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Our Farmer’s Market is trying to keep prices down wherever possible. Eggs at Aldi’s is over $6/doz.
And speaking of farmers. Legislature in Florida are taking up some of the farmer’s request to take Almond milk off the shelves. It’s about the only thing I can drink that has low calories and no allergic reaction. Farmers are saying that almonds are not milk.I am going to get those meds now. So far I am headache free. That was not the case yesterday on my way to visit hubby. By the time I parked the car, I am still asking myself how I made it. Poor hubby, all he could do was hold my hand until I felt better. By the way, on my way home two or three days ago, I was at a traffic stop when a man was trying to get into people’s cars. Seeing what was happening, I immediately locked the doors and made sure the windows were up. This is one time I will be thankful for “springing ahead.”
Just a reminder that Heidi will be on in a couple of hours………I will watch the video. Have tons to do before visiting hubby.
I normally enjoy shopping at the Farmer’s Market on a late Saturday afternoon. Plenty of parking and no lines. Well, yesterday was a different story. The line of cars trying to find parking took me by surprise. So I did an alternative route which gave me a great parking space near the checkout area. The place inside was something else. Lines down an aisle and up another. I tried to purchase Romaine lettuce for $.99 each. All that was left were the ones that were frost bitten or too small for the price. However, what they did have was my favorite scallion. These are huge, round onions with the green stems. I use every bit of this onion and they are sweet. You can usually find them this time of year. The greens I use for salads, in sour cream or cream cheese for flavor. Definitely in rice and potatoes for flavor and as a garnish. My mom used to pickle the scallions and they were delicious. But, today, I can no longer eat what mom made due to sulfites. I also shopped for the receptionist and when done I used one of the bags from HSN with an ice pak. She was so appreciative when I delivered everything but the Romaine. Will go back either tomorrow or Tuesday. It took me a good fifteen minutes to drive out of the parking lot. I did purchase a strawberry cheesecake for hubby. I loved watching him eat and when he reached the bottom took a finger to get what was left in the container. “The best he ever had,” he said. Since strawberries are now in season in Florida, I will buy another. They also had strawberry milkshakes and strawberry smoothies on sale. The ice cream is all homemade. Made fresh daily. You can gain 10 lbs. just by looking at the desserts.
I’m happy that your hubby is feeling better and that the pills are working. This season is just as bad as last year. I will be picking up the meds today. I tried yesterday, but the pharmacy was closed by the time I arrived. So far, no headache. But the afternoon is just getting started.
Have a great Sunday and then some. Soup sounds good. I’ll be at your house in a few minutes. Have broom will travel.
I think I mentioned last night that I wish our pharmacy had delivery service. These headaches have kept me from getting the necessary prescript. Yes, a neighbor could have gone, but they would need proof of name and address and other pertinent info. Not worth the aggravation.
Hubby is doing OK. I hope I will be able to take him out and about this week on a road trip. The physical therapy people will help him in and out of the vehicle. Actually, he really wants to go into Costco and the Farmer’s Market. I do not know if that would be possible. It would be a nice surprise if it can happen. Then again, there are some services that may be able to help. I have seen some out and about. However, in most cases it is for doctor appointments.
One of the receptionist’s has been working 10 hour days. Two people have quit and it seems for medical reasons. One has had surgery and is recovering. The other has a clot near the lung that needs surgery. However, the insurance company from the Rehab says meds are the best way. However, the meds are not working and she is a living time bomb at this point. She is the sole support of a 5yr. old who is cute as a button. Anyway, I just got off the phone with the only receptionist. I will be picking up some food that she needs from the Farmer’s Market. It’s the least I can do.
Well onward and out. Time to dress and do my thing. So far, no headache. Hope to pick up the much needed meds. Those trees are starting to wake up. Everything is starting at the same time. It’s a wonder that your hubby didn’t have problems until now. Hope he feels better soon. Nothing like having chills, headaches and other things going at the same time. The atmosphere is changing. I think it’s called “Climate Change.”
I phoned the doctor’s office this past Monday and on Wednesday received a call from the pharmacist that the prescript was ready. Unfortunately, these sinus headaches has made it impossible to drive or to do anything. The pharmacist phoned this morning when I was feeling OK, but I did let them know that I was not about to drive. Wish they had delivery service and recommended it to them.
These headaches come at all hours. Day and night. No happy medium. I walked into hubby’s room and he knew immediately that a headache was starting. I have been away from the computer for a few days to give my eyes a rest. Right now I am OK. I took my sinus meds and they took the heat off. I was finally able to drive home. Right now I cannot wait to get into bed. Have a nice evening and stay well.
Today was the first day without a headache. Yesterday, was awful. Around 7 pm it started and I immediately rushed to down the meds. Fell asleep and arrived home at 10:45pm. This is all do to the tree pollen., which could be the cause of yours.
I made a brief stop at Aldi’s for water. Just didn’t feel like driving to Costco. Also wanted to stop at the Farmer’s Market, but I was running late. I will go there tomorrow. or at least make an attempt. They have a pretty good ad this week. By the way, eggs at Aldi’s is now almost $6 and change for a dozen.
Your SIL is quite a trooper. I will continue to pray for her and to also send good vibes her way. I hope your brother is getting some help as well. Hope your day went well following the headache. I will be taking my sinus meds this evening and again in the am. They do help if you catch the pounding in time.
Just returned from being with hubby. Did t wo loads of laundry this morning and just brought the second load in from the dryer. I went to the Rehab early today because he was supposed to have an eye doctor appointment this afternoon. When I arrived the receptionist mentioned that there was no appointment scheduled. Mentioned that I had a phone call yesterday that spoke of the appointment for today. Geez, I wish this place would get t heir act together.
