HSN shipping fees out of hand.
Been shopping HSN for decades. Never liked that they charge tax ON the shipping (tax should only be on the subtotal on the items bought) but I gave that battle up years ago. Now, many items have worked their way up to $7.50 shipping. One item. Each. If you want 2 of the same item , it’s $15. Come on! If I want to buy 10 different items in one HSN shopping spree, it’s $75! Are you serious?! I DO buy a lot, but I think my buying from HSN is coming to an end. There is no reason they can’t charge an entire order one flat fee. Should be FREE ship with over a certain dollar amount like most online retailers. Lately, I’ve been looking up the item I want that I’ve seen presented on air and see the exact same thing on Walmart, Target, Amazon etc, and got the shipping free. Bought it there. HSN and their ” other company” are too greedy anymore. Time to update your shipping policies HSN.
I have definitely cut my shopping with both companies due to the shipping costs. (And pricing)
I choose to shop when there is free shipping. Using *Google lens* points me to where better deals are offered.
I see both are attempting to offer coupon codes/percentages off….but only good on certain categories or up to a certain dollar amount…ie…20% off up to $25 for an order.
Or $5 off on 1 item….but yet incurring shipping. Per item.
I discovered the hard way, why some items that are on clearance for instance shoes/boots, recently. The manufacturer is obviously not in the USA any longer, and they are using inferior quality materials. The shoe bed is like walking on concrete. SO uncomfortable.
Wearing them (if I could get my feet in all pairs of boots) are cry worthy. I don’t normally carry a spare pair of shoes in the car with me. But I will after this last incident.
My feet hurt, throbbed, and had a heart beat in them for a full 2 days after this one night.
The footwear are being produced without any kind of comfort for the feet. This treatment WILL ruin your feet, if you wear torture on your feet, for too long. Guaranteed!!
When I ordered them, they were free shipping. I am new to this exchange/returning thing.
But IF I understood it correctly, I will be charged to use their return label AND a fee on top of that.
How this could make sense, OR is legal is beyond my thinking.
WHY is there no class action suit on HSN?
This is illegal.
Like mentioned above, the adding tax on shipping costs is unheard of, REALLY!
Knowingly selling faulty products just to gain more erroneous shipping charged BOTH WAYS is absolute robbery.
Needless to say, I won’t be returning these shoes, there are places that pay a fair amount for new unused or lightly used shoes. I’ll sell what I cannot wear.
If HSN didn’t know the items they were peddling were faulty then ..ok.
But there is no way they cannot know.
I’ve watched hosts speak on tv that the shoes were one way when the reviews stated the other way (roomy but instead were narrow). THAT IS FALSE ADVERTISING!Shame on HSN!
YEARS ago they would allow you to ‘open’ a shopping cart for the day. I think a flat rate shipping charge was placed on the first item regardless if you filled the cart or not. That was a gamble unless you knew you were going to shop more, i.e. crafts. No reason I can think of that they can’t ship in one box at the end of the day. Computers figure out the whole thing anyway, right?
Yesterday was free shipping on everything, which was great! Let’s be thankful for those days, which don’t come around often but are nice when they do. I just put things in my cart and wait for that day. Thank you, HSN, for the free shipping days!
I shop at many online retailers and none of them charge shipping per item, it is completely ridiculous. I placed an order from zulily, which is affiliated with HSN. I purchased 12 items, 4 of them were shoes and paid $8.99 total for shipping. Hsn would have charged me $5.50 for each pair of shoes alone, and 3.50 to 7.50 for each additional item. Same brands as HSN, some Clark’s, fitflops and bearpaw. If you order everything in one order most of the time it ships in one box. There is no way they should be charging this much.
on the 20th i orderd curtis stone slider pans and the small baking rakes. hsn shipped the slider on the 24th but the raks are still in packaging and i orderd them together. the racks wont ship until tuesday. that’s my guess. it seems that hsn is in dome kind of a jam. if hsn doesn’t get rid of curate, there going to plung streaght down into the ground.
Why does HSN continue to charge s&h on TSV items? Free s&h was a big enticement. besides the great price to purchase items. But, if HSN is going to continue charging s&h, I will not be buying.
they get 33 cents more taxing shipping.
Shipping isn’t a taxable item, only the purchase item is taxable, so if HSN is charging sales tax on shipping, that’s against the law. I know, I worked for a CPA & we had to do sales tax audits. Also, sales tax goes to the state in which it is charged, not to the vendor (which in this case would be which ever company sold the item to HSN to be sold to the public). HSN would only collect the sales tax on behalf of the vendor, who then would pass it on to what ever state is the taxing state.
hsn doesn’t seem to care. curate is killing them. hsn neefs to dump curate before they run hsn into the ground. if not then somone else needs to buy hsn,qvc, zully out and redesign the two hsn, qvc and put them back to separate shopping nerwork. they be sold to two buyers. bring back what customers want there there going to buy. i miss the old hsn that had exactly what customers wanted. good stuff.
do a pettion on here. last month did you sed the statement from the top of your phone or computer crom hsns president? he talked about this isdue, that hed aware of the lack of good shopping items and the shipping isue. its absolutely un called for. i say start a petition on here and watch all sign on then take it to the media like fox news, abc 7. you’ll get results especially taking it to the media. i will sign it.
I doubt corporate cares. Looking at the dates on this thread, complaints about shipping costs have been going on for a long time. No changes. The only thing that will shake them up is loss of sales. When I complained about the excess shipping charges, I also told them to take me off their email list. I refuse to shop there. A mass exodus is the only thing that will move them.
I got an email “From the President” of HSN after I unsubscribed to the emails. He seemed genuinely concerned. Sort of…Anyway there is a complaint form to fill out when you unsubscribe. I sent it in. I sent another one in when they sent me another email after I unsubscribed. As long as they send me emails, I return the form.
