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We hit 72 today, warmest day of the year. Hubs put the screen in the kitchen window and had the deck door open all afternoon. Hope whatever flew or crawled in doesn’t get me tonight, lol!🦟🐝 Saw my resident groundhog for the first time this year.
Spent the afternoon at mom’s. Got rid of her Christmas poinsettias and helped her with writing checks. Her hand isn’t real steady due to arthritis. Talked to sis and she is getting a lot done at home that needs done.
How is your SIL doing? Is she still scheduled for surgery this month?🙏💗
You and Poppy have a great walk this evening, sending lots of hugs.🤗💖
Spring is here at least for this week.🌷🌼🌻 I know you are enjoying the nice weather as much as I am.🌞
Did laundry and other chores around the house. Stopping at mom’s tomorrow. Making chicken and a side for dinner.
Have a relaxing evening, sending sunny hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖
Hi my friend, beautiful day, beautiful week ahead.🌞 Hubs already went out and did some lawn work.
Have leftover Chinese for dinner today. Mom went to one of her lunches with friends so I know she will eat and she always brings food home so she should be good for today/tomorrow. Not quite sure what I will be doing with her this week.
Enjoy your spring weather, I’m sure Poppy is happy he doesn’t have to put boots on his tootsies.🐾 Sending spring hugs to you both.🤗💖
Sorry I’m a little late but happy 54th to you both!🥂 I hope you had a nice day. Sounds like there will be more celebrations soon when Mr. Oodie finally comes through the door!✨🎉🥰
Happy Saturday to you. Woke up to about 1-1/2 inches of snow.❄ Sun came out and it is now gone. We will have a warm week ahead, 60-70 the whole week. This better be the last I see of snow! I hope Oz is nice and calm this weekend.
Had a long, busy mom Friday and pretty much collapsed on the couch. When sis is here, I’m not used to being on my feet most of the day.🏃♀️ Got through it but taking it easy today.
Hubs ran out and picked up Chinese for dinner so I don’t have to cook.🥡 You and Poppy enjoy your walks, Jake and I sending huge hugs.🤗💖
We are 30 degrees colder today than yesterday and snow showers on and off.🥶❄ I already have some buds on a few trees.
Did a little cleaning this morning and ran to the store. Going to mom’s all day tomorrow for her hair appointment and whatever else she needs done. Sis made sure she has enough choices for meals but when she isn’t there, mom doesn’t like to cook so I need to make sure she eats.
Cough is much better but still lingering.🤧 Sending warm spring hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖
I am also getting the same “file too large” message. Missed out on some sale prices because I couldn’t open to order.
On and off rain and warm in the ‘burgh today. No severe storms yet but the day isn’t over.⛈ We may have some snow showers tomorrow. Hope all is well at your house after the power outage and you, hubs and Poppy aren’t frozen popsicles.🍧 Always something…..
Been running since about 7:00 this morning so I am ready to sit still. Having a quick, throw this and that together dinner. After that, I’m done for the day.
Hang in there, spring is on the way. Lots of hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖
Good afternoon in Oz. Beautiful day here, warm with the sun shining. Tomorrow we may have strong storms like you.⛈ Colder and snow showers later in the week. We always seem to be a day or two after you.
Sis is back in CA, all went well with her flight for a change. Had a busy day yesterday back and forth with various things so a tad tired today.🥱 Taking hubs tomorrow for a test and then up to mom’s. I will be movin’ and groovin’. We both still have a slight cough, comes and goes, seems like we’ve had this forever.🙄
Enjoy your walk with Poppy later. Sending lots of hugs from me and Jake.🤗💖
Good Sunday afternoon, nice sunny day for a change but still chilly.🌞 Just put my turkey breast in the oven for dinner.
Sis leaves tomorrow afternoon and will be back in a month. I will definitely miss her. I just hope me or hubs don’t give mom whatever we have.🤧 I stayed away from her house at least three weeks now. Glad your husband is much better.😊
Look forward to your Oscar party. Sending award show hugs (there will be plenty of those) to you and Poppy.🤗💖
Like Oz, the ‘burgh is cold and windy with snow showers. No wonder we are all sick with these crazy temperature changes. Hope your husband feels better asap.🤞 So many germs floating around right now.
Nothing planned this evening, going to relax with hubs and the TV.☕📺 Sending early spring hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖
Nice day in the ‘burgh but, like you, we will be colder over the weekend and next week. Winter is not gone yet!🥶
Thanks for the shoutout. They lost their last four games so wasn’t optimistic. But at least it wasn’t a boring game where they got blown out. Hubs has been to four games that went to overtime this year.
Sis leaves on Monday for a whole month. She hasn’t been home since last August so she needs to get some things done.🥰 Still having a rough time at night sleeping and coughing so I’ve been dragging.😖 Did some grocery shopping this morning and ordering pizza for dinner.🍕 BTW, REALLY enjoyed my eggs yesterday!
Sending loads of hugs to you, Poppy and the kitties.🤗💖
Good afternoon, glad you feel better and back to normal. As we age, every day is a new experience, lol!😅 Tell Poppy I hope he gets a special treat on National Small Dog Day.🐶🦴 You are like me with the animals – they all seem to gravitate to us. That’s why I volunteered all those years before my knees started to hurt.
Hubs going to the hockey game tonight.🏒 He’ll probably come home rolling his eyes they are doing so horrible. Only way left for them is up. I only have to cook for me for dinner so I think I will splurge and have something with eggs, yay!🍳
I saw some snippets that Travis will be back. I figured he wouldn’t leave on a terrible game note. I’m sure everyone is KC is happy.😊
Take it easy today, sending tons of hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖
Hi Sheba, hope you feel better by this evening. Rest and relax with your boy by your side.🤗💖
Happy Tuesday on the island of Oz, lol!🏝 Enjoy that 60 degrees, we are cloudy and about 50.
Getting ready to cook up some mushrooms and onions for hamburgers.🍔 Lots of aromas in the kitchen.
I feel a little better today, hopefully tomorrow won’t be worse with this back and forth. Since me and hubs both have it, who knows how long we can give it back to each other.🙄 Will be thinking of your SIL and family tomorrow.🙏
Have a great day in the sun and heat with all your critters. Spring hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