and there is another Rehab about 20 miles North of my home. This place is huge, about the size of a hospital, and have many options. One thing they do have is an aquatic pool which I know hubby will enjoy and will give him some relief. I also tried to contact our health insurance and found that the person I need to speak with is off on weekends. Though I have a doctor appointment on Monday, I will try to reach them before or after. Like you, I am hoping the labs are good or wonderful. Yeah, I am livid also. Cried a lot last night and this morning. There is no reason for this outburst. Hubby was fine when I left and the male aid was kind and told me she had no right. I also never thought that hubby would have trouble swallowing. He has had problems with this for years, especially with apples. After Costco, I will have a nice chat with hubby and will stay for awhile. The rehab I mentioned above is one of the ones that came highly recommended by the patients in this rehab. The reason they were here is because this particular one was full. I hope he was able to get in again. The doctors told him the same thing as my hubby, but within three weeks he was on his feet and walking. I do not know if the Head Nurse/Unit Mgr left on his own accord. Right now, he is taking a nice vacation with his wife and three children. I do not think he will have a difficult time in finding a new job with his background.
Good morning sweet friend in S. California. I am so sorry about yesterday.
I had a lot going on and I thought I posted to you. I move so fast on this thread
when I hit the keyboard my mind and hands are going at the same time.Everything I do comes out of my head and sometimes if I have things going on
I can miss a beat. Oops!Well as you know the doctor’s check up went well. All labs are where they should be.
My doctor went over everything and left nothing unturned. I have been with her for
over 25 years. 🎈😘I am going to treat myself to something. Most of the family is on their way from MN.
The remains of my nephew are there in the family plot. So sad.Hey I hope you love the earrings you brought from Rarities I also like the fact you have
two piecing in your ears now that is cool. 😎💕Hey Happy Trails To You. 🎶🎶Taci how is your son doing?
Love has no labels, no definitions. It is what it is, pure and simple.
Sheba, no worries and I’m not concerned at all… nothing to make up.
You are on top of your medical. I’m in a HMO and it’s different from your personal Dr. experiences.
It is so sad about your nephew. Condolences to your family. -
Good day in the ‘burgh. I hope this day finds you doing well. I know the heat is
affecting everyone. Just chill on the Deck your sister leaves I believe next week.You will need all the energy you have so enjoy this day. 😘🎈💕
Sending cooling hugs to you and Jake. 🎈😎
Peace Out Peeps have a great evening. 😎
Sheba, Good evening! Uhm did you forget someone?
Please forgive me I had a heck of a day yesterday not the medical visit but finding a microwave.
I am so sorry it did not help I had a vaccine in both arms. Now I can feel the pain.I will make it up to you. LOL! Thanks for calling me out. 😘💕😎🎈
Club Sheba Summer Edition. 😎🎈
Kelly Clarkson Lyrics
“Since U Been Gone”Here’s the thing: we started out friends
It was cool but it was all pretend
Yeah, yeah
Since you’ve been goneYou dedicated, you took the time
Wasn’t long ’til I called you mine
Yeah, yeah
Since you’ve been goneAnd all you’d ever hear me say
Is how I pictured me with you
That’s all you’d ever hear me sayBut since you’ve been gone
I can breathe for the first time
I’m so moving on
Yeah, yeah
Thanks to you
Now I get what I want
Since you’ve been goneHow can I put it? You put me on
I even fell for that love song
Yeah, yeah
Since you’ve been goneHow come I’d never hear you say,
“I just wanna be with you.”
I guess you never felt that wayBut since you’ve been gone
I can breathe for the first time
I’m so moving on
Yeah, yeah
Thanks to you
Now I get (I get) what I want
Since you’ve been goneYou had your chance, you blew it
Out of sight, out of mind
Shut your mouth, I just can’t take it
Again and again, and again, and againSince you’ve been gone
(Since you’ve been gone)
I can breathe for the first time
I’m so moving on
Yeah, yeah
Thanks to you (thanks to you)
Now I get, I get what I wantI can breathe for the first time
I’m so moving on
Yeah, yeah
Thanks to you (thanks to you)
Now I get (I get)
You should know (you should know)
That I get, I get what I want
Since you’ve been gone
Since you’ve been gone
Since you’ve been gone-
So cool!