Pretty sure everyone got that email from the HSN President. It was also at the very top of this HSN Community page. But if every single item has a S&H charge, nothing is going to change.
I agree with the other shoppers and the shipping fees being unfair. I try to NEVER buy from HSN or QVC unless I get free shipping.
I understand and completely agree. My family is spread across many states. Last year in November, we discovered we had collectively spent over $19,000.00 within the prior 12 months on purchases. As of June 2021, we all decided to cut way back on buying through HSN due to such an increase in shipping. As stated, it’s ridiculous to spend shipping fees on identical items all going to same address. Our families spending has decreased by 75% since that date. Three of my siblings have also cut up their HSN card.
Collectively we decided it’s not worth it. Sure it may cause us to make a few extra trips to the store/mall but it’s worth it to save money. Personally, we as customers should NOT have to depend on sporadic coupons to help offset shipping costs. Of course, we appreciate it yet to have it direct our spending it’s a bad business practice.
I’ve heard from four HSN customers that I’ve become friends. They have begun to do likewise. If there are other ideas I’d appreciate hearing them.
Kindest Regards
Just chatted with customer service about this and it’s ridiculous. They are not willing to budge at all, even for 2 identical items! Here’s the responses that I received. It’s obviously a common occurrence with people complaining to customer service. Don’t think anything will be done, though…
Wendy: Thank you for reaching out regarding our shipping charges. I appreciate how long you have been with us. I know that this is not what you want to hear, however, we are not offering a shipping promotion at this time. While HSN charges shipping and handling on each individual item, we look forward to offering promotions during some of our special events and other times throughout the year.
Shawn: I don’t understand why it’s per item and not per cart, especially if the items are the same.
Shawn: That doesn’t seem fair, does it?Wendy: I understand the importance of your concern and this has been forwarded to our Voice of the Customer department to be internally reviewed. No one will contact you regarding this. Feedback such as yours contributes to the overall success of our company and I encourage you to continue sharing your concerns with us.
Wendy: Please keep checking the website for shipping promotions.
Wendy: Do you have any other questions?Shawn: I guess I’m going to have to pass on this purchase the. Just can’t see paying the inflated charges for shipping. I would understand if I was placing two separate orders, but I’m not.
Shawn: It’s a good way to lose customers…
Shawn: appreciate your assistance.Wendy: I understand and have passed along you concerns. You are welcome.
I discovered the same thing. Seven clothing pieces, spring/summer, no winter coat. All to the same address $65.00 shipping! I was sure it had to be a mistake. Nope. Customer service confirmed they charge the full shipping cost *per item* even when shipped together to the same address. That is so absurd. They must have lost a boatload of customers. I won’t even bother checking the clearance items as that was what was in that order. The shipping cost was almost half the merchandise total. Unfortunately, I will unsubscribe from HSN emails because of the shipping cost. I won’t even enter the site again. There are far better places to shop that don’t scalp on shipping charges.
hsn will wind up closing down. they had to had lost an army of customers and with many here, hsn cant last to hold on much longer. venders still fleeing.hsn is holding on by a thread.
I wound up placing the order and paid for the shipping because we wanted the stocking holder to match the rest of our Christmas decor. However, I have not place another order, nor will I anytime soon. This is what they told me last time:
I understand the importance of your concern and this has been forwarded to our Voice of the Customer department to be internally reviewed. No one will contact you regarding this. Feedback such as yours contributes to the overall success of our company and I encourage you to continue sharing your concerns with us.
Apparently, the Voice of the Customer department doesn’t care about the shipping charges that are passed on to the customer! It doesn’t matter if thousands complain about it, there are thousands more that will continue paying the fees…hence the reason they don’t do anything…much less, care.
I just noticed a single pair of socks (632-084) for $5 and shipping is $5.50.
I only buy when its free shipping & handling from HSN and QVC when I buy nowadays. Even if I like the item. Sometimes you can find the item for 1/3 less anyway!
HSN shipping charges are ridiculous. No other retailer charges close to these fees. The quality and variety of offered products is horribly limited and often priced above retail. After 20 years as a loyal customer I am done !
I bought another ZVOX TV speaker because it had some added features my current one does not have . I did not know it is half the size of my current one so decided to return it. I could not find a return label so called HSN. They told me it is shipped by and returned to ZVOX so I have to pay postage myself. BTW it came in a padded envelope which is crazy for such a pricey item. I will return it in a box,.
Well it cost me $27 to ship it back. Crazy. I had to insure it as suggested by HSN and because the value was over $150 I had to pay a higher shipping charge $20 plus the insurance $7. Will not buy large things from HSN where I have to do this again.
If you are returning the speaker because you think it won’t be as powerful because it’s smaller, that might not be the case. When I was married, my husband insisted on getting a 4 or 5 speaker ‘home cinema’ system and got speakers that were small in size as a compromise because I didn’t want them. They were very loud. He was watching a film about the battle of Waterloo and it sounded like we were in the middle of the battle, with cannons going off so loudly you had to cover your ears..
I had to return makeup concealer because it was dried out. Maybe because it took 4 weeks to get here in 90 degree weather. I was deducted from my return almost $8.00 for an unusable product. I fought this with 3 chats and a supervisor and finally got the return fee credit plus a full credit for the purchase price. I just ordered lipsticks and hope they don’t arrive melted in September .
Yep, I had a bunch of stuff from Iman in my cart, $200 worth, but shipping is costing $40???? Most of it will come in one box (purse will probably have its own box). I know it doesn’t cost that much to ship one box. Completely out of hand. Deleting my items and moving on.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
41 Replies
11.24.24 4:11 AM
28 Participants