Forum Replies Created
Aries_girl, I don’t get a password issue but yes, I still get the 400 flashing to clear cookies and cache almost daily and it’s getting old.
Sheba, very nice set! I have looked at that ring over the years in many colorways, but haven’t purchased it. At least not yet. The one pictured is great for Spring.
If I am correct yo have the ring in at least one color way. 🙂 -
Sheba, yah, child with his father who threw the ball and then says is that why my wife is always mad at me? Yah, we have stories. Nice people though.
We had a rainy day and expect more rain for the next few days. I went on the treadmill at the gym and enjoyed it.
Sounds like our husbands both are tool guys and do-it-yourself types.
The flowers are lovely.
Enjoy your house projects. -
If only I had room for this item…
Sheba, glad you had a good laugh! Sounds like you understand.
Did you have the neighbor who came over with his son and tossed a football around, yah, inside!
You know I stopped that right away. My son would never have even thought to do that in the house. People live differently.
Sounds like Oodie is making progress with her projects.
Hiking was cool with blue sky’s. No one out. Wonder if it was the time change. I feel it change a bit. -
Sheba, Hello this Sunday. Cleaned up my closet a bit and it’s much better.
Oodie’s story about the wife checking out her house reminded me of when my son was younger and his friends Mother stopped by my house on her way home from work for about 1 week straight. I thought it was odd but didn’t say anything because I didn’t really mind. Well, she always had to use the bathroom after arriving. You know where this is going right? Then she would compliment the bathroom decor and ask where certain items were from. I didn’t give specifics. Anyways her kid liked the bathroom decor and she remodeled her upstairs which included the…wait for it…. THE BATHROOM. Same theme as mine. I wish she was transparent about it as I would have been helpful but she was sneaky. Yah, you know the Mother who kids throw up at home and goes to child care sick. That Mother. Her kid was nice though. 🙂
Whats going on in Shebaland? Any new HD items? -
Sheba, hope its warming up in Oz. I saw your note and you really are a sweet thoughtful person.
I drove to hike and after a while turned back and headed to the gym and walked and ran a bit on the treadmill. My son Mtn bikes in a different location but mentioned seeing a coyote and I just wasn’t in the mood to worry about a bobcat, coyote or snake. It’s snake season.
Sounds like Iman is retiring from HSN. I didn’t see this in-person but read a thread on here.
I wish her well and know many will miss her.
Have a great evening! -
Sheba, wow! such a nice anniversary celebration!
54 years is a long time to be married.
Nice party thread! -
Sheba, a beautiful cake for a wonderful couple!
I wish I could think of this type of decoration. -
Sheba, a white room sounds interesting, like a blank pallet. Did you have posters on the walls?
Today we had some rain so I went to the gym on the treadmill but it’s not the same as hiking, but enjoyable since I watched some videos.
Sounds like you’re planning to plant soon. It should be fun!
Oodie, Wishing you and your husband a Happy 54th Anniversary!
good one!
Sheba, the flowers look lovely, and yellow is one of my favorite colors, although I don’t ever wear it. Growing up, I had a yellow carpet and yellow and cream a Thomasville furniture set.
The bedspread and curtains were green with butterflies. Yup, the 70’s! Great for fun fashion and back then I had a pair of yellow stretch pants with a rainbow waistband, bell bottoms too. It’s so fun!
Yes, those Polish Paczki look so good. The Poles know how to eat.
Sorry you had a power outage. I know you can deal with it but it’s not too convenient.
We had some rain here late afternoon and it will be on and off throughout the night.
Yes, I did some Anthony Bourdain as well. Very talented and gone too soon.
He seemed to have had an interesting life. -
Sheba, crazy day! Those Paczi look delicious. I don’t recall seeing those around. We tried Perogi, Potato Pancake dish, beets and beet soup. Now I have to go back 🙂
Glad you were able to get out with Poppy.
I had some yard work to do. Tried to remove a fruit tree that never grew. Most of it is gone but I might need hubs to help later. -
Sheba, son is busy working and thinking about his next trip abroad.
We always learn so much from his travels. We went to Poland because of him and it was one of the best vacations for us all and we hope to go back.
On the hike today I thought I spotted a Coyote on the path ahead and it was moving quickly towards me. I back tracked, heart racing, and found a few people to walk near. I think what I saw turned out to be an off leash dog, about the same size as a coyote. The dog was very friendly and I think that was what was moving towards me. I’ll take that any day. I don’t usually see critters on the busy paths. We had a lovely clear day. Supposed to rain maybe Wednesday.
How are your walks going with Poppy? Are you able to get out?
Thanks for the Fashion Show. Some of those dresses are real artwork.
Adding, caught the last of Heidi Daus’s show. I didn’t realize she was on today.
Did anything catch your eye (or everything :))?