Grab a slice on July 12 and celebrate National Pecan Pie Day! Mix up the ingredients using primarily corn syrup, pecan nuts, salt, and vanilla. Occasionally, recipes vary by including sugar syrup and molasses or maple syrup. Other additions include chocolate and bourbon whiskey in some regions of the country. Top it all off with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.
Each year in on the second Friday in July we celebrate Collector Car Appreciation Day. This day recognizes the vital role automotive restoration and collection plays in American society.
On the second Friday in July, we recognizes an American favorite known as the French fry on National French Fry Day.
National Simplicity Day on July 12 honors transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau, a man who advocated a life of simplicity. A man of many talent and skill, Thoreau was a supporter of living the simple life and encouraging others to do the same.
Henry David Thoreau (July 12, 1817 – May 6, 1862) lived his life as many things including an author, naturalist, philosopher, and historian. He was also known to be a tax resister, abolitionist, development critic, and surveyor. His book, Walden, is a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings.
Good Morning Peeps and welcome to our wonderful community. 🎈💕😎
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Good day in Florida. 😎🎈😘I had an excellent physical and labs today. All my labs were
near perfect. This is one of the best physicals I had I mean she could not find anything
out of order. YAY! 🎈😎Liver and Kidneys are doing well everything is where it should be.Wishing you a cool day OZ is hot and my microwave over the range went out going to
buy a new one.Take it easy today. 💕
Hello gorgeous, wonderful on the results of your labs and physical👏👏👏👏👏sending you a Brazilian hug of congratulations 🫂.
Best of luck on getting a new microwave, I hope you find yourself a good one.
We don’t have the best, it was placed by the builder, its not the top brand either. I don’t use it much, mostly in the mornings to heat my milk for coffee. Hubby makes his popcorn daily in it. And sometimes heats something in it.The two bunnies are in the backyard as I write this. Just came from outside, feeding them lettuce and strawberries.
Congratulations again 👏 💖 Sheba on a wonderful result 👏
Take care Sheba ❤️❤️ 🌹🌹
Thank you for your post. I am so glad that is over there is nothing like good health. 😎🎈
I love your animals and I know they appreciate all you do for them. My husband is
feeding the cats now. 💕We are hot in OZ. 😎🎈
This drink should help cool things down. 😎💕Thank you for the hug I really needed it. 💕😘
Good day on the Gulf Coast of Florida. I know this is Friday and you have goals you
are working on for your husband. Go oodie! 😎🎈All went very well at my doctor’s office this morning everything is where it should be. 🎈😎
I hope you are not too tired after your day is done but I bet you will feel better and so will
your husband.Let me know how things goes for you today. 💕
I just knew you would pull out all the stops on your doctor’s visit. Way to go!!!!😉😉
I hope you found the replacement for your microwave. I love my LG. It’s getting up in years now, but see that the one I have is still manufactured. I would purchase again in a heartbeat.
I am now working on getting my hubby home sooner rather than later if at all possible. Friday was one of those days where nothing really went right. Started with the card from Sam’s. Had to pull everything apart to find it. Took over an hour in heat and humidity. By the time I finished was too late to return home to make something for dinner, so went direct to Rehab. It was after 6 when I arrived. Went on line and order Asian from a place I never tried. Turned out it was
the best I ever had so far in the USA. Very close to what we both enjoyed while in Asia. Hubby loved it also. Even though he had dinner the aid came in as he was chowing down and decided to give me an ear full. She accused me of trying to kill hubby. Yes, he has trouble swallowing. However, what I chose looked hard, but in reality was soft. He enjoyed every morsel of the Dragon and Phoenix. He was not happy with the Aid. Long story short I have been asked not to bring food and if I do to eat in another area. What better way for me to get on my hunches and to get this place ready in a heartbeat for his return. I will need to redo at least one bathroom to make the shower easy for a wheelchair to get in and out of. At the same time will make the sink and toilet wheelchair accessible as well. I will now be looking for PT at home as well as someone to help me help him in eating. The road won’t be easy, but at least he will be home and will be able to go from room to room and do whatever. Not to worry. Will be working with our healthcare provider to make sure that this house is ready and all the t’s and i’s are crossed and dotted. Now on my way to a shower and then to Costco.Oh, forgot to mention. Called the Head Nurse for the Unit. His last day was Wednesday. That should tell you something.
