Conversation – 18
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 18 out of the series. I created and started this thread 9 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
It’s Thursday and I am now getting ready to go to Costco. Yes, will get a hotdog for hubby. And he also asked for the diet Pepsi. Me. Had a late breakfast. Spectrum was here around 8 am. They were not due until 11 am. But, the outside wiring is done and the kitchen is almost finished. Just have to move things to the counter. I will sweep when completed.
Now I am really excited about the new frig. It will be delivered a week from Monday. I am hoping hubby will be home by then and can lend a hand, even a small one. I am really concerned. Last night was awful for me. Now the truth. When I visited him on Tuesday, the right side of his face looked yellow, His eyes were fine. Then yesterday with the itches all over I wondered if it was liver or the fact that the soap they were using didn’t have enough moisture or could it be the detergent on the clothing and bed sheets. I am scared to death and hope to get some answers today from the staff. As far as I can tell he did not have therapy yesterday, then maybe he forgot when I asked. I am quite upset today. Will shower and leave ASAP. I will write later, promise.
Hi Sheba2011, I hope all is well in the Land of Oz. I always enjoy seeing this photo , it is beautiful and calming . HUGS
Sheba, Hello! The market, well what to say but it’s a daily thing here.
Great walk with a friend today. It was foggy and with light sprinkles of rain. I told my friend about you doing lunges. She works out with a trainer 2-3 times a week and has really gotten strong. Her trainer has her doing all sorts of different lunges. I might have to add some into my day when at home. Roof holding up so far. -
Oodie, The food in these places borders on criminal. Why can’t they buy healthy fresh food? It’s a real issue for these places. Many people with special diets, some are vegetarian or vegan and some just want real food. They can do it if they want.
Hope your hubs gets home soon!
Take care. -
Good evening my goodness my 16 year niece who is in the 11th grade can make a better
meal. Dry Turkey no just no and I love turkey. I think the Costco Hotdog would have been
better. Glad you got the bagel and the Lox. ✨I know he wants to come home based on the food good grief. I don’t think he is asking
for a 5 star meal just a decent meal.Oodie let me know how the fridge go and if Spectrum is able to restore your cable.
There is a lot of news on of late. Hey CC is on a different channel and it’s very good.I know you are tired please do not over do anything remember tomorrow is trash day
and then some. Oodie you are lucky you get a pick up twice a week here it’s only once
a week that is why I am careful and take my time get this you can only put out two large
bags anything else you have to buy a tag which is only 2.50. Hey if it has to go I am fine
with that and I keep extras in the kitchen drawer. 😎If I had pickup twice a week I would
not know how to act. Well tomorrow we will rain and perhaps snow the winds will be high
so I have to pack the recyclables really well. -
You are so funny I am going to Costco to get a few things and it will take more than a minute. 😎
I cannot believe some areas in Florida had the A/C on holy smokes. I’ve had heat and fireplaces
on. This feels like we live far far away. My A/C will not be on until the end of May or June. ✨I hope we have a nice Spring where I can open all the windows and let some fresh air
get in. I do not like having the A/C on all summer and then go right to the central heating.
I want everything to smell fresh like it was when I was a child. My mom would hang her
laundry outdoors and we she brought them in that was the best smell. 💕✨ Xango
when I go to Colorado to visit my mother and family I am doing everything for my mother
including hanging the laundry out in her back yard and she has a great yard. I will then
put the linens on her bed and we will later in the evening watch TCM in her bed.✨💕
I just want to hold her and let her know I am alright.I know we are a strong country I am still watching everything closely.
I hope your husband has a good visit with his Ophthalmologist.
I can’t wait to start buying plants and flowers I hope we have a nice Spring and tomorrow
we will have some rain and a mix of snow. Well Shizzle! ✨ -
Peace Out Peeps enjoy your evening and stay warm. ✨💕
I just returned from visiting hubby. He was itchy all over which I noticed yesterday. Today I brought him the Eczema cream which I use and it seemed to help. I really need him home, the sooner, the better. His dinner tonight was one piece white meat turkey cut thin with Italian stringed beans and stuffing. There was gravy on the turkey and beans and mushrooms on the side. Definitely not edible and the turkey was quite dry. Thank goodness I brought him a bagel and cream cheese with lox and onion. The bagel was from Aldi’s and it was the one that is cut thin. He loved it, but disappointed that I didn’t make it to Costco for the hotdog. I will try again tomorrow.
