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Good afternoon to you, wishing all good news coming your way.🤞 Getting your weather tomorrow, its supposed to get nasty later in the day with snow/ice.😝 I’m sure you can guess what I’d like to do to the groundhog.
Prayers for your SIL and her family, I hope she has an easier day tomorrow.🙏💕 Mom not feeling too good the last couple days, I hope she’s just run down from the trip. Making soup and salad for dinner today.🥣🥗
Sending lots of love and hugs from me and Jake.🤗💖
Like you, we had a nice warm day and it will be back in the 30’s tomorrow. All the snow finally melted in my yard, I’ll probably see green grass for a day or two.😊
Not much happening for a Monday which I like to start the week off. I hope it’s a calm week for a change for all of us.😌
Sending love and hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖
You are right, my sister said the exact same thing yesterday. And they missed all the snow and minus temperatures here. Someone was looking down on them six months ago when they booked it!
Taking it easy Sunday for me. The roast is cooking and the aromas are floating around the house. This is always at least a two day meal so no cooking tomorrow, yay!😊
Grammy’s tonight – I hope the winners are artists I recognize. I know I’m getting old when they announce a name and I say “who”???🙄 Looking forward to your fashion show.
Thanks for the pretty martini, I’ll save it for tonight.🍸 Lots of hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖
Spent the afternoon at mom’s listening to stories, looking at what she bought and a few pictures. She is too funny – told me she was all liquored up!🤣 Had a Black Russian every night to help her sleep and a few other drinks I never heard of during the cruise. Mom is tipsy after one drink, lol! They had a real good time.🛳
Made some coleslaw and a quick sandwich for dinner.🥪 Tomorrow I will make a roast with potatoes and carrots in the crockpot which will make the kitchen smell great.
Like you, TV is on but not watching the news. I am almost afraid to turn it on. Guess we’ll watch some hockey tonight, our team is so horrible.😖 Have a relaxing evening, love and hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖
Thanks for asking about my husband. He is doing well. He had Mohs surgery on his temple and one ear. The ear also got a skin graft which takes longer to heal but it is getting there. I hope that’s it for now.
As I was scrolling, I stopped and said “oh my” before I even saw your comment, LOL! Evidently, the owner of this kitchen no longer cooks.
The ‘burgh is the same as Oz, rain and fog all day.🌧 Glad it’s not snow.
Talked to sis this morning, plane was a little late yesterday so they didn’t land until 11:00PM. Stayed at the hotel and got home around noon today. I will probably stop there tomorrow or Sunday.
Not much planned for the weekend. Having pizza for dinner today.🍕 Probably watch some golf and hockey with hubs.🏌️♂️🏒 Hang in there, hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖
Nice day today, rain coming in overnight.🌧 Some grass is starting to peek through the snow.
Same plans as you for dinner. Hubs met his sister for lunch and he brought me home dinner so I didn’t have to cook.😊
Hope your town is getting the TB under control. Scary stuff, no place is safe anymore. Prayers for the victims and families of the DC tragedy.🙏😥 Another big why???
Take it easy tonight, too many things to stress over. Love and hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖
Hi in Oz. Glad you feel better. There are so many viruses and illnesses now that if you cough or sneeze, its like take a guess what you might have.🤧 I hope mom and sis are okay after being around all those people on the boat for 16 days.🙄
Weather a little nicer today, ran out and did some errands.🏃♀️ Making salads for dinner.
I think you said awhile back but I can’t remember, how many treatments is your SIL getting? I do remember that it is on Wednesdays. Still saying prayers.🙏
Have a nice evening, healthy hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖
Good afternoon to you. Different states – I love it!!😂 You have so much family in so many states that there is probably at least one fan for every NFL team.🏈 Forget the family – you have me.
Glad your weather is better. We should get to 40 by Thursday. Mom and sis get back real late on Thursday so it will be chilly at night. They are staying at a hotel near the airport and driving to mom’s in the morning on Friday. But 40 is better than 4!🥶
Getting ready to cook some chicken for dinner. Sending love and hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖
Hope you feel better. I have been sneezing a lot today but don’t feel bad so I hope it is something in the air and goes away.🤧
My husband was like your sister. He said I guess I’ll be rooting for Philly – he does like KC but said it’s time for a different team to win. Looks like we will be watching in separate rooms in two weeks.🙄 I read Tay’s dad is a die-hard Eagle fan so that will be an interesting box, he will most likely be outnumbered. And I wonder which side Jason Kelce will be on.
Sun is out🌞for a change and about 36, more snow showers overnight and early tomorrow morning.❄ Seems like a long winter to me.
Sending you and Poppy winning hugs from me and Jake.🤗💖
This is priceless – almost fell off my chair laughing!🤣🤣🤣
I did see some videos of the much needed rain – some people were happy, some were worried about mudslides. Does it ever end? Breaks my heart.
This puts a smile on my face, make it happen! Your husband has been away from home too long and I bet he has a smile on his face right now, too.😊😊😊 Bless you both.