OMG! I just read your post and I cannot believe what they told you. How about this if I have
to eat in another room and I cannot feed my husband we are out of here.This makes no sense to me. All the money they are getting and your husband is still there.
The nurse leaving I am not surprised. Hurry Oodiebom and get your home ready.I feel anything they can do in that place you can do at home with some help.
I need to take it easy this makes my head spin. I wish I were there just to make sure they
did everything possible that could help your husband.I have a lot to say about that place but not in English.
Good day in the ‘burgh. Keep it cool and enjoy your deck. 😎🎈
Lady all went very good at the doctor’s office she left no stone unturned. 💕😘😎
All my eating habits and walking is paying off. This inspires me to do even more.
Hey sending cool hugs to you and Jake. 💕🎈😎
Another hot one, looks like 90’s into next week.🔥
Yay for your labs, good job! Glad that is over for six months. Hubs went for some annual heart tests this morning.
Hope you find a new microwave quickly. It was one year ago last week that I got my new one. Other than the fridge, that is my most used appliance in the kitchen.
Have a nice evening, prayers for you and your family.🙏 Hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖
Good evening hubby was with me when we went looking and because it’s an over
the range type we had to go online and order it. 😎🎈I brought it brand spanking
new nothing last like they use to.I hope everything is fine for your husband at his check up today.
Enjoy your evening and keep cool. I had vaccines shots in both arms and I am feeling it. 😎
Good day in New Mexico or Texas just be safe. Post when you can.
Sending cool hugs to Little D and Mabel. 🎈😎💕Keep safe in both States. I am thinking of you.
Peace Out Peeps stay safe and cool. 😎
It is the eye which makes the horizon.
Have an amazing day!-
Moonlight floods the whole sky from horizon to horizon;
How much it can fill your room depends on its windows.
“No one will come and save you. No one will come riding on a white horse and take all your worries away. You have to save yourself, little by little, day by day. Build yourself a home. Take care of your body. Find something to work on. Something that makes you excited, something you want to learn. Get yourself some books and learn them by heart. Get to know the author, where he grew up, what books he read himself. Take yourself out for dinner. Dress up for no one but you and simply feel nice. it’s a lovely feeling, to feel pretty. You don’t need anyone to confirm it.”
National Rainier Cherry Day on July 11 recognizes the cherry variety named after Mount Rainier. In 1952, Harry Fogle of Washington State University developed the Rainier cherry by cross-breeding the Bing and Van cherry varieties.
The sweet Rainier cherries have a thin skin and a thin creamy-yellow flesh. Cherries are a temperamental crop that is sensitive to temperature, wind, and rain. Each season, birds eat almost one-third of the crop. While cherries in general present growing challenges, Rainier cherries are unique. Their delicate skins require the cherries to be hand-picked. However, superior taste keeps producers and consumers coming back for more.
National Blueberry Muffin Day on July 11 gives us a great reason to get up in the morning and celebrate! Americans love their blueberry muffins so much, it’s their number 1 favorite muffin flavor. Whether it is for breakfast or a snack, blueberry muffins are melt-in-your-mouth delicious.
While enjoying a delicious blueberry muffin, consider the powerhouse the blueberry is. This once wild berry became domesticated during the early 1900s thanks to the observations of Elizabeth Coleman White and the research of Dr. Frederick V. Coville. Before their efforts, wild blueberries were never successfully transplanted and raised in any farming operation for personal or commercial production. The only way to enjoy fresh blueberries was to seek them out where they grew naturally.
Today we can enjoy the abundant potassium, vitamin C and B6, and other health benefits of the blueberry much more readily than they did 120 years ago. We bake them into muffins and eat them by the handfuls.
