Conversation – 18
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 18 out of the series. I created and started this thread 9 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Good afternoon in Oz. Happy birthday to your niece🎂🎈 and congrats on the new addition to your family.👶 Nice to hear good news.
It must be raining everywhere but Florida. We have rain, you have rain, Taci and my sis have rain. It is hanging around here for the next couple days.
Can’t even imagine you cleaning up tree debris in a winter coat.😮 We have had some windy days and my husband needs to clean up some branches/twigs. Like I said before, next house I want one bush.
Here’s to a relaxing evening and a toast to you for all the hard work.🥂 Hang in there!!!
Hello and wonderful news 😀.. Congratulations to you, your nephew and his wife. A healthy baby boy 👶.
It’s not fun to pick up tree debris in a winter coat and raining. I hope you warmed up and can relax a bit.Happy Birthday to your niece, it’s always nice to celebrate your day. I hope she gets her wish and lots of presents 🎁.
I just finished watering my plants in the front. I couldn’t believe how dry they were. We had that one day of rain, but it rained all day, then the wind started and of course it drys everything.
My nephew’s wife sent a picture of my grand nephew munching on a piece of pear 🍐
Hilarious, she said she scrapes some on a spoon and he loves it. But wants to have a piece in his hands and bites it, he is at 8 months, till he gets tired then just stops.Take care Sheba ❤️❤️🌷🌷🌷
Becoming a Better Person
We understand that we want to be better, but have no clear definition of what better means and that is part of the process.
At some point in our lives, many of us find ourselves overcome with the desire to become better people. While we are all uniquely capable of navigating this world, we may nonetheless feel driven to grow, expand, and change. This innate need for personal expansion can lead us down many paths as we develop within the context of our individual lives. Yet the initial steps that can put us on the road to evolution are not always clear. We understand that we want to be better but have no clear definition of “better.” To ease this often frustrating uncertainty, we can take small steps, keeping our own concept of growth in mind rather than allowing others to direct the course of our journey. And we should accept that change won’t happen overnight—we may not recognize the transformations taking place within us at first.
Becoming a better person in your own eyes is a whole-life project, and thus you should focus your step-by-step efforts on multiple areas of your existence. Since you likely know innately which qualities you consider good, growing as an individual is simply a matter of making an effort to do good whenever possible. Respect should be a key element of your efforts. When you acknowledge that all people are deserving of compassion, consideration, and dignity, you are naturally more apt to treat them in the manner you yourself wish to be treated. You will intuitively become a more active listener, universally helpful, and truthful. Going the extra mile in all you do can also facilitate evolution. Approaching your everyday duties with an upbeat attitude and positive expectations can help you make the world a brighter, more cheerful place. Finally, coming to terms with your values and then abiding by them will enable you to introduce a new degree of integrity and dignity into your life.
As you endeavor to develop yourself further, you can take pride not only in your successes, but also in the fact that you are cultivating consciousness within yourself through your choices, actions, and behaviors. While you may never feel you have reached the pinnacles of awareness you hope to achieve, you can make the most of this creative process of transformation. Becoming a better person is your choice and is a natural progression in your journey of self-awareness. AMEN! ✨😎
Good day in the ‘burgh I know I am late posting. I have had a day.
I see why you are not crazy about a lot of trees. Lady I have been in the yards
picking and putting tree debris together to be picked up soon. The wind was blowing
and it is chilly here in OZ I had a heavy coat on. Can you picture me doing that? Poppy
was at my side. 😎We had a cold snap and I had no idea so much tree debris was in
the back well no more everything is done as far as trees goes.I had some good news out of Colorado a birthday for a niece and a nephew whose wife
gave birth today on the same day. 😘😎✨Wishing you a nice day and I hope you are resting for Mom Friday. 😘😘
Good day in S. California I keep seeing images on the Telly of California and lots of rain.
I can get use to this as long as it does not damage property. ✨If you are able I want to wish you Happy Trails. 🎶🎶😎😘
Good afternoon In Florida. ✨🌹How is your day going so far? I have been very busy.
I had some tree debris to put to the curb and more things from the yards. ✨I am sure you are super busy too just try to take it easy. How is your husband doing?
I hope he enjoys the care package and I hope his room mate appreciate you bringing
him goodies too. 💕🌹✨Oodie you are a good woman. 🌹Let me know how things are going when you have time.
Good afternoon in Florida. 😘😎🌹What a day today is my niece who lives in Seattle birthday.
My nephew’s wife gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy. I am over the moon. 😘✨💕
I am talking to like 18 different family members including my four children. 😘I have a lot going on in a good way. I just came in about an hour ago from picking up tree
debris and tying them up for the lawn service to pick up this afternoon. We did not see
this so it just happened in the last two days. Xango our yards are large and it was no easy
feat but I got it done. 😎OZ is cold and rainy so I had to work in a coat very muddy too.Xango how are you doing? This is good what is happening in my family after losing two people
so soon and out of the blue we really needed some good news. 💕Hey enjoy your day and your husband being home. I am running late today.
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6,375 Replies
07.18.23 7:56 PM
14 Participants