Conversation 27
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is number 27 out of the
series. I created and started this thread 10 years ago.😎🎈
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe. 🌹✨😎
On November 26th, National Cake Day delivers a scrumptious treat for everyone to enjoy! Slide over pie, this day cake takes center stage as the dessert of choice. On most birthdays, the cake is topped with candles no matter their age. Showers, weddings, retirements and anniversaries, cake serves up a slice or two. Add ice cream, and you have America’s top favorite desserts in the same dish!
I am about to start the thread I am so glad to hear from you.
My goodness you have a lot of things to do.The kids are here and now they are out shopping for things for me to cook. LOL!
Kids ask why don’t i gain weight sorry kids I stopped that years ago.
They are also taking Poppy with them later to visit Step-Mom.
I went to Sam’s Club for gas only to find that they went from $2.75/gal up to $3.02. However, I needed a few things as well. I’m taking the lazy way out for stuffing. It just so happened that Sam’s had a mix that was all natural and they were doing samples. It tasted good, but of course, I will be adding other things to it. Tomorrow, Tuesday, I will try to purchase a fresh turkey. If not, a chicken will do. I have some of the veggies already, but will pick up a few others while in the market. I think I will add Dragon Fruit to the mix. I will need to puree the chicken/turkey for hubby. The veggies I will steam to soften them and then add to the stuffing. Normally, I add them raw, but I will make that decision later. I am debating whether to add chestnuts. The rehab does not permit nuts of any kind on their premises due to allergies, so may forego them. No big deal. He has wanted some fresh apples. But, again, they have to be pureed. However, I may add it to the stuffing minus the skin. The heat should soften them quite a bit.
Hubby, “knock on wood” is doing OK.. The dementia seems to show when he is awakened from a sound sleep. It takes him sometime to figure out where he is and where things are. I need to meet with the Social Worker. I was told today that he arrives at the Rehab around 6 am and leaves before 3 pm. . Well, I can work around those hours. I will let you know when we meet.
And, I guess I will be renovating the entire bathroom soon. I have a vanity in mind. The sink is in my closet (don’t laugh to hard). I found the sink a few years ago and it will be perfect in that bathroom. I also will need a cabinet for storage. I want to find one that hubby can use from either a wheelchair or cart. I found a small two shelf, but it’s too small. I also will need need new
flooring for the entire house. One of the samples will be here tomorrow and hopefully will arrive before I see hubby. This way I can bring it to him for a decision. Time for me to hit the sack. It’s a bit warmer here today. No A/C needed.Did your children arrive OK? Cannot believe that your son was with you last year at this time and stayed for a time. Enjoy the week with them. They will keep Poppy busy.
You made me hungry. I think I will go to your house for Thanksgiving. Sometime today I will head over to the Farmer’s Market and purchase either a small turkey or a chicken. Their prices on both are on the high side. But, they do have the fresh turkeys and if I can find one that is 9 or 10 lbs it will be enough for the two of us. However, for hubby, I now have to puree the food since he has trouble swallowing due to the muscles not working as they should.
Sounds like you are feeling better. Glad everything is behind you and you now have time to do the things you enjoy. Have a great Thanksgiving Day. Stay well. That goes for you and hubby.
Good evening Sheba 🍁 🍂
Happy Thanksgiving Week 🦃🦃🦃🦃The weather is nice here, not cold and not hot. We were able to open windows and doors these few days. I am glad your furnace is fixed and working. And that you and Poppy are warm and cozy.
I baked bread today, milk bread which I enjoy with my coffee in the mornings. I did some chopping for stuffing on Thursday. I chopped onions, celery and leeks. Cleaned carrots and garlic. Tomorrow I will finish cutting the carrots and getting the other items ready. Items for roasting a chicken. Placed in plastic bags and sealed them with the seal machine I got. A pretty basic sealer, reasonable priced vacuums sealer, dry and moist items.
I have two large Ciabatta breads in the freezer. I will use one ad make croutons. Cut into cubes, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with herbs such as dry Oregano, Thyme, Rosemary, Sage, and salt and bake in the oven. And for hubby’s stuffing I will use his bread, type of bread for diabetes.
I will roast a chicken on Thanksgiving, rather than a turkey. We don’t like turkey enough to make a turkey, we prefer the taste of chicken. On Thursday I will chop the fresh herbs. I like to put fresh herbs in my stuffing. And fresh herbs needs to be cut the moment you are using it.I am still deciding on the desert. I purchased some vanilla beans on Amazon a while back. Maybe a panna cotta, or maybe a crème brûlée. Those two deserts can be made by leaving out the sugar at first, than dividing in half and adding the sugars which hubby has his own sugar for diabetes. And I don’t care for the taste so I don’t use it in my deserts. I made him some candied Pecans the other day with his sugars, both white and brown sugars. It turned out really good he liked it. Yesterday two huge bags of Pecans halfs arrived, I ordered on Amazon, it came from California.
Here’s to a wonderful Thanksgiving Week.
Take care Sheba. 🦃🦃🦃🦃🍂🍂🍁🍁🍁 -
Sheba, Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I am better. Went hiking today. I like it much better than the gym but with shorter days and critters will keep the membership. Hope you had a great walk with Poppy today.
Good evening OZ is below freezing as I type this post to you. I am getting in my
jammies.I plan to cook as I always like to cook Holiday Meals that’s because it is cold. 😎💕
I am having the works and I am baking. I don’t eat much but my family will enjoy
themselves.So glad you are going over to your mom win-win. I can’t get that Game out of my
head. LOL!Enjoy your niece visit my niece left GA and is now on Colorado Soil. 💕😎
Gobble, gobble. Just having a little fun. Hey keep warm tonight. 😎😘
Peace Out Peeps enjoy your evening and stay warm. 😎
Glad to hear all is fixed at your house. Maybe we need to turn the furnaces on in the summer and the A/C in the winter to see if they work right. Then we can have them fixed before we need them, lol!😅
I thought the game was going to be a blowout, how wrong was I. Just happy they won.👍
Going to SIL’s on Wednesday, my niece is up from Georgia. Having Thanksgiving day at mom’s so it will be a busy two days.🦃 I’ll be ready to lay low on Friday. Are you cooking or eating out?
Sending holiday hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖
Good morning in California Kitten wishing you and your family a good Thanksgiving Week.
Good afternoon in the beautiful ‘burgh. I hope you are feeling better too. 😘🎈😎
Oz is cold and the heat is on I had a busy day yesterday dealing with the contractor
fixing things and the gas company we are one and done.I want to wish you and your entire family a nice Thanksgiving Week. 😎🎈💕
What a game yesterday I don’t think I can watch that again.
Sending warm hugs to you and Jake. 😘😎💕
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
3,074 Replies
12.16.24 12:34 AM
9 Participants