All American Pet Photo Day encourages pet owners to share their favorite pet photos on July 11. Be sure to charge your camera and be prepared to take adorable pictures of your pets!
Whether they are the four-legged furry kind or come from the more serpentine species, click away. Fishes and birds, pigs and equine, canine and feline should all get in line for their favorite pose. If they are friends, take a few snapshots of them together! On All American Pet Photo Day, every pet gets included.
When it comes to capturing the perfect image of your loyal pal, it might take some effort. Like humans, some furry and not so furry friends are camera shy. A pocketful of treats helps ease them into the shot. If bribery doesn’t work, sometimes exercise before the photoshoot will. Another option is misdirection. Focus their attention on another area beyond the lens of the camera, and you might get the picture you want. If all else fails, wait until your sweet companion falls asleep and click away. They’re at their cutest when they’re resting anyway.
Remember to keep your pet safe and comfortable. Don’t let your pet become overheated or over-anxious. A stressed pet won’t take a good photo. Defer to your pet’s temperament, toss out the costumes, and accept the blurred selfie.
Each year on July 11, people across America raise a glass to mark National Mojito Day. The cocktail consists of white rum, sugar, lime juice, sparkling water, and mint. Follow along as you sip your mojito and learn a few facts about the delicious mojito be
The Mojito is a traditional Cuban highball, and while rumored to be a drink favored by the author Ernest Hemingway, it’s never been proven. It seems the story behind Hemingway and the Mojito is a tall tale to attract visitors and to sell drinks. Isn’t every origin story behind a drink designed to sell more of the original anyway?
Whether Hemingway ever had a Mojito or even liked it, doesn’t matter. With a low alcohol content, this refreshing cocktail gains popularity in the summertime for its refreshing combination of sweetness, citrus, and mint flavors. The exhilarating flavor says summer and stimulates the palate, too. The Mojito serves up a perfect pairing with barbecues and evenings at the beach.
Good Morning Peeps and welcome to our wonderful Community. 😎🎈
Keep cool and safe out there. -
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If you catch a butterfly
and hold it too tightly,
its delicate wings will be crushed.
But if you let it rest on your palm,
it may choose to stay for a while.
And so, in this life,
I have learned to love people
like butterflies,
enjoying their presence while they are here,
while not fearing
when it is their time to leave,
as I know that my love will remain for them
once they are gone.
And should they wish to one day,
then they may return.
And if they should choose not to,
then it is okay,
as for every beautiful garden,
many butterflies will come. -
Good day in Florida😎🎈💕I love you are back to baking no matter how small. 💕😎
Perfect lunch you had yesterday. My internet was knocked out last evening OZ had
a much welcome thunderstorm. Things are running alright this morning. 💕🎈I want to ask how is your grand niece I pray she is making a full recovery. 🎈💕
Poppy have already had a good walk we both needed it before the day gets hotter.
Keep cool and enjoy your coffee. 😘
Good day on the Gulf Coast of Florida. 🎈😎I had internet issues last night and we had
a nice thunderstorm we needed the rain. Lost power in some parts of the house known
as a brown out.Oodie melon soup sounds good and I am so glad you have a good Aid to help with
all you do for your husband I think you are a great wife.😎💕Let me know how things goes today. I can’t wait for your husband to come home.
I cannot wait for hubby to return home either. However, I can now see he is working hard and I know it will take some time.
The itchiness for me is now gone. Will use Clean Boss on the wheelchair tomorrow and everywhere. Clothing and hangers will go into plastic garbage bag and straight to our laundry area. I will be soaking the hangers as well. The nurse next door was absolutely right on.
I did not go shopping yesterday as planned. Will start with Costco cause I need to gas up. The new ad for the Farmer’s Market is out starting today and there are many things I will purchase. Their sale prices are pretty good for the next seven days. Glad I waited.
It is very cloudy here and there are storms on the horizon. Hoping we will get some rain drops in the next few hours, though the headaches, for now, are non existent. Well, I have clothes in the dryer and I need to do some folding before the wrinkles set in.
