Joy Mangano is Returning
I am very happy to hear of Joy’s return to HSN. Are there any customers such as myself that would love to see the return of her bed pillows? Joy, PLEASE bring back your bed pillows. I can’t find a replacement anywhere! It is the best pillow that I have ever had, and all of mine need to be replaced. I don’t want any other brand! I for one would be one happy camper. Thanks!
Her items for me were either a big hit or miss. I never bought the cleanser, even on clearance when she was leaving.
I am so glad she’s back, I just hope some of her other products return as well. The smell of the cleaner was ( to me ) horrific but other products I found exceptional, best pillow I ever had and the handbags with Iman, Beautiful !!!
I just got back an $8 “coupon” to HSN from the settlement regarding little steamers that didn’t work. I am “over Joy” ed.
I submitted paperwork for my little steamer settlement- they rejected it since I no longer had the steamers! They were either already tossed, donated- or my kids grabbed them! I couldn’t include pictures of the cut cord. Not a biggie missing out on $8.
So happy I am saving lots of money not watching HSN on the the second to the last day of their supposed birthday. Joy still yells, she still talks over the host, and her products are overpriced and mostly regurgitated garbage.
I like her hangers but what exactly makes these new ones anti microbial? I do not want chemicals on my clothes! Also, I only hang clean clothing in my closet… not sure if I will buy these and all her older ones are no longer except for major rip off prices on eBay, Postmark, etc…
Antibicrobial Silver Ion Technology is what makes these hangers antimicrobial. It is technology used in the space program. As a metal, silver is well known for its antimicrobial effects. Silver is known as one of the oldest microbial agents. Silver ions are thought to inhibit bacterial enzymes and bind to DNA. Silver has been used effectively againt different bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It is also used in the face masks.
Another cleaning product?!?!? That one a few years ago was a total disaster. And sorry but her voice is worse than fingernails on a chalkboard for me.
How is her new CleanBoss spray cleaner any different from what she offered before? It has the same disinfectant ingredient, thyme oil, but we can’t see the list of ingredients on the product page to know what else is in it. You can buy a similar cleaner in the grocery store by Seventh Heaven for less than $4 for a bottle slightly larger than hers. Don’t tell me what’s not in it, Joy, tell us what IS in it.
I have the Seventh Generation bottle of disenfectant (26 oz.) It has Thymol in it as well, but only 0.05% vs. 0.23% that Clean Boss has, however, the other 99.95% of the “Other Ingredients” are listed on Sevent Generation, not on Clean Boss. It also kills 99.99% of Bacteria and Viruses and is a No Rinse formula. I bought this when I couldn’t get Lysol or the Clorox Bleach wipes. The fragrance is strong, and I am used to Pine Sol and Bleach. Very herbacious, and I make sure windows/doors are open when using it.
tady, thanks for letting us know the comparisons between Joy’s CleanBoss cleaner and the Seventh Generation one. That definitely makes Joy’s cleaner have a higher concentration of the thyme oil, accounting for the strong scent. But why doesn’t she just explain this? And why doesn’t she show the label on the HSN site? It’s hard enough to read on her website with white type on a sky blue background, so why not just come out and say other commercially available cleaners do not have the same percentage of thyme oil, that’s why the scent is so strong, but that’s why it’s a GREAT antibacterial cleaner? I just wish they were more open about these facts. And I do thank you for noticing the difference in the concentration and letting us all know. Thank you!
labarge, those are all very good questions. At over 50,000 units sold, it will be interesting to see what the reviews say versus the last reviews with Miracle Clean. People should do their research, especially if “ALL” ingredients are not listed on a product, mentioned, or even advertised on the website/shopping channel that is selling them. Thymol is just 0.23% of the product, what about the other 99.77% you are spraying around your pets and family? Facts are important as we all know.
I still have several bottles of Miracle Clean and I don’t know why I haven’t thrown them away yet. The smell is just terrible…I sure hope Clean Boss has a better smell or even just fragrance free. I love my hangers from Joy but after Miracle Clean I lost all confidence. I’ll will wait on reviews.
You can see the list of ingredients on the label by going to the Clean Boss website. You can actually magnify the label. It is the same as Miracle Clean. Active Ingredient: Thymol 0.23% Other Ingredients: 99.77%. No mention of what the “Other Ingredients” are on the label. Looks the same as what was in the purple bottles she sold in the past if you go to ebay and look at the labels.
Doing happy dance to see she is back with the cleaner!!I stocked up on her last one and just opened my last bottle!Best cleaner ever and its non toxic!!Many loved the cleaner and had no problems with it…I already bought on A/D..I dont watch tv or shopping channels so wont be watching but wish her luck on her launch!
@flomo, Me too I love her cleaner, I to stocked up and just down to the last two bottles. I have about five tittle bottles. I purchased lots, and lots when they had it on clearance and free shipping at one time. Now I purchasing this jrw one. I ordered 8 in total. I received a coupon in the mail and cashed it in on this purchase.
I hope her cleaner is nothing like the one she sold before which literally made me sick. She needs to be upfront about whatever happened because so many people were effected. It will be interesting to see if she addresses the problem and hopefully thing one is better. TIme will tell.
I was surprised to see her return. I like her pillows and hangers but I am shocked to see the return of her cleaning product. There were so many complaints and people having an adverse reaction to the thymol in the product that it was downright scary. I did buy her cleaning product back then and hated it. The smell is overwhelming and unbearable. It will be interesting to see if she addresses any of the previous issues.
I don’t think I will ever get over the way she mislead us with the cleaner. She kept saying how nice the scents were. I think I bought 3 different scents. They all smelled the same- an awful, overpowering scent. I had to open windows the smell was so strong. I feel she just flat out lied to sell more products. I don’t think I’ll ever buy any of her products again.
And didn’t she have the little steamer too? I almost got burnt with that thing. Hot water started spurting straight out of it. I was afraid to use it again. They had a recall but you had to send pics that you cut the cord on it. Too late for me as it went in the trash years ago.
I on the other hand, Love, Love, Love her cleaner. Purchased the original, then purchased it again when it went on sale and clearance, got lots on free shipping too. Then when Covit came around I still had it. When Clorox Beach and wipes was no where to be found. Now I purchased the new and improved one. It’s great, easy and convenient to use.
Thanks for the warning. Can’t stand her screaming while selling her subpar products.
I almost fell off the couch. Personally, I will never buy any of her junk again, after multiple fails.
I hope Joy brings those pillows back also. They have been my favorite. Never had a more comfortable pillow.
I just saw the ad on HSN! I am thrilled she is coming back!! I can’t wait to see the new products she brings! Love JOY!!
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
25 Replies
11.17.21 1:15 AM
18 Participants