Conversation – 17
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 17 out of the series. I created and started this thread nearly 8 years
ago. I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Peace Out Peeps! Stay safe and enjoy your evening. ✨💕 I have not had a decent night sleep in days.
Goodnight. 🌹 -
We all had one heck of a week time to say goodbye and begin anew. ✨😎
Love ya. 😘 I am happy Oddiebom and hubby are alright. 💕✨
Shoelady I am LOL at the commercials on the Game because Patrick and I shop at the same store and he lives
about 20 minutes from me. 😎I am on the Kansas side and he is on the Missouri side I can throw a football to MO. ✨ -
This was a beast. Nothing like what we see and feel in New England. This storm was terrifying. Thankfully, we were safe. We can repair the roof and anything else, but our lives like everyone mentions, cannot be replaced. Yes, we have a lot to be thankful for. Thank you for your prayers. Evidently they were heard and I thank whomever is up there for watching over us. The storm was relentless. I am thankful we were home and able to do damage control. Will start making the necessary phone calls tomorrow. Yes, we could have gone to a shelter. But with the Covid cases in Florida, and with most not wearing a mask, decided that being home was probably the safest place to be. As it turned out, it was.
On Friday I thought of you and Mom Friday. At least you probably had some nice, cool weather. Also thought about your sister and in a few weeks she will be back. Oh, she should check the cruise that she is taking with your mom. There could be a better rate since the Covid is still acting up in Florida and cruise lines are again dealing with cancellations. Enjoy the game tonight and have a great day tomorrow.
@oodiebom 💕💕💕💕💕
Thank God!!! And Praise God……I am smiling from ear to ear and doing a little Samba dance. ….So happy to hear from you Oodie. I am so happy that you and your husband are alright.
Last night I made a special prayer to Saint Anthony to find you. Alleluia, he answered me!
Repairs can always be done, your lives is what’s important.
I am worried about your fall and hitting your head.
About the repairs on your home, I know you are a smart cookie as Sheba had said.
But we can always use information. For contractors ask them for a Certificate of Liability Insurance with you named Certificate Holder. Go to Sunbiz.org this website, by entering the business name will show if they are licensed and if they are legitimate. Also check with the Better Business Bureau.
Angie (F/N/A Angie’s List) is a good site for professionals.
We have used on two of our house this roofing company, Tadlock Roofing. Not sure if they work in your area however called them and see. They offer free estimates but most importantly they are a excellent company. Tadlock Roofing
2147 Porter Lake Dr. Unit E
Sarasota, FL 34240
Office Hours: M-F 8am – 9pm
Sat 8am – 1pm
5553 West Waters Avenue, Suite 311
Tampa FL 33634
Office Hours: M-F 8am – 9pm
Sat 8am – 1pm
So glad to have you back and posting Oodie.❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹💕💕💕 -
HALLELUJAH!!!! You are back. Ditto to everything Sheba wrote. I pretty much assumed your power was out but then I started to worry about the lake near you. The pictures on the news were so devastating and I prayed that your house was still standing. As I said to xango, all is repairable/replaceable but you and hubby are not. Just so, so glad to finally hear from you – you have made my Sunday evening.🤗💖
Thanks for your thoughts and your concerns. We have had hurricanes in the Northeast, but nothing like what we visualized or felt here in Florida. I am cetain that most hotels had problems as well. You didn’t need to be in a flood zone to see the fast moving waters. Thankfully, we are both OK. Will start doing housework tomorrow and will get in touch with FEMA tomorrow to see where they will be located. Took pictures from inside the house. Unfortunately, the insurance in Florida no longer covers us for wind from hurricanes or tornadoes. We have names of some roofing companies and will be making phone calls tomorrow. Again, everyone’s prayers were very helpful. Someone up there was listening.
