Conversation – 17
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 17 out of the series. I created and started this thread nearly 8 years
ago. I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Happy Holidays Peeps!✨✨
Donny Hathaway
“This Christmas”Hang all the mistletoe
I’m gonna get to know you better
This Christmas
And as we trim the tree
How much fun it’s gonna be together
This ChristmasFireside is blazing bright,
We’re caroling through the night
And this Christmas will be
A very special Christmas for mePresents and cards are here
My world is filled with cheer and you
This Christmas
And as I look around,
Your eyes outshine the town they do
This ChristmasFireside is blazing bright
We’re caroling through the night
And this Christmas will be
A very special Christmas for me, yeahShake a hand, shake a hand now
Emm, fireside is blazing bright
We’re caroling through the night
And this Christmas will be
A very special Christmas for me, yeahMerry Christmas
Shake a hand, shake a hand now
Wish your brother merry christmas
All over the land
Merry Christmas
Merry, merry Christmas
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Merry, merry, merry, merry
Emm, em -
Club Sheba Holiday Edition ✨
Can you believe it!!!!! I am actually posting at 8 pm. Anyway, I really want to thank you for all your suggestions. We did have time following our physical to have a chat with our physician. I brought up your ideas and he said No to the protein drinks. He felt they were high in carbs and sugar. Rather than argue, I will start making my own when our new Ninjas arrives. My husband’s sugar was down from his last visit a month ago. So we are going in the right direction. He does have a heart problem but would not elaborate. I surmise it was because hubby was in the same room with me and he didn’t want to scare him. I will get to the bottom of this at some point. Meanwhile, I will tread very carefully. The only thing I forgot to ask was meds for t he pain. I can make a phone call. We were a little late for our appointment. I missed the entrance for the parking lot at the hospital and didn’t realize my mistake until I saw a numbered street which was close to the one I take for the return to the house. I had to do a U-Turn. Took another wrong turn and ended up in the next town over. Noticed the road I should be on when we went over the bridge. Corrected myself and we made it to the parking lot where I had to go around several times. Resorted to the valet parking and we were about 10 minutes late. Worked out OK in the end. Again, thank you for your concern. I am fine. I think I will be in bed before dawn (LOL). Hope you feel better.
I know how you feel at this time of year. I also get the waves every now and then. My dad was a pharmacist and had his own retail store with the pharmacy. As soon as I was on a break from studies, I would help out in the store. It was my favorite time of year. Every year I wanted to decorate the windows with a display and every year Dad beat me to the punch. He loved doing it. My mom worked at the front register. In those days she sold cigarettes, magazines, newspapers, cosmetics and everything else. I did the candy, toys and games and helped whomever needed it. After college I did the same in the evening hours after working all day elsewhere. I enjoyed meeting the people and hearing their stories. Great adventure even though the hours were long and tedious.
I so miss my family which includes aunts and uncles and grandparents. My grandparents actually brought me up because my mom worked with dad. In my younger days, my grandpa would pick me up after school and I would have snacks and dinner with both of them. . As you may know from my other posts my grandmother was a great cook and baker. Me, not so much. I do try, but to be like her, …..hmmm. Anyway, I do think of my family quite often and those waves come around the time they left. Some years harder than others. And the pandemic does not help the situation. I better let you go. Have a great evening and a better tomorrow.
Hubby and I had doctor appointments. It went well. Labs were over the top. Thank you Andrew. Blood pressure could be better. I asked about the heart. He wouldn’t elaborate. Guess it is time to find a cardiologist. Not sure if it will be in Florida or in Ma.. Maybe both places. I assume the reason he wouldn’t say much was because hubby was in the room. I will not let this one pass in the night. I did ask about Boost and other protein drinks and he absolutely said NO. I will then make my own once the new Ninjas arrive. I also inquired about the booster and the mam. He said I can do both. Hmm……not so sure. But, it is a smaller dosage. I’m still questioning.
I cancelled the Physical Therapy for tomorrow. He will have one session this week. We are both quite exhausted from the last two weeks and this will give us an opportunity to stay in bed longer and be hassle free.
Have a great evening Sheba. Hope you and Poppy will be warm this evening as you walk under the moonlit sky. Our house temp finally reached 70. A./C is off.
Hello Sheba and how was your day? Thank you for your post to my mom up in heaven. I appreciate it and I know she would of loved it.
I pretty much get kind of down around this time each year. And lately I’ve been this way.
Tomorrow the first day of December, I going to start decorating. I am hoping that will make me feel better. However I don’t want to do a lot. The day was a nice one, cool no humidity and not cold. Take care Sheba. -
I had to re-read your post and I want to thank you for your kind thoughts. 😘😎✨
Taci how are you feeling and I know you are missing your mother my thoughts
and prayers go out to you. ✨ -
The Message of Pain
Both emotional and physical pain are messages that we need to stop and pay attention to.
When we feel pain, our first impulse is often to eradicate it with medication. This is an understandable response, but sometimes in our hurry to get rid of pain, we forget that it is the body’s way of letting us know that it needs our attention. A headache can inform us that we’re hungry or stressed just as a sore throat might be telling us that we need to rest our voice. If we override these messages instead of respond to them, we risk worsening our condition. In addition, we create a feeling of disconnectedness between our minds and our bodies.
Physical pain is not the only kind of pain that lets us know our attention is needed. Emotional pain provides us with valuable information about the state of our psyche, letting us know that we have been affected by something and that we would do well to focus our awareness inward. Just as we tend to a cut on our arm by cleaning and bandaging it, we treat a broken heart by surrounding ourselves with love and support. In both cases, if we listen to our pain we will know what to do to heal ourselves. It’s natural to want to resist pain, but once we understand that it is here to give us valuable information, we can relax a bit more, and take a moment to listen before we reach for medication. Sometimes this is enough to noticeably reduce the pain, because its message has been heard. Perhaps we seek to medicate pain because we fear that if we don’t, it will never go away. It can be empowering to realize that, at least some of the time, it is just a matter of listening and responding.
The next time you feel pain, either physical or emotional, you might want to try listening to your own intuition about how to relieve your pain. Maybe taking a few deep breaths will put an end to that headache. Perhaps writing in your journal about hurt feelings will ease your heart. Ultimately, the message of pain is all about healing. Amen! ✨✨
Happy Holidays in California sending positive vibes to you and your family.
Kitten I hope all is well. ✨😘
Wishing you the very best. 🌹
Good day in the fabulous ‘burgh. No worries this week is moving fast. 😜
Wishing you a great day how is your mother and sister this week?If you stop by to see them wish them a very Happy Holiday. 😘🌹
I have a lot of irons in the fire but I am keeping it moving.
Happy Holidays!! 🌹😜✨
Happy Holidays no matter where you are. ✨Give the fur babies a nice OZ pet. ✨😜😘
Good morning in S. Cali and I hope you have a great hike. ✨😎I have been out with
Poppy today and will go again this afternoon.You are so funny with your post about your husband wanting more pie. ✨😜
Enjoy the trails and the view along the way.
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
17,512 Replies
01.09.23 4:32 PM
20 Participants