Conversation – 17
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 17 out of the series. I created and started this thread nearly 8 years
ago. I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
I rested today and not sure about the recycle and garbage tomorrow. Not enough stuff.
Even though I said I hope to hear something by today or tomorrow, it will probably not happen that fast. It dawned on me that the neurologist took two weeks for an appointment. I’m hoping that we can get another MRI to see if I’m right. And, there are alot of new things and some going through testing and may be the start of a cure. Even the surgeon says it isn’t Parkinsons, but, who knows. I need answers as to why hubby falls out of bed and why he has trouble remembering at the spur of a moment and has the answer five or ten minutes later.
We had some rain this morning. No thunder or Lightning. More expected tomorrow and Friday. Looks like a few days next week may be in the 80s. Maybe Fall is on it’s way, though I won’t hold my breath on that one. Oh, yesterday saw half a rainbow. The sky was clear. No clouds. Very unusual. Haven’t seen the spoonbill lately, but the turtle came around yesterday and today. He loves shrimp as well.
Love that Charlie is spending time with you. Reminds me of Ziggy. Both Ziggy and Mensch were talkers. Miss them both.
I have been with Charlie the Cat all evening I just walked him to the backyard to get to his
house. I feed him and he went to sleep near me on the couch. I will miss these moments
when he crosses over to the Rainbow Bridge. ✨ I love the story about your cat. ✨This is me and Charlie. 💕😎
Peace Out Peeps enjoy your evening. ✨✨
Hello Sheba, how are you and how is the multi tasking today?
I am glad Charlie is going over to your house and enjoying your company.
I miss the cat that would come by, I looked out of my patio door one day and asked Saint Anthony for a cat that would come and go. Come and go because I can’t take care of one 24/7. Not sure if I had told you this before.
Well it was that next door neighbor’s cat she acquired. He had belonged to an elderly lady who passed and they weren’t sure if he had been an indoor cat or if he was only outdoors.
First my ex-neighbor had a Poppy, and said she was allergic and had to let him go.
Then she got the cat and then three others, she had only indoors for close to two years. He would stay in the house during the day and at night he would spend all night out. When he started coming over, he would stay all day here with me. But at night he would scream to go out. He was so loving, and I miss him.
Well long story short, she give them all away . The one that would come by, she give him to a farm and then she sold her house and purchased another in a different community.
The ex-neighbor moved away last summer and then sold that house also and moved out of Florida.
When hubby retires I want to travel, so I don’t want to take in any animals. My first cat, he lived for 21 years and six months. Then I had two others, one for 10 years and the other 15 years.
Got some good news today, I will tell you about it tomorrow.
Take care Sheba 🦋 🌻 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 -
Working With Angels
Angels are our loving guides from the spiritual realm, who with a brush of their wings help us to make the most of our human experience.
At some point in our lives, we are likely to find ourselves asking for help, perhaps from no one in particular and without knowing where help could possibly come from. Maybe we raise our eyes skyward or whisper our need under our breath, only to find that somehow we are heard and the help we need arrives. It might come in the form of a person appearing at the right time or perhaps it comes in the form of luck, chance, or divine intervention. However assistance appears, these are times when we can be sure that there are angels watching over us.
We don’t need to be aware of them to receive their assistance, but there is comfort in the knowledge that they are there for us when we need them. And when we remain open to their presence, we can call on them whenever we need them, to connect and be nurtured by their ethereal and heavenly energy.
As symbols of grace and gentle encouragement, they can offer us comfort as they enfold us in their wings or lift our spirit as they take flight. We may be warmed by their glow, guided by their gentle nudges, or inspired by their whispers in our ears. All they need is to be heard, to see us benefit from their guidance, and perhaps to hear a word of thanks sent their way every now and then. Whether they appear in the guise of a helpful stranger or as a thought that suddenly occurs to us, angels are our loving guides from the spiritual realm, who with a brush of their angelic wings help us to make the most of our human experience by balancing it with the spiritual awareness that all things are possible and that we are not alone. AMEN! ✨✨🌹
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
17,512 Replies
01.09.23 4:32 PM
20 Participants