Conversation – 17
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 17 out of the series. I created and started this thread nearly 8 years
ago. I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Good Afternoon Sheba, those are some low temperatures in your area. How does Poppy like going out in the cold? The moon was beautiful, it passed through three constellations this time. Gemini, Cancer and Leo.
Did Poppy get to sample your meat loaf? I bet it was delicious! I didn’t cook today, had lots of soup. Tomorrow I will make some shrimp. The temperature is going up to 76 in the day, night only in the mid fifties.
Continuing our trip. We left Bahia and flew to Porto Alegre. We stayed in a hotel right downtown.
I remember we got there midafternoon, and mom ordered us room service. It was two complete coffees, that’s what it is called. It comes with a variety of cheese, salami, breads, crackers, pastries, jams, butter and the best fruit salad made from scratch.
Many people enjoy a 4PM sitdown coffee meal. Then dinner will be around 9-10Pm. Mostly during the weekends.
There are many who have a huge lunch meal, and for dinner around 6PM have a coffee meal.
That is mostly the older generation now. The younger generation who have huge lunches eat something light for dinner like a sandwich and so forth. This is in the southern part of Brazil, I don’t know about the rest of the country. This part of Brazil eat lots and lots of beef. Most drink the tea-like drink chimarraõ. I never could get use to it, tastes bitter and it’s not my cup of tea.
In Torres, which is a beach town and many go there in the summer for vacation both Brazilians and Argentinians. You see people walking around with a thermos of hot water in one hand and the container the holds the tea in the other hand. Many have their own holder of the thermos bottle, which is on their shoulder like a purse both men and women.
While still in Porto Alegre we visited my brother who lived in our house and land about 30 minutes from Porto Alegre. I was born in that house. Two months before I was supposed to be born, mom fell down at 7 months and I came out.
We also visited some of my aunts and uncle. I met my mom’s brother for the first time.
We took a bus to spend the rest of our time in Torres.
To be continued…..
Stay warm Sheba and safe. Take care. -
Every month Amazon offers 6 books in which a prime member chooses one to read in Kindle. These are usually new novels that will be out the following month. I chose one this month and it was excellent. Could not drop it and thus stayed up to finish. The title is “Impossible to Forget.” Author is Imogen Clark. The novel is due to be released on February 1, 2022. There are similarities to “Beaches,” but, then totally different. I also purchase books at second hand stores, Ollies, and borrow from friends. But, this one stood out and once I started could not drop it. I love the word FREE. This does not happen often. I think I went a few years before this one. It will be fun to see if this novel makes the bestseller and is offered at one of the wholesale warehouses.
What a beautiful day we had. Temps were over 70 with humidity. Had the A/C on in the van. It was a bit cloudy, but the sun was strong. Tomorrow more clouds with showers. Cold front coming during the weekend and it’s supposed to be alot cooler. Well, as I mentioned to xango, I usually dress in layers and will either add or take something off depending on how cool the temps are.
By the way, your sniffles and headache could be either a reaction to the booster or could be the Omnicrom. Just take it easy in case it is. Today, I finally saw that if you had Covid then you have the antibodies. Still happy that I had the vaccination. I will be signing up for the booster tomorrow. Not going to wait for hubby to find his driver’s license and insurance card. I will make a phone call for the duplicates tomorrow as well since he has knee surgery in 4 wks. I have a feeling it’s in the laundry room in one of his short pockets.
Taming Monkey Mind in Meditation
We all have the endless chattering and noise in our head often referred to as the monkey mind.
It’s been called the monkey mind — the endless chattering in your head as you jump in your mind from thought to thought while you daydream, analyze your relationships, or worry over the future. Eventually, you start to feel like your thoughts are spinning in circles and you’re left totally confused.
One way to tame this wild creature in your head is through meditation — although the paradox is that when you clear your mind for meditation you actually invite the monkey in your mind to play. This is when you are given the opportunity to tame this mental beast by moving beyond thought — to become aware of a thought rather than thinking a thought. The difference is subtle, but significant. When you are aware of your thoughts, you can let your thoughts rise and float away without letting them pull you in different directions. Being able to concentrate is one of the tools that allows you to slow down your thought process and focus on observing your thoughts.
