Good Evening Trivia Players: As of now I have not heard anything back from either the Arcade Team or the MODS pertaining to our game tonight. I did post another inquiry a few days ago with Customer Service in their thread. There has been no response. It seems that the only thing the MODS can do is to relay our concerns directly to the Arcade Team. I would think with all the questions that have been posted by our regulars and with those that use our thread but stay behind the scenes, it would be a common courtesy to respond. I can only say, at this point, we will not know until the 8 pm hour or soon thereafter. Sorry, I cannot give you additional info. However, on the bright side, it is always great to look forward to Friday nights to be with friends through thick and thin and make our own good time.
It’s now nearing that 8:00 pm hour. Hmm.. it’s Friday night…… Time for Trivia
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
Daphne from live chat just told me to call her supervisor @ 1 800 933 2887 ..when I clicked help the same number popped up. 🙄
Hi Boot. The phone number is the one I always use for customer service when I purchase on line. We could try it, but doubt it will do much good. Then, on the other hand, good to try since they are internet savvy.
I sent a new message to Customer Service telling them trivia has not worked for 4 weeks, said they would pass it on, maybe they will get sick of hearing from us & fix it. Not good service for sure.
Thanks chewfg. I feel there is more to this since some of the games in the Arcade are still not working properly. Not sure if there is a game this week. Also hoping that because so many weeks have crept by, that maybe, just maybe, when we are up and running, there will be added tickets to our score. Also wish that the Arcade people were more opened to us. It sure would stop the screaming and frustration we all have felt over the past few weeks. Again, thank you for posting your thoughts to the customer service thread.
Congrats I am so happy for your family I have been waiting ever since you said the baby
was due. Today I posted on another thread it would happen today and it did.Congrats now get some sleep you will need it. 😎💕
Well sheba you were so right about the baby coming soon..it was on March 24th ,wednesday.So funny how I remember giving birth to my daughter on a wednesday at about the same time in 1989..5:45ish pm so cool
Hello all..3time grandma here..brand new baby grandaughter born this past wednesday!!!🤱 She is healthy and so is mama( my daughter) who now has a girl and her older brother 32months(2 3/4) years old.Life is beautiful! 7lbs 10ozs 20in long ,much bigger than older brother at birth.She was 2wks past due date! Home birth was preferred because of covid-19..but everyone is safe🙏🍾💐👨👩👧👦 night all.I did get all the answers,perfect game score lol
Tonight may not have been all that was meant to be, however, the best part was saying hello to new and old friends. Even though Trivia did not materialize, I think we made our own good time. Maybe one of these days we can make our own Trivia game when one is not around.
Next week we celebrate a couple of holidays. I wish you a Happy Passover and a Happy Easter. Even though we are all sick of wearing masks, washing hands and practicing social distancing, remember that not everyone has had their first vaccine yet. Please, until the Pandemic is no more, please continue to follow the rules. It is important for you to be safe and to feel safe. Hopefully, I will see you here next week, same time, same place. Take care of yourselves. Pleasant dreams. Good night.
Thanks Oodiebom for hosting. I hope HSN does not do away with the community chat, so many nice people in here! Have a good evening!
@oodiebom goodnight and thank you for a fun evening it really was. .😘💕🌹
Goodnight to all the Trivia Players look up in the sky tonight and see a beautiful full
moon but the best view is the 28th. I am a moon watcher and I never miss any Moon Watch. 😘💕-
Good night Sheba. Last night looked like early morning in Florida. Will look forward to the full one in a couple of days. Thank you so much for the help. I love your drinks. But as you know I do enjoy the teas and lemonades. Have a great evening. Good night. Stay safe
Goodnight, moonbeam! 🌛🌚🌕
Good night xango. Have a great weekend. Don’t overdo the planting. No rain in sight so no aches and pains. Enjoy the weather. Hope to see you soon.
Thank you OODIEBOM for hosting and for all the work you do here for us all.
Sheba, Rosatowwen and Fbn135 it was nice talking to everyone.
I hope you all have a great weekend. Full moon on the 28th I think, it sure look beautiful here in the sky. Good time to plant, I planted some potatoes. My herbs are coming back too.
Good night everyone, stay safe.-
Goodnight to another moonbeam! 🌛🌕 🌱🌿🌷
Thanks also to Pookie and Sweeney for their notes to the customer service thread. Similar response to both.
I again checked the customer service thread and found the following response from Angela.
“HSN_Angela Moderator 34 mins ago”
“Believe me, I share your frustration, @oodiebom! Rest assured, this has been reported and escalated. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding. We are working on this and hope to see an update soon.”
ODDIEBOOM, I appreciate all your work and enjoy reading. This group here makes me laugh. My wife will join you soon again. She is shopping!
If someone can get this hiccup fixed is you! Thank you and we adore you!
Have a wonderful evening and see you soon again!😊😴-
John, I take it she is watching that other channel. Tomorrow will be your lucky day. It ends tomorrow.
Hi Shebs, that cold, tall glass of beer is perfect for a day like today. Its 91 degrees out there. I hope you are doing well.
Sheba, just what I need…..cold and delicious.
It looks like tonight is a bust. Sweet dreams my friend. ♡
Same to you my friend!!!
If you scroll down I left you a little something too. 😎
Are we keeping you awake FBN. Bored already……….poor thing………
Thanks…I love a good beer!!!
Thanks Sheba, next round please🍻
Thank you! You are a great hostess! 😊
hmm, wonder if Sheba has something that can give you the extra punch>>>>>>>
Good evening everyone! Looked over the GIF’s, I always enjoy them! Looks like Trivia is not available, again.
Hi Gabbie. No game, but did receive a response from the MODS. I posted it. Hopefully, we will have a game soon. Next week is a Holiday, but will be here just in case we do have a game up and running. It certainly will be a welcome break.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
100 Replies
04.02.21 5:39 PM
21 Participants