Conversation – 18
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 18 out of the series. I created and started this thread 9 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Peace Out Peeps have a safe and warm evening. ✨✨
What a day you have had. I would be sure to be there by lunch time. I think someone
is not doing their job. What the hay! All patients should be up and bath and have breakfast.
They should have some kind of PT and lunch. Something is a bit off. I don’t like it.Oodie thank god you go and visit and keeping an eye on him if he did not have someone
this would be a fine mess. Who is running this place? Dry turkey for dinner yesterday
and nothing until you came and saw what was going on. Holy Smokes!I would be thinking of Haven too anywhere except there.
This is the last thing you need how long will he be there? Is he showing any noticeable
improvement in any area? I would document everything that I feel needs to be address.I am glad the room mate is talking and paying attention for both of them. I would be livid!
I don’t want you being more upset then you already rightfully are.
Take it easy tonight and get some rest. I want to know what they tell you
tomorrow. I would also push for the Specialist to do what ever testing is necessary.Oodie I wish I could be with you for back up. ✨😎
Hey enjoy the first day of spring tomorrow Oodie I did read your post from earlier in
the morning and I responded to it. Please try and rest which is easier said than done.Oodiebom I am hoping and praying he will be home soon. Oodie turn on the heat if you
are cold I think you will sleep better. 🌹I am shocked that you have your heat on
this time of year. The weather has been insane this is happening all over the Country. -
I returned home a few minutes ago after visiting hubby. I left here around 6 pm because I had fallen asleep at the computer. When I arrived I found hubby had thrown the hospital gown to the floor and his sheet was pulled to his neck and only his feet were exposed. His roommate mentioned that he had nothing to eat all day. Gradually he awoke and I said he needed to eat something. His answer was he wasn’ t hungry. I do not like nagging. But mentioned that I had brought the pizza fr om last night along with cookies and honeydew melon. He again turned me down. I went to the nurse’s station to see what the dinner was and was told it was egg salad. The roommate said it was dry egg salad and not much for dinner. Oh how I wish I could have been there earlier. Tomorrow is another day. I will not work, but will go direct to Rehab. Breakfast is at 8 am and lunch is 11:30/12 noon. Cannot make it for breakfast, but certainly can make it in time for lunch. This guy cannot afford not to eat. He is anemic and borderline diabetic. I am not only concerned but mad as a you know what .
Well, I was born during a blizzard and actually loved the cold and the snow. But, now, today, with temps in the 50s and a wind, I’m not liking it so much. It actually feels like 20 degrees, and like you, I have the heat on. I will be getting dressed shortly and will be wearing a long sleeved sweater and slacks.
Hubby needs some underwear and I will bring him a couple today. I had asked to do his laundry from day one and no one listened. And of course I never did write his name on anything t hinking I would be receiving everything.
No, I did not ask for cable at this time. I need to clear everything out of the den so it can be cleaned outside. I also need to wash the walls. However, once I get the front of the house done inside, it will be once again on to the Master Bath and Bedroom.
Since I fell asleep at the computer and it is now after 5pm I need to get a move on to see hubby. I will write more later, if I can. I did say hello early this am on yesterday’s thread. Hope you are having a great day and if any one needs to relax is you and hubby. Brrr…..it’s cold.
The Gift of a Positive Image
It is important that we all find people that believe in us, just as we believe in others.
There are times in our lives when we may find ourselves facing challenges that can seem overwhelming. The situation or task we are struggling with seems hopeless, and it is easy to stop believing in ourselves, our goals, and our dreams. It is during these moments that it can be reassuring and reaffirming to turn to the people in our lives who do believe in us, especially when we are finding it hard to believe in ourselves. An encouraging word, a reassuring look, or hearing the words “I believe in you” from someone who matters can help us turn our situations around in an instant.Everybody has someone who believes in them, whether this person is a teacher, parent, friend, loved one, or an employer. Often their belief can wrap us in warmth, bolster us, and offer us a supportive hand to grab onto until we can regain our own support. Having that special person who believes in our abilities and our worth is a wonderful gift. But when we are feeling unworthy, it may be difficult to take in something so precious. We may even feel like we need to do it all on our own and that we shouldn’t be asking for help. However, in letting their belief and support impact you, you are acknowledging the part of yourself that knows you are worthy of trust and esteem. By allowing them to believe in you, your own belief in yourself and your abilities will start to emerge again. Borrow their vision, and you can make it your own.
If your special someone is not there to spur you on, you also can lift yourself up with the gift of a positive image. When you feel uncertain, you can create a vision of the future you desire that will serve as a beacon of light. To do so, simply imagine a future that is exactly as you’d like it to be. Imagine in detail how you feel, what you are doing, and how others are responding to you. Make your vision as real as possible, and allow your doubts to recede so you can focus solely on the goal you seek. The more intently you focus on the image of what you want, your belief in yourself will step to the forefront, making it easier for the universe to open up a path and guide you. AMEN! ✨✨
Good day in the ‘burgh and I hope this day finds you doing well. 😘💕😎✨
Enjoy this time with your mother and sister. 😘✨🌹
Spring is tomorrow and I am looking forward to it.
Blowing a warm OZ breeze to you and Jake’s Canvas. 😘✨
Good morning in S. Cali how are things going for you and your family?
Here is to a nice Sunday the day before spring. 😎😘
I wonder what you will see along the trails today. Happy Trails To You. 💕
Good day on the Gulf Coast of Florida. ✨😎🌹Oodie how are things going today?
I hope you have a light schedule today.I hope Spectrum have you up and running as far as your service goes.
Enjoy your visit with your husband today and I hope they find the source of the itch.
Oodie that itch can be annoying I had it due to medicine when I was in the hospital
one year. Yikes!How is the MB looking and I hope it looks fantastic with all the work you have put into it. ✨✨
Take it easy today if you can. 🌹
Good afternoon in Florida and I hope this is a good day for you and your husband.🌹
Enjoy the cooking and the food.I will be in and out today OZ has some sun and it feels great. 😎 Wishing you a great spring
which starts tomorrow. I hope we can turn off the heat here in OZ.I want to open the windows and get fresh air all through the house. ✨✨
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Good morning Peeps may this day find you all in our wonderful community doing well. 😎✨🌹
Spring will be here tomorrow. 💕 -
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6,375 Replies
07.18.23 7:56 PM
14 Participants