Conversation 27
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is number 27 out of the
series. I created and started this thread 10 years ago.😎🎈
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe. 🌹✨😎
Hubs is still in the hospital. He is on antibiotics and I surmise he will remain until that is over with and everything is OK. . He is enjoying the hospital food even though it is pureed. Unfortunately, I did not see him yesterday. Something I ate gave me “Montezuma’s Revenge” and also made me pass out. I immediately phoned my physician and said it sounded like food poisoning. This is the second time in less than a month. I gave him the info on the food and where it was purchased. I am OK so far today and about to get dressed to see hubby. The cafeteria at the hospital has some great takeout’s, and the best part is that they have a menu you can choose from. I will be with hubby for sometime today.
I did order the new microwave. I did it online and thought it would be easier. Not so. Hubby has a Lowe’s card and when I went to use it, it said the number was incorrect. I used the chat section and they suggested I call the bank. For two hours I was on the phone and at the end there was nothing they could do to help. I spoke with several reps and the outcome was is that my hubby would have to go to Lowe’s in person. Funny, my credit cards all arrive with his and my name. Ditto for him as well. But this one, only in his. And, the spouse cannot use it unless he is with me in person. The end result was that I was able to get the extra percentage off through Lowes. What a mess. And no, they will not issue you a card since hubby has one. Go figure.
It is still cool in Florida. Last night’s temps were in the 40s. As I type it is 50. We do have the sun and that is good. I think it may be 10 degrees cooler where zango is.
Hi and good afternoon, though iti’s still am where you are. I was wondering if you received your Prestige jewelry box. Mine arrived a few days ago in the turquoise. I do enjoy these boxes and I think I started purchasing when Colleen first showed them. Back then she was able to get the real large ones for bracelets. There were two huge drawers and the one at the top. I also purchased several months ago the three smaller ones. These all stack nicely on a bureau or in a closet. Best of all my sterling is just as beautiful as the day they were purchased. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I do.
Good afternoon from the chilly ‘burgh. It is sunny🌞but in the 30s and we are supposed to get some snow tomorrow night into Thursday.❄ ‘Tis the season.
I am doing okay, thanks for the prayers and I’m sending them back for you and your family.🙏
Hubs going to the hockey game tonight, glad I’m staying home where it’s warm.😊🔥 They are playing the Stanley Cup champs so my expectations are low. Hope I’m surprised.🤣
Enjoy your lunch, stay warm, I’m thinking Poppy needs an extra treat for braving the cold.🐾 Hugs and love.🤗💖
Good day in the beautiful ‘burgh. 💕😎🎈How are you feeling? I know that feeling all
too well.Prayers are being said for you and your dear friend. 💕😘
Take your time with everything sending warm hugs to you and Jake. 😘💕
The pic above is just to help you smile. 😘
Good morning in S. California. 😎🎈Taci your post was amusing from yesterday.
I can’t believe someone actually hung tags on when they wore an outfit. LOL!All my HD pieces will go to family members and they have already picked out what
they want. I still have the Black and Gold Boxes to put them in. All my pieces are in
pristine condition. 🎈🎈💕😎I do have the real deal too I will leave it at that. 😎
I am having lunch with a friend today so I am getting in gear and yes I will be wearing
some great pieces of HD. We are very cold in OZ today so I am wearing layers.Mr. Poppy already had his walk and I will let him out in the backyard where he has a special
spot. 😎 Most of the times I do my walking for me but Poppy likes to tag along with me.
So good for both of us I want my legs firm and the endorphins are wonderful too.These are salad days and I love salad. 💕
Taci how is your son doing is he going snow boarding soon?
Happy Trails To You. 🎶
Good day on the Gulf Coast of Florida. 💕😎🎈Oodie did you order your new Microwave?
I hope you got the model and sale you wanted.How is your husband is he still the hospital? I am sorry Oodie you have a lot going on.
Things are alright in OZ family is dealing with things I will put it that way.I bet if you brought some Apple Cinnamon Croissants 🍏🍎🥐that is above to the
Rehab they will be delighted.I hope your back is not bothering you. Oodie did you know that Christmas and Hanukkah
are on the same day this year I think it’s been a bit since that has happened.Let me know how things are going today and I know it’s one step at a time. 😎
Happy Holidays to all in the HSN Community. 🎈
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Good Morning Peeps and welcome to the HSN Community. 🎈😎
Stay safe and warm out there.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
3,074 Replies
12.16.24 12:34 AM
9 Participants