I purchased a HD bracelet. The clasp was broken. The return label goes directly to HD which I find very unusual. Now wonder if this is because she may be leaving HSN. Not schedule for August, will wait to see what happens in September. I know she usually takes one of the summer months away from Fl.. Cannot blame her for wanting to be near the beach and pool. And then there is always a trip to her second home in France. She is so busy. But her smile and laughter lingers on until we meet again.
Good evening hope your day went well. Oodie HD repairs have always went to her office
in New Jersey. I remember her saying years ago they will repair at no cost also her
Anniversary Month is September I believe she may be in Paris or traveling right now.I will make a new thread for her Anniversary Month of September. 😎🎈
I am just taking it easy as we have another thunder storm coming to OZ.
I see all the stars in heaven no clouds but they will come soon.
Good morning in California. I am so glad you got the Rarities Earrings. 😎🎈
Look at you hair cut and colored now that what I call a good day. 😎💕🎈Taci rock those earrings I love them. 😎
Very Happy Trails To You. 🎶🎶
Sheba, Hope you had a great Thursday. I noticed Oodie posted about Heidi Daus. I too sent back one of the Serpentina earrings due to one tiny missing stone. I think Ms. Heidi will be enjoying the Olympics this summer thus no shows. Hope it’s a blast for anyone venturing to Paris soon.
Today I experimented with the new George Foreman grill that I bought at Aldi’s recently. My son tried it 1st when I had to go out and he seems to have inherited my cooking inability, however he can make pizza from scratch. He didn’t season the chicken and cooked it for too long.. Tonight I tried it with seasoning and OO and hubs said it was good. The rest I saved for my son.
What’s going on in Oz? Any Sunflower farm visits planned? -
Good day in the ‘burgh. I hope you enjoy your meal yesterday I love it when a husband
bring home Italian Food and I don’t have to cook in this heat. 💕🎈My internet was out last night and came back online early morning. I think this heat
is affecting a lot of things.I plan to do this and that today nothing special. I do keep it moving.
Sending cool hugs to you and Jake. 🎈💕😎
Good day in Texas or New Mexico I am concerned about both. As long as you and the
fur babies are fine that will have to do until you are able to write. No rush just be safe. 🎈This is the kind of day I hope you are having. Where ever you are.
July 10 recognizes a sweet, rum-based cocktail on National Pina Colada Day. Today, we are anxiously waiting for the end of the work day to enjoy the cream of coconut and pineapple juice with a dash of run cocktail.
Pina Colada means ‘strained pineapple,’ a reference to the freshly pressed and strained pineapple juice used in the drink.
While pineapple has been a part of the distillation history of rum, coconut didn’t show up until later. The first written reference to a pina colada was in 1922. However, two different claims to the invention of the pina colada in 1952 come from San Juan. Neither wavers from their story.
No matter who created the first creamy, sweet rum drink, it is forever infused with the ocean and beaches. The cocktail’s bright flavor suggests sunshine and vacation. Coconut alone makes us think of suntans while the pineapple’s freshness delivers a sparkling note of summer breezes.
The beverage isn’t the only way to celebrate either. The day is dedicated to all things pina colada. Whether we make a dessert or snack on pina colada jelly beans, everyone can join in the day.
Put on your sunglasses, kick back, and enjoy a sip or a taste. It’s the best way to celebrate.
National Kitten Day on July 10 purrfectly celebrates the cuddly warmth of a kitty. The miniature fur balls of energy snuggle their way into our hearts with no effort at all. Within a flick of their tiny ears, we’re in love.
National Kitten Day reminds us that while kittens are well equipped to find their way into our hearts, many don’t find homes. They’re abandoned at shelters, on the side of the road or wild and feral. Spaying and neutering our pets, including our cats, is vital to their health and keeping the stray population down.
Another goal of awareness campaigns like this one is to encourage adoptions. Instead of purchasing a kitten from a pet store, adopt from a shelter. Many kittens are born in shelters. While their ages may vary, all kittens do become cats.
On July 10 each year, National Clerihew Day in the United States celebrates a poem style created by Edmund Clerihew Bentley. His four-line biographical poem offers a brief, though whimsical, approach to poetry.