Today I cancelled my order on the frig. I just didn’t want another white one. So I made a phone call and found that the one I wanted was on sale and was able to do some of the paper work on the phone. For another part had to go direct to the store. After almost two hours, I was able to get the rest of the things done but one piece of info was at home. So returned home and then called only to find out that I needed to be at the store. After explaining that I was already there, and emphasized that I needed to see my husband, I was able to give them the rest of the info on the phone. I arrived later than I like, but no one bothered me so I stayed longer.
Tomorrow I expect Spectrum. Called them today because when I walked around the house I found a cable box against my home where the top was missing. The wiring is all exposed and I’m not sure if some are missing or hanging loose.
I am still waiting on the construction people to repair the areas that are letting the rodents pass through. Caught another one. Well, at least the roof is done.
Did not see the s unset tonight. Guess I left too late. Have a great walk with Poppie.
Hello Sheba, wehad a somewhat chilly night and today the house temperature was 73 all day without air-conditioning. We usually keep it at 75 when running the air-conditioning since this Winter has been quite warm.
I am no economist, but I don’t think we will have the same situation as 2008. Let’s hope it’s just a small amount of banks (two so far) that bit off more than they could chew.
We are a strong nation, and no matter what happens we always bounce back.Hubby is working out of the house this week, and has an appointment at the ophthalmologist tomorrow in the afternoon. And if there is time we just might swing by Lowe’s after. If not, then sometime this weekend we will try to find a moment, but I take more than a moment looking around😆😆.
Take care Sheba ❤️❤️🌷🌷🌷
Experiences With Multiple Meanings
The refined impression you glean from your experiences after contemplating their significance, can add a new richness and texture to your life.
Though we humans are self-aware, we nonetheless cannot distance ourselves from the world around us and have a natural tendency to ascribe meaning to all that we experience. The significance we perceive in our experiences is rooted in our observation of patterns as they relate to ourselves. One situation has the power to teach us about life because it exposes us to something unfamiliar. Another touches our emotions deeply by enabling us to see how fortunate we are. Yet our initial impressions of an experience may not wholly reveal the true significance of that occurrence because our full response to an experience is like an onion with many layers that all have disparate meanings. Consider that a sunrise may stun us visually while simultaneously evoking memories of childhood and reminding us that each new day is a rebirth.
If you take the time to examine your experiences closely, you will discover that your original impressions may only be a part of a larger story of significance. Peeling away the layers of an event or incident can be a fun and interesting process if you allow it. To begin, relive your experience in your mind’s eye and from multiple perspectives if possible. Your interpretation of any situation is based not only on facts but also on feelings, beliefs, and your values. As you ruminate upon your experience, spend a few moments contemplating how you felt when it began and how your feelings had changed by its end. Ask yourself what abstractions, if any, it awakened in your mind. If an experience stirs up questions within your soul, it may be that in striving to answer them a new layer of meaning may reveal itself to you.
The significance of an experience may remain hidden to you for some time. The meaning of an event can change when viewed from another context or may only become apparent after intense meditation. An incident that seemed superficial may unexpectedly touch us deeply later in our lives. If you take a truly open-minded approach to your examination of each new level and do not shy away from revelations that could prove painful, you will learn much about your relationship to the world around you. And the refined impression you glean from your experiences after contemplating their significance can add a new richness and texture to your life. AMEN! ✨✨
Good day in the ‘burgh. Oz is cool with a little sun so we are alright.
We may have a wee bit of snow but nothing to write home about.
Good you and your mother with sister will get your nails done tomorrow. 😘✨
Enjoy the time spent together and stay warm.Poppy is wagging his tail right now and he is besides me. We did go for a short walk
and will go again later on right now I am doing paper work off and on.Sorry about the Hockey Game last night don’t give up hope. ✨✨
Lady be sure to watch the market reports very interesting. Hmm…
Blowing a gentle hug to you and Jake’s Canvas. ✨😘
Good morning in S. California. Taci be sure to watch the markets very interesting. ✨
Busy day here in OZ and I hope you can enjoy your trails. 😘😎🌹Happy and safe trails to you. 🎶🎶
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6,375 Replies
07.18.23 7:56 PM
14 Participants