To develop your concentration, you may want to start by focusing on the breath while you meditate. Whenever your monkey mind starts acting up, observe your thoughts and then return your focus to your breath. Some breathing meditations call on you to focus on the rise and fall of the breath through the abdomen, while others have you concentrate on the sound of the breath. Fire can also be mesmerizing, and focusing on a candle flame is another useful tool for harnessing the mind. Keep the gaze soft and unfocused while observing the color, shape, and movement of the flame, and try not to blink. Close your eyes when you feel the need and continue watching the flame in your head. Chanting, devotional singing, and mantras also still the mind. However you choose to tame the monkey mind, do so with firm kindness. The next time the chattering arises, notice it and then allow it to go away. With practice, your monkey mind will become quiet and so will you. AMEN! ✨✨
Good day in the beautiful ‘burgh. ✨✨I hope it is warm enough for you.
I do miss our conversation about Jake I know you will never forget him I do remember
you saying you have had dogs before but Jake touched you in a special way. ✨😘💕Blowing kisses at Jake Canvas and I mean that. 😘✨I still miss my little Sheba after all these
years she was my baby. I don’t know what I would do without Poppy. ✨😘 Hubby loves
him too. ✨Here is a little something to keep you warm. I cannot believe how fast the week went.
I will make something warmer for Club Sheba. Hey I am missing 71flowerchild I just hope
all is well with her and her family. 💕 -
Good morning in S. Cali. I am glad you like the thread I try to do something different
to keep it fresh. 😘✨I love the Blue Berry Muffins good for a cold morning like today.I think they are good any morning. 😘😎Taci I am doing well. The moon was so beautiful
in the frosty sky last night all I could do was stare at it in the cold night.Hey enjoy the hike today I will not be going to far as we are frozen here in OZ. ✨✨
I have some goodies from Iris Apfel coming today. 😎
Happy Trails To You. ✨🎶🎶
Good day on the Gulf Coast. ✨😘I hope you read another interesting book last night.
Oodie I do buy books from the Thrift Store I donate a lot of things for the homeless.The books people donate are great. ✨😘I sometimes read them and donate them so
someone else can enjoy them. If I want to read and keep a bestseller I just go and buy it.Have fun at the Farmer’s Market nice place to get fresh fruit and veggies especially in Florida.
I hope you and hubby have a fun day. ✨
Good day in Florida I do hope you are warm. ✨I covered a little Island Music last night
in Club Sheba. ✨😎 You were the inspiration for that.OZ is around 14 degrees as I type this. I am wearing a Marla Wynne Topper and Pants. ✨
I am nice and toasty warm. 😜What are you making for dinner tonight? I am doing a meat loaf and sides for hubby.💕😘
Poppy is watching me closely he can smell food. I went for a very short walk around the
block with Poppy it was cold thank god I have warm coats and I had everything covered.
I do have a slight head cold but it is under control.The moon was so beautiful last night in the frosty night sky. 😘 Stay warm and layer
up with your clothes.This should warm you up a bit. 😎✨
Good morning in S. California. I hope you are feeling better today. Take it easy.
I know you miss your grandchildren and I hope you can see them soon. 😘✨ -
Good day in Maryland may this be a good and safe day for both you and hubby. ✨✨
Good day in the Rock and Roll City. OZ is frozen and I have a slight head cold. Well we have
some sun and that will work for me. 😘✨How is your grandson? I bet he would love the cookies below. 😘✨
I know your husband is the grill master have a fun and safe day Loaf. ✨😘
FILA Disruptor II Sneaker with Snake-Embossed Detail
731-922 -
Fila Performance Grete Women’s Sports Bra
698-374 -
FILA Pushing the Limit Long-Sleeve Activewear Tee
712-791 -
FILA Curve Front-Zip Cuddle Coat
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
17,512 Replies
01.09.23 4:32 PM
20 Participants