Conversation – 17
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 17 out of the series. I created and started this thread nearly 8 years
ago. I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Hi and hope you are feeling better as you read this. Remember, the higher the number on the Manuka honey, the more potent it is. I know some people do not like the taste of Manuka, however there are many manufacturers and the taste is different between them. Nothing got done today. My sinuses were the cause of all evils including a headache that left me, well, you know that story.
I think Charlie’s owner is being unmerciful. However, I can understand that she wants some time with him as well. Besides when you are visiting your mom, I am positive he would be trying to get to you and will not understand why you are not opening the door. The other side is that the weather has changed and maybe keeping Charlie in one place without going outside may be better for his health. He does not need any added ailments when he has one that is devastating, though in some cases, with the right love and the right food, things could change. When he is with you, you may try giving him some food. Chances are he may not be eating at his home and brings the appetite to you. Maybe you should have a chat with his mom. If you do, bring a peace offering because that may help the situation. Cats seem to gravitate to the people that love them. It’s not always the food, but the love and the attention and the warmth they feel.
Weather wise, it is warm here, but the A/C is off. We will be feeling cooler temps as the days go by with temps in the 60s. However, it looks like our homes in the North will experiencing some snow and cooler temps like you. Weather permitting, we will head North after the house is in order. We would prefer taking our normal route if at all possible, but, with winter fast approaching the I-95 corridor may be the one we will need to take. The other is more scenic and the mountains breathtaking. But the roads more hazardous. According to the “Farmer’s Almanac,” Florida will be seeing the colder temps like you and when it starts it will be with us for awhile. To think my favorite boots are at the Cape house. Funny, winter coats are here. Go figure…..
Well, enjoy your day tomorrow. Don’t overdo it. Take time for yourself. Get those feet up and try to relax. Chicken soup is soooo helpful. I love it all year round. Try making the broth and then add fish instead of chicken. A different taste entirely. I usually throw in raw shrimp, crab legs and clams. I season it the same as chicken and use carrots, bok choy, and honeydew melon and sometimes the dragon fruit. So many different ways to use chicken broth. On that note I am making myself hungry and as I look at the clock, it’s time for bed. Take care and dress warm.
I have a really bad cold keep warm or cool wherever you are. ✨✨
Peace Out Peeps enjoy your evening. ✨✨
Hello and I hope you are staying warm. It’s unbelievable that Thanksgiving is upon us.
Last night I couldn’t fall asleep thinking of you. You said you had a very bad head cold. So I looked up on YouTube how to get rid of a head cold, well I think the conclusion was one just have to get through it. I sorry you are going through that.
I was thinking about Charlie, isn’t there a way you can call or text his owners advising them he is there with you, safe, warm and happy.
I am trying out a new bread today it’s a sweet bread. I am adding raisins and you cut into slices before placing it into the loaf pan.
Stay warm and take care of yourself Sheba. -
Good afternoon from the snowy ‘burgh. I am blaming my husband because just yesterday he brought down the snow shovels from the shed. It’s been snowing most of the afternoon, deck, grass and driveway are covered.❄❄
BIL is hanging in as always but my SIL’s best friend passed last weekend.😥 Not sure from what, she talked to my husband last week and mentioned she was in the hospital but hubs didn’t ask why.😏 I do know years ago she had a liver transplant.
Mom got the suitcases out so I guess she is starting.👜🩱👗 Leaves two weeks from today.
Hope this snow melts but not sure if we will be above freezing this week. Glad you will have family for Thanksgiving.🦃 Get well please, sending love your way.💗💜💚
The Status Quo
Our lives can sometimes become status quo and that is ok as long as we aren’t keeping it that way on purpose.
When our lives are going well, and sometimes even when they aren’t, we may find ourselves feeling very attached to the status quo of our existence — life as we know it. It is a very human tendency to resist change as though it were possible to simply decide not to do it, or have it in our lives. But change will come and the status quo will go, sooner or later, with our consent or without it. We may find at the end of the day that we feel considerably more empowered when we find the courage to ally ourselves with the universal force of change, rather than working against it.
Of course, the answer is not to go about changing things at random, without regard to whether they are working or not. There is a time and place for stability and the preservation of what has been gained over time. In fact, the ability to stabilize and preserve what is serving us is part of what helps us to survive and thrive. The problem comes when we become more attached to preserving the status quo than to honoring the universal givens of growth and change. For example, if we allow a situation we are in to remain stagnant simply because we are comfortable, it may be time for us to summon up the courage to challenge the status quo.
This may be painful at times, or surprisingly liberating, and it will most likely be a little of both. Underneath the discomfort, we will probably find excitement and energy as we take the risk of unblocking the natural flow of energy in our lives. It is like dismantling a inside ourselves, because most of the work involves clearing our own inner obstacles so that the river of our life can flow unobstructed. Once we remove the obstacles, we can simply go with the flow, trusting the changes that follow. AMEN! ✨✨
Good Afternoon in the ‘burgh. ✨Hey keep warm we are in the cooler too here in OZ.
I am wishing you the best of luck with your Hockey Team tonight. 😜😘
I am glad you enjoyed your nephews and family visiting. I think it is so nice to have
family. How is your BIL? Lady he is a fighter.Has your mother finish packing for her Cruise? I know your sis and her are a little excited.
Sending a big hug to you and Jake’s Canvas. ✨😘
Enjoy the Game. ✨✨
Good afternoon in Florida I know you are organizing things I am cleaning and cooking. 😜
We had some light snow here in OZ the temp is around 34 degrees as I type this. 😜😎Fall just disappeared into the night we will have these temps for a while. Oh well that’s
life.I am about to pick out my sweet potatoes for some fresh baked pies.
I know you feel like a million bucks with the way you did your kitchen. Kudos to you. 💕💕
Happy Baking, Cooking and Cleaning here is to the Thanksgiving Season. ✨
Good day on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Oodie I hope things work out well for you and hubby.✨
Let me know how things are going today. I can’t believe Thanksgiving is next week.
Where is time going? Oodie are you cooking or eating out?I will cook and bake I have a small family group coming. I have no immediate family here
but my husband do. Hubby niece from Springfield, MO is coming and his niece who lives
not far from us in Wichita is coming. I will stop by my Step-mother to visit here during the
holidays and we are going to see a major Plaza Lighting Event held every year near us. ✨✨🌹I am doing Landry and then some. I had a good time very short with Charlie. 😎😘
Enjoy more tea with Manuka Honey I still have a slight head cold and I am drinking
some myself. 😎 -
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
17,512 Replies
01.09.23 4:32 PM
20 Participants