Conversation – 17
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 17 out of the series. I created and started this thread nearly 8 years
ago. I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Good evening to you. It is absolutely gorgeous in Florida. Temps are in the 70s and no humidity. You and yours may consider a mini vacation away from the doldrums of the cold and snow. Just a thought.
I know your mom and sis are planning a cruise in a few months. I am not going to say to cancel, but to keep an eye on the existing ones. Living in Florida, even during the winter months, has it’s perks and one of them is cruising. However, I just read the news where the Norwegian Cruise Lines are about to reach Louisiana with 10 people on board with Covid. I imagine the other thousand or so passengers will have to quarantine upon arrival. I do not know if they were vaccinated prior to the trip. As far as I can ascertain, the cruise line took every precaution possible. All passengers had to wear their masks while aboard, kept their hands washed and were six feet from the people behind them, in front and to the side. I know your mom is the spunky one, so just keep an eye out, especially with the new variation, Omnicom?
Also, I will be getting the booster. Will do this prior to the mam. Though our physician doesn’t think there will be a problem because it is a lower dosage, I will wait the 4-12 weeks in between.
If I can get an earlier appointment, then will do the opposite.Hope your husband’s tests came back OK. Take care.
I didn”t realize just how tired my body was until this weekend. I certainly made up for all those hours of no sleep. No work has been accomplished as yet. Well, if you call putting a square of something into the washing machine and then turning the knob to clean, guess that’s something.
Since we both ate a late breakfast that was past lunch time, I surmise either a salmon or tuna salad will be dinner.
I was about to return my 10″ Kindle to Amazon when I decided to work on it. Had a nice chat with their customer service department last week. I could not get past the ads. I kept seeing a calculator that didn’t add, subtract, multiply or divide. All you could do was punch a number and then hit the X. Even the customer service techs could not figure out what to do. A return label was sent to my e-mail. Everything was in the box. Even made a copy of the return label after working on the printer for most of yesterday. Affixed the label to the box and afterwards I had a change of heart. After fiddling with it for a few minutes I was able to get it back to factory. Went through all the hoops and whistles, and it is working fine. Even the battery is alive and well. Go figure. Last night I had no sound. Today, the sound is purrrrfect. Guess it is a keeper for now.
Hubby’s physical therapy is tomorrow afternoon. He is not to happy. But, it is helping. Though he still uses a cane when walking a distance, his gait is better and he claims that the pain in his knee is feeling better. His mind seems to be clearer as well. I am praying that this will continue and not be for a short duration. I can honestly say I am enjoying the improvements. And, as of yesterday, he is drinking more fluids. More trips to the “library,” where I left a few magazines.
Will check on the washing machine. Next is the dishwasher. By the way, for the dishwasher is use the extra strength vinegar which you can purchase from Dollar Tree. I throw a cup into the dishwasher and then put it through it’s regular wash as if the dishes were inside. Takes a while, but the clean smell makes it all worthwhile and the machine looks brand new.
Me thinks that it is time to earn my keep. Have a great day. It is gorgeous in Florida. Temp in the 70s and no humidity. Too cool for a swim, but great for walking on the sand and sticking your toes in the Gulf. Got up too late to enjoy this. See what time we finish tomorrow and how hubby feels following the therapy. Don’t overdo anything. Tomorrow is another day.
Good Afternoon Oodiebom, how are you and your husband doing today? I am glad your husband is eating better. How is the Ninja, coming up with all kinds of ideas?
Odie, I admire your courage, you are so strong. I know sometimes all we can do is place one foot in front of the other and move forward. You do so much, always have a full plate.I hope 2022 brings the change for the better many Psychics are saying. I hope you get a bit of that change and have an easier year, more relaxed and not so much going on. We all need a year with some change for the better. A stronger year of good vibes.
Have a great week Oodie, and take care.
We Are All Connected
Being aware of the connection between all things can help you in terms of the broader effect you may be creating.
