Conversation – 18
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 18 out of the series. I created and started this thread 9 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Good Morning Peeps enjoy your beautiful Monday. 💕✨🌹This is for all my girls out there. 😎
Congrats to you and the KC. What a game and I bet it was a nail biter as well.
Glad that Charlie took advantage of the warmer temps and joined you for a few hours. Hope all remains well with all.
Just turned some heat on to get rid of the chill in the house. Think I will throw in a sweatshirt for hubby. Another cold front expected the end of the week.
Hope your cold is better. After two weeks I am now beginning to feel better. Now I wonder if your cold is one continuous virus that wants to hang on. At least that’s the way mine feels. Oh yes, I ordered a pizza. There is a pizza place around the corner from us and they deliver, Ordered a cordon bleu chicken pizza. I could only eat one piece and it was absolutely delicious. I also ordered a meatball sub that I took a taste of and then put it in the freezer for another day. I certainly will be ordering another pizza when hubby is home. 5 star pizza and if the numbers went higher would have given it more stars.
Have a great evening and celebrate the victory.
Peace Out Peeps more to come tomorrow.
Congrats to the KC Chiefs. Go Chiefs. ✨💕😎
Good evening Sheba and the KC Chiefs just made another touch down score 35 so far.
The entire day was super windy, I opened all windows and patio door. It was absolutely lovely, cool and real fresh air. We didn’t get higher than mid sixties today, mostly cloudy but the Sun did come out in the later part of the afternoon.I hope your cold is better, and your weather is warming up.
Hoping your weekend is lovely. ❤️❤️❤️❤️🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 -
Hugs back to you. This cold is something else and I don’t wish it on anyone. I know I lost some weight. Eating was almost non existent. But tonight I will indulge in a pizza. At least I will have leftovers for tomorrow.
Hubby was missing a pair of shoes. I found one of them in the laundry basket. Don’t ask how it got there. Still missing my new pair of glasses. Has to be somewhere in the MB. Quite a few cracks to look through and around. Must have fallen off the desk.
Enjoy the game tonight. Our cable has been off since the hurricanes. May contact them sometime this week for next.
It is extremely windy on the Gulf Coast. Temps are supposed to be high 40s low 50s tonight. A/C is off and may use some heat tonight. Tomorrow, low 60s for the high and temps at night will be similar to today. In your neck of the woods this is a heat wave. In ours the temps will feel like your 30s.
No, I didn’t visit hubby today and I cannot talk with him either. For some reason, his phone is not working. I will be there tomorrow for sure. I will also bring some clothes with me. That includes underwear, pjs, socks, shoes, shorts, shirts, etc. etc.. Also will include some reading material. Luckily, he does have a TV in the room. I think he will probably watch the Super Bowl. He loves the ads but not a fan of the half time show.
Hopefully, I will be OK tomorrow. Had an allergic reaction to one of the meds because it list sulfites as an ingredient. I am OK now. Just a bit tired and weak. Neighbor now not feeling well. She is a cancer survivor. I think it’s been over 10 years for her. She went on speaking engagements. Not sure if she is still doing that. All I can say is that she is a sweetheart.
Think I will order a pizza for dinner. It’s your pictures from Friday that is making me do it. Just need to see if they deliver. Have the electrician coming Tuesday morning. The MB is a total disaster. Working on it, just not sure how much will get done.
So glad you got some help with your home. My neighbors are the same, just knock on the door or give them a call and they come right over. One year when we were away in the winter we had a big snowstorm and all we thought about was not getting the car up the driveway. Got home and all was clean, the neighbors did it! Take whatever help someone offers.
Hope you got to see your husband today. I know that will put your mind at ease. You haven’t even had a chance to get well. I didn’t lose my voice but my cold sounds like yours, one day much better, the next not so much. My husband and I keep passing it back and forth.
Wishing you an excellent day. Hugs!🤗
Have the Puppy Bowl on as I’m typing. Awww, I want them all.🐶🐕🥰
The hockey game never started until 11:00 here last night. Saw the first period, glad I didn’t try to stay up for a terrible game.😣 Guess they were tired from the night before.
Whether KC wins or loses, they had a marvelous season. I will be cheering with you this evening.👍 I think my husband is cheering for Philly so it should be an interesting night in my house.🙄 I hope it’s a great game whoever wins. Good luck!!!🤞🏈🤞
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6,375 Replies
07.18.23 7:56 PM
14 Participants