Yes, I am still getting those awful sinus migraines. I phoned the doctor’s office yesterday and have not heard from his assistant as yet. I have a feeling that he is vacationing this week. I have an appointment in a couple of weeks.
So cute that you are not only feeding the kitties, but an opossum is joining them as well. Better watch out. They have a tendency to become real friendly and love to cuddle. They may not look that great. but do love a good hand out when their food source is scarce. Hope you all have a great evening. I will be taking it easy tonight and will be going to sleep early. Pleasant dreams to you all.
Woke up to a migraine, took meds and went back to sleep. Now feeling OK. As I type we are seeing some heavy, much needed raindrops. It’s been a long, sunny winter without the much needed rain. This will not end the drought, but we will take whatever “Mother Nature” gives us. The temp is in the mid 60s. Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow as well. Good day for homemade soups.
I hope to visit the Farmer’s Market. I was not able to see hubby yesterday, but called in and was told our favorite aide was making his rounds. Hopefully, he will give hubby some much needed in between meal snacks. I still miss the RN who used to walk me to the car and return to work after I drove off. Another aide has quit along with a person at the reception desk.
As of two days ago, no glasses found. There is a possibility that the glasses were tossed. I doubt it. I think someone took them for the frames. Now I will need to make hubby an appointment for new frames.
By the way, did you ever try Chewy for the cat and dog food? HSN included a coupon in several of the packages. Since I do not have a dog or cat at the moment, I gave them to friends who may be able to use them.
I didn’t see hubby today. Instead, like you, had a migraine to beat the band. Still have the chills and slept most of the afternoon. I was able to put a nice dent in the kitchen. Found more for donations and an empty space for all the carry on I use for bringing hot and cold food to hubs. The cabinet above the microwave is perfect for all these essentials.
We are expecting some rain in a few hours that will last until late afternoon tomorrow. It also will mean no headaches for a few hours which is welcome news. The sap in those trees will do it every time.
Take care Sheba. Wonderful that those kitties returned for food and fuel. Wonder if they will become more friendly knowing you are watching out for them.. 50 degrees today for you. Now that’s a heat wave after suffering over a month with the below zeroes. Have a great evening. Me, I’m returning to the bed. The soup helped quite a bit. Good night. Pleasant dreams.
Shewbashew, I would go along with what Bobbie Ray Carter mentioned. An allergy to a cosmetic. She may have had a procedure that she had used prior without a problem. However, sometimes a manufacturer will change an ingredient and thus the result could be devastating. I am a person who suffers from food allergies. Consequently I need to read all labels. Something that I could eat suddenly causes my face to swell or to feel nauseous or both. The swelling to go down could take anywhere from 24 hours to a week. This is an item I could always eat without a problem. Why read the labels when you know it causes no harm. This is annoying not only to me, but the public as well who thinks my husband is abusing me. I cannot tell you how many times a policeman came to my door and arrested my husband without knowing all the facts. Unfortunately, for me, my food allergy also carries over to things I wear, soaps I use, shampoos and conditioners, cosmetics, and, yes, even towels and linens, all bedding as well. So stop bashing people when you do not know the cause. One change in an ingredient could be the cause of all evil.
Love the birds. We are starting to see some of the birds from the North. A few love climbing on our lanai screens to find bugs. They keep that up I won’t have to use the hose in a few weeks.
Hubby enjoyed Wonton Soup. It was loaded and he had no trouble downing all the goodies. I ordered a shrimp dish with veggies. I also gave some to hubby and will look at other items when I do some food shopping. He was able to eat everything. I did not cut the shrimp or the veggies into tiny pieces. He is so tired of food being pureed. He is having problems with his fingers in that he cannot use them. Consequently the muscles are starting to go. He is on iron pills, but I feel nutrients is the way to go on this one. I noticed a huge difference when I gave him all the meatballs from the grinder. Within twenty-four hours he was able to raise his hand and reach for an item on his movable tray. This is the first time in weeks. I think I will visit the Farmer’s Market tomorrow and get an idea of some food items that may help to get those vitamin levels where they should be. I am seeing more and more people saying that over-the counter vitamins are a health risk. This is getting scary. Oh yes, our pills for sinus problems just got testier as well. It may be causing dementia. Doctors should give a prescription. I’m smiling. How many prescriptions have side effects???? Enough said.
Did the kitties show for dinner tonight. I wonder if they did, if they asked for seconds……
Hi. A cool day in Florida with temps in the mid 60s. Temp will go down to somewhere in the 40s tonight. It was way too cold visiting hubby yesterday, but colder outside. Temp was in the high 40s when I left.
I am on my way to CVS for meds and then on to Chinese take out. Good day for soup for hubby and some shrimp for me. Hubby is doing OK. I managed to speak with someone yesterday on his prescription eyeglasses. All I can say is the hunt is on. I still feel that one of the aides took them, but cannot prove it. Then again, hubby has a habit of leaving them on his tray or in a shirt pocket and forgets about it. This part has been going on for years. He has a new roommate. This one loves TV and hubby is happy. Was able to watch “Two and a Half Men.” He was all smiles. I worked on a jigsaw in Kindle. And, yes, the room was icy. Even his roommate remarked. He may go home if it keeps up.
Guess spring is around the corner. See the planting season has begun. I have my eye on the multi colored butterfly plant. Checked some of the places here with no luck. Then again, it may be too early to plant. Well, now I am on my way. I hope all the kitties start showing up for food.
Wish they would like being indoors during the cold days. Have a great day. Hope your SIL is feeling OK following the treatment.