There are times when we may feel disconnected from the world. Our actions can seem like they are of no major consequence, and we may feel like we exist in our own vacuum. Yet, the truth is that our simplest thought or action — the decisions we make each day, and how we see and relate to the world — can be incredibly significant and have a profound impact on the lives of those around us, as well as the world at large. The earth and everything on it is bound by an invisible connection between people, animals, plants, the air, the water, and the soil. Insignificant actions on your part, whether positive or negative, can have an impact on people and the environment that seem entirely separate from your personal realm of existence. Staying conscious of the interconnection between all things can help you think of your choices and your life in terms of the broader effect you may be creating.
Think of buying a wooden stool. The wood was once part of a tree which is part of a forest. A person was paid to fell the tree, another to cut the wood, and yet another to build the stool. Their income may have had a positive effect on their families, just as the loss of the tree may have had a negative impact on the forest or the animals that made that tree their home. An encouraging word to a young child about their special talent can influence this person to develop their gift so that one day their inventions can change the lives of millions. A poem written “merely” to express oneself can make a stranger reading it online from thousands of miles away feel less alone because there is someone else out there who feels exactly the way they do.
Staying conscious of your connection to all things can help you think of your choices in terms of their impact. We are powerful enough that what we do and say can reverberate through the lives of people we may never meet. Understanding that you are intimately connected with all things and understanding your power to affect our world can be the first step on the road to living more consciously. 😘✨✨
Good Morning in California and I am praying all is well with your family. 🌹
Sending Kitty Hugs. 😘 -
Good afternoon in the beautiful ‘burgh. 😘✨How are you and hubby today?
Prayers are being said for your BIL. 🌹How is your mother feeling today. Lady she has more energy and zest for life than
anyone I know at any age. 😎🌹Go Mom. ✨I hope this day finds you doing well. 😘✨
Howdy in Texas enjoy the season with your family. I would like to know how you are doing.
Drop in when you can. ✨😘Give Jewell and Little D a nice Oz pet. 😘✨ -
Good Afternoon Sheba, I hope you are feeling better today from all that work yesterday.
I think I over worked my hubby that is up and down the latter.
I too enjoyed a nice warm shower with my Perlier to relax the muscles. The hip is another thing, lately it has been giving lots of pain.
It’s a nice day today, full of sunshine, puffy clouds and no humidity.
Enjoy your Sunday Sheba, take care. -
Good morning in S. California. 😘✨How are you today Taci? Oz is alright we are in the
50’s right now. I plan to still do projects. 😜Enjoy the season and I hope you have a great hike I love how in just minutes you can drive
anywhere in your area and come upon something different and beautiful. 😘Happy Holidays. 😘✨
Good afternoon on the Gulf Coast. 😘😎I did read your post from last night.
Oodie your hands are full that is for sure. How are you and your husband today?I hope you are putting your Ninja to good use and your husband is enjoying
your treats. Oodie do you use bottled water? I ask that to see if your husband
can drink from a small bottle and you can keep track of how much he drinks.I was super busy yesterday and looks like I will be again today I know one step at a time. ✨✨
Oodie I did leave a response to your post from last night.Oodie I hope the image above reminds you of your homes in the North. 😎😘✨
Good afternoon in Florida. I hope you did not overdo projects like I did yesterday. 😜
Sometimes we just want to get it done. I still have things to do today but will take my
sweet time. ✨I do feel better I took a nice long Korres Shower and Korres has the HSN TS.😘😎I am a skin girl I use Beekman, Skinn and Perlier also among others. Korres in stocked in my
bathroom like a beautiful boutique. 💕Well here is to a good day and to baking. 😜😘
Happy Holidays and may this season be a great one for you and your family. Stay
safe and warm in Maryland. ✨ -
Happy Holidays. ✨✨
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
17,512 Replies
01.09.23 4:32 PM
20 Participants