Conversation – 17
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 17 out of the series. I created and started this thread nearly 8 years
ago. I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Peace Out Peeps! Have a safe and cool evening. 😘✨✨
What a day you have had with heat. Good grief and we were hot as hades too. 😎😜
Enjoy this and the Games. 😜😘✨
Good evening I am glad you have figured out what happened. I hope things
work out. OZ has a thunderstorm coming and I am signing off. ✨😘Oodie I have the complete set of the Lily of the Valley. I told many years
ago that is my mother’s name. 😘✨I love this set and it is beautiful.Oodie we have very similar taste. 😎 Stay cool I hope I do not lose power tonight.
I think I finally figured out what happened Monday. The doctor’s assistant on Friday told hubby to take only his BP medication prior to leaving for the hospital. Well, he usually takes those at night. Though I caught him raiding the frig at 12:45 am (poor guy was starving) by 6:45 am he remember to take the meds. Well, not thinking clearly at that hour I never thought to tell him to cheat a bit and so we went on to the hospital. What must have happened is that everything was OK until the block was administered and then things went downhill from there. So, evidently, at that moment they did not know or did not check his sugar and bp levels which would have told them that it may have been the culprit. I am happy that they did do an EKG and also checked for strokes or whatever and everything was normal. He did have to stay in the ER until it passed. I counted the phone calls made from the hospital to me at home. There were 7 with what happened and updates. Last call was to come and get him.
He is fine today. Backache and knee feeling awful. But, at least I know that the block works for over 24 hours. This tells me when to start the meds following surgery. I guess now it is a wait and see when the next time will be. When I contacted our regular physician the assistant really felt for us not being able to drive North. She was going to speak with the physician to see if there is some way we can return North for a few weeks. I doubt that is in the cards when we need to make appointments with the ophthalmologist and dentists. But that is minor and currently on the back burner until we know when.
Yes, I have had some extra sleep and relaxation time. Need to start on the Master soon and laundry beckons. We had two thunderstorms today with some needed rain. It is still very hot and humid as I type with temps in the mid 80s @ 9pm. Oh, forgot to mention bought “Lily of the Valley necklace.” Heidi is so bubbly. She put a smile on my face today.
Blazing hot in the ‘burgh.🔥🔥🔥 Went shopping today for a few hours and couldn’t even touch the steering wheel when I got into the car. Our local news said a car sitting out today for one hour would reach 133 degrees – mine sat for three hours. Same for tomorrow with severe storms, nice Saturday through Monday and then another heat wave, ugh!😝
I guess BIL is okay, talked to SIL last weekend when he came home and haven’t heard anything new which is a good thing.🙏 I will be watching the first game tonight with your family’s Colorado team, hope it’s a good one.🏒😊🍸 Don’t melt under the strawberry moon!🌜🍓🌛
@Sheba 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Good Afternoon Sheba, how are you doing? We are in the high nineties today, and it feels like in the 100’s.
The hair feels great, it’s hydrated and shiny. The olive oil and egg yolks mixture works wonders.
Tonight I think its pasta and bolognese sauce. Fast and easy, sauce in the freezer and I just heat it up and boil water for the pasta.
Sheba how is your garden? Seen any butterflies lately? Here we have the small yellow and the white and beige kind of pale ones come by. The bees are having a good time in front of the house. The little purple flowers the bushes produce must be taste good they all like.
Take Care Sheba 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 -
Emotional pain is at the root of our tendency to withhold, and this causes pain to the people subjected to it.
The most common form of withholding is what we commonly call “the silent treatment,” but withholding encompasses any unwillingness to express your true feelings. It also includes an unwillingness to give support, praise, or positive attention to the people you love. We have all known someone who is impossible to please, and many of us have suddenly found ourselves at the other end of a chilly silence with no explanation. At the same time, many of us will recognize our own tendency to withhold our emotions rather than express them. Most of us have seen both sides of the withholding dilemma. Emotional pain is at the root of our tendency to withhold, and withholding causes pain to the people subjected to it. It is a dysfunctional pattern that creates a breakdown in communication and understanding.
No one deserves to be subjected to withholding. Feeling ignored, disrespected, or shut out, and to not know why, is a terrible feeling. The first thing to remember if this is happening to you is that you are not to blame. You are caught in someone else’s pain pattern. This person does not know how to express feelings in a healthy way probably because this is what they learned when she or he was a child. The second helpful thing to remember is that the withholder is acting out of pain. They are stuck in a habitual mode of response that is self-defeating and alienating to the people they love. Remembering this will help you feel compassion for the person hurting you. However, if you have suffered too long with this pattern, you may need to get some space. Take some time to look at your own patterns and understand why you have taken part in this drama. If you are dealing with people in a family situation, you can step up to the plate to help break the chain of this behavior pattern.
If, on the other hand, it is you that tends to withhold, understand that this is a learned response and it can be unlearned. Find safe places to begin to express all that you’ve been holding back. Begin to make an effort to say what you’re feeling and thinking. Give praise to someone you love. The more you do this, the healthier you and your relationships will become. What was learned over a course of a life cannot be changed overnight — remember, one day at a time.
AMEN! ✨😘🌹
Good day in the ‘burgh. 😎✨😘Just sending you a shout out we are very warm here in OZ.
Welcome Summer a wee bit early but these temps are not letting up.
Oh, well that life. Lady how is your BIL doing? I prey everything goes well for him.
Glad you enjoyed the Top Gun Movie I knew you would. 😎✨
Good afternoon on the Gulf Coast. ✨How are you and hubby doing today?
Tomorrow is trash pick up day heads up. I am collecting recyclables to put to the
curb. I believe it’s Wednesday we both have had a busy week. ✨Oodie I hope your husband mends nicely and can finish what you both started.
Stay hydrated and cool. The A/C is on for the season. 😎✨😘
Oodie just relax and take it easy for now.
Good morning in S. California. Hey I spoke to my niece today and today is her birthday. 😜✨
I told her to have a great day but be safe. 🌹 Niece told me what gas is in your area I was
not surprised the whole country is being hit. Shizzle!Hey enjoy the trails today and Heidi Daus will be on today. ✨😎
Happy Trails to you. 🎶🎶
Sheba, looks like my 1st post poofed.
A very Happy Birthday to your niece. Is she out here for good or for a short time?
SoCa has changed for the worse since I have moved here and yah, the cost of living is out of control.
Got buzzed by a hummingbird in my back yard. It felt like it was going to land on me. I was checking on the tomatoes. They are doing ok but not great since this is new to me. The cilantro bloomed which I have learned means it bolted and is turning into corriander seeds and then dying. Hope to get a new cilantro plant soon.
Hope you found some great clearance frenzy items.
Good afternoon in sunny Florida. How does your hair feel? OZ is very warm today. 😎✨
Here is to a good day. Did you see the moon last night. The beautiful moon did not disappoint.
I basked in the moonlight last night and slept like a baby. 😘✨😎What’s for dinner today? I am wondering what you are taking out of the freezer.
Good afternoon in Maryland well here we are in the middle of the week. My that was quick. 😎
Stay safe and cool in your area. OZ is HOT! 😜✨
Good morning in S. California.✨😘May this be a good and safe day for you.
How are the grandchildren? I hope you get some FaceTime with them. 💕 -
Good day in the rock and roll capital Loaf sending you a Wednesday Shout Out. 😎✨
OZ is hot today stay cool. ✨✨Loaf if you make it back to Hawaii catch a wave. 😘😎
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
17,512 Replies
01.09.23 4:32 PM
20 Participants