My Chief HSN Shoppers Complaint
Not having enough models on set to display all the choices. Mostly I see one or two color displayed then I have to imagine what the rest of the colors would look like on a body. The hostess holding the colors in hand is not enough visual information. I hope its not a policy.
when you buy things on tv and online you cannot see them. sometimes you are pleasantly surprised and sometimes you return. that’s the risk we all take.
I just ordered the bare trap boots that were on sale in navy. the navy is a jewel blue. GORGEOUS
i love the short booties great with jeans and navy slacks and leggings.
for 45.00 i got suede booties. love them. great purchase. i am wearing them for a few days to make sure they are wearing well. -
Amen. Color can make an item look very different and seeing all the colors on the models helps a great deal. Sometimes the same two models come out in the same colors repeatedly. It would make so much more sense for them to quickly change colors; I’m sure it wouldn’t take long and HSN could still use just the two models.
AMEN sistermarykate – you said what I was thinking. Exactly.
Conversation Info
Posted in Shoes
4 Replies
09.23.20 1:59 PM
4 Participants