Conversation 25
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is number 25 out of the
series. I created and started this thread 10 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe. 🌹✨😎
Sheba, no worries and I’m not concerned at all… nothing to make up.
You are on top of your medical. I’m in a HMO and it’s different from your personal Dr. experiences.
It is so sad about your nephew. Condolences to your family. -
I haven’t left yet, but will soon. Here is a small update. I did some research and there is another Rehab about 20 miles North of my home. This place is huge, about the size of a hospital, and have many options. One thing they do have is an aquatic pool which I know hubby will enjoy and will give him some relief. I also tried to contact our health insurance and found that the person I need to speak with is off on weekends. Though I have a doctor appointment on Monday, I will try to reach them before or after. Like you, I am hoping the labs are good or wonderful. Yeah, I am livid also. Cried a lot last night and this morning. There is no reason for this outburst. Hubby was fine when I left and the male aid was kind and told me she had no right. I also never thought that hubby would have trouble swallowing. He has had problems with this for years, especially with apples. After Costco, I will have a nice chat with hubby and will stay for awhile. The rehab I mentioned above is one of the ones that came highly recommended by the patients in this rehab. The reason they were here is because this particular one was full. I hope he was able to get in again. The doctors told him the same thing as my hubby, but within three weeks he was on his feet and walking. I do not know if the Head Nurse/Unit Mgr left on his own accord. Right now, he is taking a nice vacation with his wife and three children. I do not think he will have a difficult time in finding a new job with his background.
Good day in the ‘burgh. I hope this day finds you doing well. I know the heat is
affecting everyone. Just chill on the Deck your sister leaves I believe next week.You will need all the energy you have so enjoy this day. 😘🎈💕
Sending cooling hugs to you and Jake. 🎈😎
Good morning sweet friend in S. California. I am so sorry about yesterday.
I had a lot going on and I thought I posted to you. I move so fast on this thread
when I hit the keyboard my mind and hands are going at the same time.Everything I do comes out of my head and sometimes if I have things going on
I can miss a beat. Oops!Well as you know the doctor’s check up went well. All labs are where they should be.
My doctor went over everything and left nothing unturned. I have been with her for
over 25 years. 🎈😘I am going to treat myself to something. Most of the family is on their way from MN.
The remains of my nephew are there in the family plot. So sad.Hey I hope you love the earrings you brought from Rarities I also like the fact you have
two piecing in your ears now that is cool. 😎💕Hey Happy Trails To You. 🎶🎶Taci how is your son doing?
Love has no labels, no definitions. It is what it is, pure and simple.
Good afternoon on the Gulf Coast of Florida. I just read your post from yesterday.
I am seeing red right now. How dare they say what you can and cannot do with your
meals with your husband. I am not surprised the head nurse is leaving. Hmm…I agree with you get your husband out of there sooner rather than later. I do not have
a good feeling about this once the head nurse leaves.I hope this will be a joyful day for you being out and about. Oodie something is not right
about this place I feel it in my bones.Keep your eyes open and look at everything and everyone who comes in contact with
your husband. I am going to say prayers that you are able to do what you need to do to get
him home.A little tea with your Manuka Honey will help a bit. 😎🎈Let me know how things goes
today. -
OMG! I just read your post and I cannot believe what they told you. How about this if I have
to eat in another room and I cannot feed my husband we are out of here.This makes no sense to me. All the money they are getting and your husband is still there.
The nurse leaving I am not surprised. Hurry Oodiebom and get your home ready.I feel anything they can do in that place you can do at home with some help.
I need to take it easy this makes my head spin. I wish I were there just to make sure they
did everything possible that could help your husband.I have a lot to say about that place but not in English.
Good day in Florida and may this be a nice cool day for you and your husband. 😎🎈
Oz is warming up and soon we will be blazing hot. Hello Summer.Hey keep cool I am making sure the animals all have good clean water and such.
My arm is sore from the vaccines shot yesterday but I hope this too shall pass and quickly. 😎
Nice day for a cool salad and something cool to drink like tea. 💕😎🎈Let me know how things are going for you when you can. 😘
It does not matter how many languages you know. To know the language of the heart makes you worthy.
-Rumi -
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I just knew you would pull out all the stops on your doctor’s visit. Way to go!!!!😉😉
I hope you found the replacement for your microwave. I love my LG. It’s getting up in years now, but see that the one I have is still manufactured. I would purchase again in a heartbeat.
I am now working on getting my hubby home sooner rather than later if at all possible. Friday was one of those days where nothing really went right. Started with the card from Sam’s. Had to pull everything apart to find it. Took over an hour in heat and humidity. By the time I finished was too late to return home to make something for dinner, so went direct to Rehab. It was after 6 when I arrived. Went on line and order Asian from a place I never tried. Turned out it was
the best I ever had so far in the USA. Very close to what we both enjoyed while in Asia. Hubby loved it also. Even though he had dinner the aid came in as he was chowing down and decided to give me an ear full. She accused me of trying to kill hubby. Yes, he has trouble swallowing. However, what I chose looked hard, but in reality was soft. He enjoyed every morsel of the Dragon and Phoenix. He was not happy with the Aid. Long story short I have been asked not to bring food and if I do to eat in another area. What better way for me to get on my hunches and to get this place ready in a heartbeat for his return. I will need to redo at least one bathroom to make the shower easy for a wheelchair to get in and out of. At the same time will make the sink and toilet wheelchair accessible as well. I will now be looking for PT at home as well as someone to help me help him in eating. The road won’t be easy, but at least he will be home and will be able to go from room to room and do whatever. Not to worry. Will be working with our healthcare provider to make sure that this house is ready and all the t’s and i’s are crossed and dotted. Now on my way to a shower and then to Costco.Oh, forgot to mention. Called the Head Nurse for the Unit. His last day was Wednesday. That should tell you something.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2,053 Replies
07.19.24 2:17 AM
8 Participants