An English novelist and humorist, Edmund Clerihew Bentley (July 10, 1875 – March 30, 1956), created the first-ever Clerihew at the age of 16.
Good Morning Peeps and welcome to our wonderful Community. 😎🎈
Stay safe and cool out there. -
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Good day in your corner of the world. Loaf I do hope all is well with your family.
I am wishing you a wonderful summer. 🎈😎 -
Good day in sunny Florida. 😎🎈I hope this Wednesday afternoon finds you doing
well. 💕 I like saying that to you because I mean it especially after all you have been
through.So glad things are better and the little critters are coming back again. 💕🎈
All my cats are coming and going they know I am back from Colorado. I was glad to see
them and they were happy to see me. I make sure they have fresh clean water everyday.No one was more happy than Poppy this dog is still at my side. LOL!
I have A/C service check-up this afternoon. We do this to make sure everything is running
smooth very warm in OZ this year and every place else on earth. 😎I am going to have a nice cool salad later today and some watermelon. 💕😎
Well some like it hot. 😎😘💕Take care and have a nice Wednesday.
Hello Sheba, another hot day, humidity 90 percent. It’s hard to do anything outside.
Even with the heat outside, I made some bread. Just three small French breads 🥖.
Having a salad and tuna for dinner.Take care Sheba 🌹
Good day on the Gulf Coast of Florida. 😎🎈I did read your post from last night and you
have a lot of things to do. I hope you bring your Clean Boss I clean everything with it and the
smell does not last too long. 💕So far so good with my mother we have many hands on deck in Colorado. 💕😘
I love my mom so much we are very close.I hope your husband is able to come home soon. Just take it one day at a time.
Oz is warm today with a lot of pollen. I am fine with that Poppy and I went out very early.
I do have an A/C check to make sure our whole house A/C runs smooth. This we do every
year as well as for the furnace.I hope you are getting some much needed rest. I would love to be a fly on the wall
when you and the Aid are done cleaning that room. 😎🎈I would treat hubby to a great
meal he can eat. 💕MEOW! 😎💕
Good afternoon. I’m in the midst of doing laundry and then will dress for seeing hubby with a stop at the Farmer’s Market. I do need veggies and fruit. And they are showing a new mango that is tropical. Cannot wait to have a taste. When you cut it in half, it looks like a huge grape inside that is similar to the lychee fruit.
As I stated before, my neighbor is a nurse and what she told me makes perfect sense. Yes, I will be using “Clean Boss” on the dresser top and the three huge drawers hubby uses. I may also do the other side as well since his roommate (a new one) has returned home. Hubby is glad. He went two or more weeks without having his clothes washed. Wore the same thing daily. Again, no visitors or someone bringing him fresh clothing. The aid will be on duty beginning at 3:45 pm. I will start earlier with the dresser drawers and top and then will go on to the closet. I will aslo bring the hangers home to wash as well. Hopefully, this will end the itching episodes. I have also asked that someone scrub his back while in the shower room. I also have included the wheelchair because it is steel and vinyl. I have no idea why they would not put a towel on the back or on the seat. I have asked that this be done to prevent sweating. Even the mattress is made of something other than fabric. There is no mattress pad. The top sheet goes on top of this mattress and could be another reason for the itches. This aid is fantastic and happens to be a man. Hubby is the last patient he works on. They both have a great sense of humor and laugh all the time. When I’m with hubby he always asks if I need anything, knocks on the door and pops his head in from time to time. I also will bring a broom, a scooper and a mop. The bed has wheels, so it will be easy to move around. Waiting until Friday so that the two of us can remove the mattress.
I think I am ready for the melon soup. Need carrots (I pick up the loose ones), bok choi, honeydew melon, and chicken stock for soup. I also will use pork ribs. I use the greens from the bok choi. Nothing goes to waste, though I do remove most of the fat from the ribs and any fat in the soup is strained out. Almost forgot, Vidalia onion and garlic. If Chinese Cabbage is on sale, will purchase a small one and use a few leaves. We enjoy soup all year. That reminds me to also include gazpacho. Nothing like a cold soup on a very hot day.
