Conversation – 18
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 18 out of the series. I created and started this thread 9 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Hello, how are you doing?
Send some of that rain down here please. The house today has stayed in the low seventies. No air conditioning needed today either. Last night wwas quite cold for this time of year. But no complaints, soon enough we will be into the high nineties.I too am concerned about Oodie, that’s a lot to have on one’s plate. I don’t think I could do all Oodie does alone.
Made a huge pot of black beans today, later I will freeze some in different containers.
I will be making rice after writing this to go with the black beans. I also found another recipe for a French bread and I have a starter dough in the refrigerator. Not sure if I will make it today or tomorrow.Take care Sheba ❤️❤️🌷🌷🌷
I left a message with the contractor across the street. I heard he isn’t well but hope he knows someone who can help. Meanwhile I am making a little something for hubby as a care package. I just hope he is on the road to recovery. Seems my physician and his medical assistant had a meeting yesterday and are on vacation. Guess I will again start a cleaning process. I will need to wash everything in hot water and dry on high. This is impossible. Most clothing will shrink. Hopefully warm will work just as well. I am thinking this could be scabies. It is affecting his entire wing And yes, his roommate is scratching also. I will write more later.
Past Life Healing
The key to working with past lives is maintaining awareness of the current reality in which the present takes priority.
Exploring our past lives is a valuable way to understand ourselves better and often leads to healing and the resolution of issues plaguing us in this life. However, the key to working with past lives is maintaining an awareness of the current reality in which the present always takes priority. Past lives can be fascinating and entertaining, or emotionally seductive, and we can get lost in them, losing touch with the most important thing—the life we are living right now.
Of course, there is a deep connection between our past lives and our current life, so it’s sometimes hard to say where one begins and the other one ends. For example, we may be aware that one of our closest friends or partners is someone we knew from a past life, and that connection feels like an unbroken chord reaching into the past, reminding us of the vast nature of the soul. We may have issues with this person that stem from the past, or we may just be blessed with a deep love that we are fortunate to have with us in this life. Either way, the issues must be resolved in this life, in the present moment. The love is our gift to experience in this life, not in the past. In many ways, the gift of dealing with our past lives is the profound revelation of how truly eternal we all are. Once we comprehend this, we can let go of focusing on the details of the past and simply allow our awareness of the eternal to positively influence our ability to be in the present moment.
You will know you have received the full fruits of past-life exploration when you find yourself even more powerfully present in the eternal now. The past becomes less distinct as it resolves itself, merging with the present and the future in the nexus of consciousness that holds all time and space. We realize that this moment holds everything within it, the resolved and the unresolved, the past and the future, and that it is from this moment that we must live our lives.
AMEN! ✨✨
Good day in the ‘burgh. I know your day is busy and I am multi-tasking.
Raining today and I am fine with that.
How are you doing today? Sorry about your Hockey Team don’t give up yet.
Sending gentle OZ hugs to you and Jakes Canvas also to you lovely sister. 😘💕
We will planting soon. 😎
Good afternoon in S. California. Oz is raining as I type. Enjoy your hike and Happy Trails. 😎
Taci I will keep a eye on the Choco Nuvo from AL @iamashortdiva always post AL
upcoming specials and I provide the images.Hey have a great day. ✨
Good day to you and hubby. Oodie I read your post from last night and I am deeply
concerned for both you and your husband. ✨I hope you have the labs report from his
testing done at the rehab hospital. Oodie those tests should let you know exactly
what caused this itching I am sure it has a proper name. This is more annoying then
anything.Oodie I hope you don’t have to clean every thing in your home I hope this problem
is solved for you. All the girls are here for you and you know I am.I am glad the staff is wearing PPE Gear that helps. I remember last week when you said
they had both beds in the hall while they were cleaning his room. This is a red flag for me.Please let me know how things are going for you and husband today.
Good day in Florida and enjoy the day and your husband working from home. ✨🌹
Oz is raining as I type this post to you.I am very concerned about Oodiebom and her husband. I just don’t like for anyone
to be alone when there is stress involved. My heart goes out to her and my prayers.I love reading about your Cousin little piece of heaven. 💕😎
Xango she is truly blessed. I know you would love to visit her. 😘✨
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6,375 Replies
07.18.23 7:56 PM
14 Participants