Conversation – 26
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is number 26 out of the
series. I created and started this thread 10 years ago.😎🎈
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe. 🌹✨😎
I am so glad you are doing well this evening considering all you are dealing with.
Hey enjoy your book and a light snack turn up the A/C if needed and relax. 😘💕So glad the good Aide is working on your husband’s floor and will be on the lookout. 💕💕
Oz is still very warm and humid. All that will change this weekend when we are a bit cooler.
I keep a sharp eye out and my ears open anytime I am out and about with or without Poppy.
I can’t wait to get my stash from HSN on some wonderful Korres Products. 😎💕
I pray your water is back on tomorrow enjoy the rain if you get some.
Peace Out Peeps enjoy your evening. 😎
Sheba, hello!
Poor Oodie without water. What is going on there? Glad her Association helped out.
Hope you’re doing well after that scare. Brightly colored clothes sound smart. I want to get a bright yellow travel umbrella. I’ve been working on the itinerary, and just when I was almost done hubs added an overnight stay at a train station stop. Oh well…
Hope you enjoy the evening!
🙂 -
I think you were scheduled for a procedure this month and I hope and pray that all went well. You also, if I remember correctly, have an anniversary in September. Here’s hoping you can kick up those heels and have a great time. Take care. Stay safe.
It’s after 7 pm and no water. At 3 pm or so we had a thunderstorm that lasted over an hour. Another one ended just a few minutes ago. Another one will be here in an hour. I assume we will have water sometime tomorrow. I cannot wait to clean the two bathrooms. Cannot wait to see hubby. One good news is that the Aid returned today and is on hubby’s floor. At least I know he will be well taken care of. He has been informed of the continuous saga. At least I am comfy. Started a book last night and it’s almost done.
I have come to the conclusion that I could never be a jetsetter. All I’ve done for two days is run around the town picking up this and that, dropping off this and that.🏃♀️🏃♀️ Although jetsetter’s usually fly and have others doing some things for them so maybe I should reconsider, lol!
I did visit mom and sis today. Throwing some hamburgers on the grill for a quick dinner.🍔 SIL gets in tomorrow but I won’t see her at least until Saturday because of plans already made. Hot, hot, hot here, mid 90’s today.🔥 It was still 85 at 11:00 PM last evening. Maybe some storms later. Always gets hot when the kids go back to school.
Hang in there, friend. Sending lots of hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖
Hi. It’s in the 90s here with 100% humidity. I have the A/C set at 81, and I will change it if it gets to be unbearable. Thunderstorms are expected this afternoon.
As I type, we are still without water. The President of our HOA was able to secure free gallons of water bottles, 2 per household. I have bottled water for drinking and that’s no problem…..YET. I have kept the Rehab up-to-date on this ongoing saga. The gallon jugs have come in handy. I am now able to fill two bowls of water which I use for washing hands and face and the other for brushing teeth. I had a hair appointment scheduled today and I sent a voice mail and e-mail to the salon and received a phone call that I could have Friday at the same time as today. So happened that the person scheduled for Friday wanted something sooner. It all worked out .
I received Wolfgang Puck’s TS yesterday. I haven’t opened the box as yet since I need to really clean the drawer above where the pots and pans go. That section will be a “catch 22” until the water is restored. Due to the mice/rat situation, I didn’t think twice about discarding pots and pans. A few did look to be in good condition, but I didn’t want to take the chance. Everything else went into the dishwasher for sanitizing. This may be a good day to start on the pantry. I do mask up when cleaning.For dinner tonight, I’m thinking of the Farmer’s Market. Tons of choices to take out and the prices are reasonable. They even started having pizza to go. The pizza is small, but is good for one person and will last a few days. But their Cobb salad is oh soooo good. I’m actually toying with that or a sandwich with a small salad. Cannot even think of making a salad here, since I wash everything thoroughly. I also have Dragon Fruit which I will cut up and add to the salad. Hopefully, we will have water soon. Miss being with hubby, but also thankful that he isn’t here while going through this. The first thing I will do is to clean the two bathrooms. One immediately and the other when I return if I am able to visit hubby.
Good afternoon in the ‘burgh. Enjoy this time with your mom and sister. 🎈😎💕
Hey September is right around the corner. 😎💕💕
Sending sweet hugs to you and Jake. 😘😎
Good morning in California safe travels when you go. 💕🎈😎
Happy Travels to you and Happy Trails where ever they lead you. 😎🎈
Good day on the Gulf Coast of Florida. 🎈😎Oodie is your water in your neighborhood
back on? I hope so the weather is too warm to go without water.How is your husband doing today? Oz had a hard thunderstorm last night. I made sure
all the animals were feed.We are close to 90 degrees now as I type this note to you. I brought a nice stash of
Korres including the TS. 😎🎈💕I hope you are safe and sound and resting for now.
Oodie I can’t believe Labor Day is coming up. Where did the month go?
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2,280 Replies
09.19.24 1:39 AM
6 Participants