Have a great evening. I haven’t seen the moon or stars in over a week. The evenings have been pretty dark with occasional heat lightning in a cloud of two.
Here’s one for the record books. I sat in hubby’s wheelchair and by the time I arrived home my back was itchy. Could not wait to head for a shower. Now I know the culprit, and my neighbor was absolutely correct. I think I will purchase a mattress cover and hope that no one throws it away. My poor guy is itchy from top to bottom and has whelps that are huge. My back is the same. Benedryl will stop the itch and the rest will be history. And the nurse on duty tonight said it was impossible. Clean Boss will be coming with me tomorrow. I will be doing the wheelchair and then will find a towel or two for the back and seat. These two things have to be the culprit. Cannot wait to do his side of the room. Friday cannot come soon enough.
Holy Smoke! Get your husband out of that place as soon as he is able.
This is too much. No one should have to suffer in a medical setting the way
he has.Oh no I would get a second doctor I could bare to see my husband suffer like that.
Clean Boss it is.
Good morning in S. California I hope this is a cool day for you and your hiking. 😎
Taci I am looking at the Rarities Earrings let me know if this is the right one and if not
just give me the item number. I love this look. I like anything with Tassel. 😎💕Both of us being Leo’s we have a lot in common. 😎🎈
Enjoy those veggies and let me know which earrings are correct.
Hey Happy Trails To You. 🎶🎶
Sheba, yes, those are the ones. They are big for me but I think they look pretty.
Shoelady likes them too. Yay! I purchased them with the black stone in the drop.
Got my hair colored and cut today then hiked.
Hope all is well and say hello to Poppy! -
Taci, these are lovely. We have similar taste in jewelry. I have to watch the length in earrings because I have a short neck. Treat yourself!✨
Good day in the ‘burgh. 🎈😎💕I know it is hot all over just chill and take it easy.
I know soon your sister is leaving for a bit and your hands will be very busy. 🎈Enjoy your Patio and a good book or whatever you like. 💕😎
Sending cool hugs to you and Jake. 💕😎🎈
Good afternoon to you. Computer acting all wonky today so taking me forever to get things done.😕
Another hot day🔥 in the 90’s so hubs ran up the street to our local Italian restaurant and picked up a few things for dinner. Yay, no cooking! We have not gotten any rain from the hurricane but it is very windy. Hope the storm passes us by.
Josh looks pretty handsome, may have to invite him over.😂 You can join us, I already have the peaches and berries.🍊🍓 Special hugs to you, Poppy and the kitties.🤗💖
Shoelady, thanks for the comment about the earrings. There were only 6 reviews.
I decided to purchase them. Something fun!
Hope you enjoyed your Italian dinner.
I owe hubs 2 dinners out but he seems to like to be home more. -
Good day in Texas or New Mexico. 🎈😎💕I have seen some of the Texas weather there
and other places. Good grief.Are you and hubby in a safe area? First Ruidoso and now Texas. I pray everyone is safe.
Please when and if you have time let me know how things are going in both States.
Sending safe hugs to you, Little D and Mabel. 😎🎈
Peace Out Peeps enjoy your evening and keep cool and safe. 😎
Greatest Love of All
Song by Whitney HoustonI believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be
Everybody searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone who fulfill my needs
A lonely place to be
And so I learned to depend on me
I decided long ago
Never to walk in anyone’s shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I’ll live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can’t take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all
I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be
I decided long ago
Never to walk in anyone’s shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I’ll live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can’t take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
Is the greatest love of all
And if, by chance, that special place
That you’ve been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength in love-
I Will Always Love You
Song by Whitney HoustonIf I should stay
I would only be in your way
So I’ll go, but I know
I’ll think of you every step of the way
And I will always love you
I will always love you
My darling, you, mm, mm
Bittersweet memories
That is all I’m taking with me
So goodbye, please don’t cry
We both know I’m not what you, you need
And I will always love you
I will always love you
I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you’ve dreamed of
And I wish you joy and happiness
But above all this, I wish you love
And I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you
I, I will always love you
Darling, I love you
I’ll always, I’ll always love you
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2,053 Replies
07.19.24 2:17 AM
8 Participants