I am so happy you posted and I think you know how I feel. 💕😎I was so worried
the thought of you and hubby being alone I knew the power was out as I went online
to check your county. ✨So I was just waiting for things to settle. Hey your home can
be repaired and you have two more homes to go to if need be. 😜😘Oodie thank you for thinking of our children they are fine. All four kids had no issues. ✨✨
Trust when I tell you I am a mama bear and my husband is a papa bear. 😎✨My sister
lives near all our children and everyone is safe. 💕Oodie I need to chill because you have been on my mind since you last posted. I was so
happy Xango checked in I was concerned about her and her husband I was just glad she
was not alone. Xango knows where your area is and was pretty sure there was no power.Welcome back to the real world. The good lord works in strange ways. 🌹🌹 I need to rest
as now everyone I care about is safe.This Thread may be a little boring round about thread but the people are real and I care
about the people some have been with me near death and many deaths in my family. I am
not a fake person I don’t play games with people I have eight years creating and developing
this thread and it still stands. I hope that means something Oodie I am just typing out loud
because I am relieved everyone is alright. 💕✨ -
THANK HEAVEN You & Mr. Oodiebom are doing okay!! Mrs. Sheba will be so thrilled and relieved, as I am!! Just keep us updated whenever possible. So sorry for the damage to your house & possessions, but that is replaceable, but you and your hubby are not!! Sending you good vibes!!(((🤗🤗🤗)))🙏🙌💘❤💓💕💖💗💙💚💛💜💝💞💟❣💌💋👌👏
@Shoelady 60👡👡👡👡
Hello and how are you doing this Sunday afternoon?
After the monster storm we are having some beautiful days.
It’s certainly was a monster, and we are very lucky. My husband said to me ” we are never living on the coast or near water here in Florida”. 😬 Well we came down with the US Navy back in 1988. And our first house here in Florida we had built was ten minutes from Jacksonville Beach☺️😆. And we were lucky there, no hurricane came our way while we lived there.
In 1993 we moved to Orlando, and in 2004 Florida was hit with five hurricanes. we went through 4 in Orlando, Charlie that one I was all by myself. Charlie did a lot of damage and went up I-95 all the way to Jacksonville causing damage. We lost power for a week with Charlie.
Then there was Frances, Ivan and Jeanne. For two of the hurricanes friends came and stayed with us because they lived in Merritt Island and the area needed to be evacuated.
I forget which hurricane stayed around dumping water and wind all four days. It was an eternity. Surprisingly we didn’t lose power, we had water come in from the window in one of the spare bedrooms. Soaked the entire bedroom drywall, bed, curtains and carpet all had to be replaced. That’s the most damage we had from a hurricane.
Thank you for all your prayers.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and take care. -
Hi we are fine. Finally have electricity which came on last night. And just a few minutes Ok the wifi ret urned with TV, landline, etc. etc. I wrote to Sheba. When you get a chance please read . Sorry you had some problems but thankfully the four of us are safe and can start the repairs. I hope you are feeling OK. That was some fall and I could feel your pain. Just take it easy. At least you do not have any appointments pending. I will write more later.
@sheba2011, DEFG, xango, shoelady60
Both of us are OK. We had a hotel reservation for Sarasota beginning Tuesday afternoon through Friday. At 9:30 am the hotel phoned that we were being cancelled because they were being evacuated. The hotel was not in a flood zone. From what that person told me, was that most hotels were receiving the same message. Ten minutes later we had a visual doctor’s appointment with a neurologist. By the time we got through (an hour and a half later), I tried various hotels in Sarasota, Orlando and beyond for a reservation. Everything was booked. There were a few in St. Augustine and DeSoto, but, too far to travel. We decided to bunker down at home and as it turned out the wisest decision.
Tuesday was OK. Watched the news on and off and also decided to see what was in the frig. I moved things around so it would be easy to grab when needed and to keep the frig cold or cool. Checked the pantry and there were tons of can goods and even some munchies. Most schools were closed on Tuesday and most retail closed between 4 pm and 6 pm that evening. That also included the groceries and of course our Farmers Market. Luckily we had been to Costco and picked up some ready to go items that just needed refrigeration and no cooking.
