Conversation – 17
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 17 out of the series. I created and started this thread nearly 8 years
ago. I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
I remember on one of my cruises I saw someone using a three wheel electric bike. It had a cute basket. And yes it folded. The man using it was in his nineties. At least that was what I was told. It was so cute that since that time I have been looking for one. They were quite expensive at the time, but since then, the prices have come down. It is smaller, actually a lot smaller than the cart you see people use. And yes they can be recharged in the stateroom. This is just a thought. If mom still enjoys going to places when a cruise or something else sounds interesting. By the way the ship does have a folding cart you can rent. This may mean a different state room that is handicapped accessible. Just a thought for the adventurer.
I almost didn’t make it to Trivia tonight. Tried the electrical in the shed and it still wasn’t working. Ran back into the house and looked out the kitchen window and though the electrical wires are still hanging, not sure if there is any juice reaching them. I didn’t realize that the wiring was in the ceiling in the lanai. I will be contacting our electrician next week to see if we can circumvent the area and when the work is being done to decide where to put the connections. I have mentioned to hubby that he cannot spend any time in the lanai and if in the shed to tread carefully.
I decided to give myself some time and decided to work on a jigsaw. I must have fallen asleep since I awoke just in time to start the Trivia post. I have been going to bed at crazy hours. Not only am I concerned with the house, but hubby’s health is keeping me on alert. He has started to fall again and I am now searching for a bed rail. Amazon has th em in stock, but I’m doing some homework firt prior to purchasing. He was doing so well and I now I wonder if falling out of bed is due to anxiety. Once I can start putting this home in order I will contact the neurologist for an appointment
I must have been in a sound stupor this afternoon. Missed two important phone calls and never heard the ringing sound. Hubby, whose hearing is better than mind, didn’t hear it either.
Thank goodness for voice mail. Finally heard from the Insurance Claims Adjustor. He is sending us a check to get us started. He is backing his call up with a snail letter along with some $$. On this note, I will be in touch with the contractors. Hopefully, they are OK. That’s another story.The kitties are so cute. I am noticing that there are more pets here than ever before. As you know my next door neighbor has two terriers and both came from the ASPCA. One hates men and she is working on that. Then three doors down from us another one with two pooches. One is a shiz zu and the other part poodle and I think retriever. The one thing I have noticed is that they obey their parents. I think at our next doctor appointment I may ask about a note and see what he says.
Guess it’s time to say goodnight. I surmise you are tucked in. I hope your cold is on the way out. Just be careful when venturing outside while the temps are low. Remember your body is used to the summer heat. The other side of the coin is that this is all sinus. So difficult to tell the difference during the seasons. Just be careful and stay safe. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Hoping to get some shopping in. We have a new store here called Homesense. It’s supposed to be the higher end to Homegoods and yes, it’s own b y the TJX Companies. Also Christmas Tree Shops opened last week. I do need a fix. It would be good to do some fun things for a change. On that note. Good night and stay safe.
Peace Out Peeps have a great evening and stay warm or cool. ✨✨
Goodnight this is how you celebrate your Hockey Team winning tonight. 😘😎✨
Happy Veterans Day again to your hubby. 🌹
Good evening in Oz. My husband returns your thanks for thinking of him.✨🙌 Very dreary, rainy day from Nicole.🌧 More rain through the night and into the morning, then the cold comes. Our high on Sunday will be 38 and may have some snow flurries.❄
Will be watching the game tonight, maybe we can win two in a row??🙄
Mom and sis leave on the 29th so mom will begin deciding what to take for 12 days.🛳 She made the comment that this is her last cruise for a long while, she is getting tired of them. She has been to all of the islands and can’t walk a lot any more. We’ll see if that’s true the next time a super low price rolls through the computer.🤣
Stay relaxed, stay well, stay warm – hugs and kisses back to you!🤗🥰💖
Saying Yes to the Universe
Saying Yes to the universe opens the gate to receiving what your soul really wants.
The hardest thing about saying yes to the universe is that it means accepting everything life puts in front of us. Most of us have a habit of going through our days saying no to the things we don’t like and yes to the things we do, and yet, everything we encounter is our life. We may be afraid that if we say yes to the things we don’t like, we will be stuck with them forever, but really, it is only through acknowledging the existence of what’s not working for us that we can begin the process of change. So saying yes doesn’t mean indiscriminately accepting things that don’t work for us. It means conversing with the universe, and starting the conversation with a very powerful word — yes.When we say yes to the universe, we enter into a state of trust that whatever our situation is, we can work with it. We express confidence in ourselves, and the universe, and we also express a willingness to learn from whatever comes our way, rather than running and hiding when we don’t like what we see. The question we might ask ourselves is what it will take for us to get to the point of saying yes. For some of us, it takes coming up against something we can’t ignore, escape, or deny, and so we are left no choice but to say yes. For others, it just seems a natural progression of events that leads us to making the decision to say yes to life.
The first step to saying yes is realizing that in the end it is so much easier than the alternative. Once we understand this, we can begin examining the moments when we resist what is happening, and experiment with occasionally saying yes instead. It might be scary at first, and even painful at times, but if we continue to say yes to every moment through the process, we will discover the joy of being in a positive conversation with a force much bigger than ourselves. AMEN! ✨✨
Good morning in the ‘burgh. Wishing your husband a nice Veterans Day and I want to
thank him for his service. ✨✨Enjoy this day anyway you please and here is a big cheer your Hockey Team wins tonight. 😎✨
Blowing a kiss to you and Jake’s Canvas. 😘✨I bet your mother and sister are getting ready
for their Cruise coming up fast. 😜✨ -
I know your husband is a pilot I am not sure if he served but regardless enjoy this
Veterans Day to all our Service Men and Women. ✨🌹 -
Good day on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Oodie I hope this day finds you doing better.
How is your hubby? I am very chilly in OZ today. I think we will be in the 20’s all weekend
and beyond. Yikes!!! Come on what happened to Fall? It was fun while it lasted. 😜😎✨Pretty sure you have a lot on your plate and I wish you the best of luck reaching out to
different people to help you get your home back together after the Ian Storm not to mention
Nicole.Hang in there Oodie. I hope to see you in Trivia tonight if you are up to it. 😘✨
Please be careful around your home. 🌹
Good afternoon in Florida. 😎✨I hope this is a good Veterans Day for you.
How are things going there after the storm? I am so glad your husband did not drive
in such a dangerous storm. ✨✨I am still dealing with a head cold and OZ is in the 20’s today. I have the heat and a fireplace
on. Charlie is here with me he never went home. 😜I am having some soup and some tea today. Hubby is at work and I hope he leaves early.
Sending prayers to those in Florida affected by another storm. Please be safe. Hey perhaps
I will see you in Trivia later this evening. 😘I could use some of your home made bread with
my soup. 😎✨
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
17,512 Replies
01.09.23 4:32 PM
20 Participants