We had no problems Tuesday night.Wednesday, I was up at 7:30 am. It was quiet. Guess it was the lull before the storm. I checked outside to make sure the car van was locked and walked around for loose anything. Seeing none went back in and made a small breakfast. By 9 am the power was gone. This included our Cells, landline, TV, hot water, etc.. Thank goodness I had downloaded a couple of books and jigsaw puzzles. At that point I just prayed.
There was only a light wind Wednesday morning. We both felt that Florida Light and Power had cut everything to prevent electrocution. I also decided that this was a good time to disconnect all appliances and lights and other things as well. We left the stove, microwave and frig in place. Turned the A/C off. Wednesday afternoon the wind picked up. At this point it was going from East to West which meant we would be OK. Later it went from East to West. Around 7 pm the wind picked up and so did the rain. Torrents of rain. I looked outside from our den window and noticed that the wind was from North to South. I watched the water in the lake to determine the route. I must have fallen asleep when hubby awakened me to check the window in the kitchen. The roof over the lanai was completely gone. Then I followed him into the den where he pointed to the den ceiling. I now had an opened skylight. The floor was drenched in rain water. I had decided to do some laundry the day prior and remembered that I had some bath towels in the mix. This room had some big pieces of furniture and I wiped everything down and covered the tops the best I could. I also remembered when I purchased the furniture that the sales staff would say never to use Pledge. n this case I am glad I didn’t listen because the rain did not penetrate the wood. There would tons of bubbles and so easy to wipe clean and cover. I moved what we could to another location and made a pathway to the kitchen and our bedroom. The den will need to be redone. I have a couple of names and will make the calls tomorrow. Winds were clocked over 100 mph and then some. I knew before hand that there was a possibility that it would land either in Porta Gorda or further South. By car they are about an hour and a half south. I thought this storm would be a category 1 when it reached us. But it wasn’t. I think it was a 4 and then became a 3. I have never seen wind like this and the rain never let up. It was relentless.
Thursday the rain was gone but we still had wind. Gusts were 50 mph. It was heading towards Georgia. Oh how I wanted to tell Sheba, but there was no wifi or internet connection. So I just prayed that her kids would be OK. I heard later that it was quite a storm and there were floods everywhere. Flooding is still going on where we are. Traffic lights are not working and though at the 4-way we should treat it like a stop sign, not everyone is obeying and thus accidents.
Yesterday our neighbor checked on us and thankfully she and her two cute dogs are fine. I decided to take some pictures using Kindle. Going into the house the railing broke free and I fell backwards hitting my head against the screen door leading to the lanai. I am OK. Nothing broken. But I feared for hubby and his knee going up and down with nothing to hang on to. That has been repaired by our neighbor. The electrical came on around 9:30 pm Saturday. Phone service and everything else came on around 4 pm today. I was able to receive messages in my e-mail, but unable to reply. When I had not replied, a cousin in Boston must have either gone on line or heard the news that all power was knocked out. I’m not sure if our cell is working because the satellites were sent flying along with the poles. But, to me, this is just a minor thing. We are OK and that is most important. Men are expected back tomorrow to finish the landscaping. That’s it for now. Need to tell family we are OK.
Hello Sheba, glad to read your children are well and no harm from the hurricane.
I bet Poppy looks good, handsome and smells good too.
I was lucky I didn’t break my left hip when I fell. I believe my Guardian Angel must of broken my fall thus stopping me from having any any serious problems.
My thigh is black and blue and sore. My left arm is better, just can’t raise all the way up yet. The muscles still needs to recuperate.
I am worried about Oodiebom and her husband. I am sure that area must of have lost power, and some damage to cell towers. I am praying we hear from Oodie soon.
I am glad I couldn’t placed a large order of groceries. I tried but Kroger and Walmart didn’t have available days before the Hurrican, neither did Instacart. We would have thrown away lots of food. As it turned out, there wasn’t much to throw away and the refrigerator stayed pretty cool. We had packed the refrigerator with lots of frozen bottles of water.
I hope you are having a great Sunday.
Take care Sheba 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
17,512 Replies
01.09.23 4:32 PM
20 Participants