Conversation – 15
Welcome to conversation – 15. This is number 15 of this thread.
We are in TAY. This Thread is three years old.
I hope you enjoy this as it covers music, fashion and most of all
Heidi Daus. I am an Avid Collector. ♥ my focus is fashion being a former
fashion model. As a singer I cover lots of old school music and popular and
show tunes. Movies are a must. We talk about a lot of things in Conversation.
Please remember this is TAY! I am still learning the new system so bear with me.
Blessings to you all. ♥ Happy Holidays ♥
This is for your grandson. I hope he is doing better today. 🙂 Hugs to the little one. ♥
Amy my coupon is not working. I will keep trying. The Andrew Lessman Coupon worked
very well and I should have my Peptides some time today. 🙂 YAY! -
Together Forever
Rick AstleyIf there’s anything you need
All you have to do is say
You know you satisfy everything in me
We shouldn’t waste a single day
So don’t stop me falling
It’s destiny calling
A power I just can’t deny
It’s never changing
Can’t you hear me, I’m saying
I want you for the rest of my life
Together forever and never to part
Together forever we two
And don’t you know
I would move heaven and earth
To be together forever with you
If they ever get you down
There’s always something I can do
Because I wouldn’t ever want to see you frown
I’ll always do what’s best for you
There ain’t no mistaking
It’s true love we’re making
Something to last for all time
It’s never changing
Can’t you hear me, I’m saying
I want you for the rest of my life
Together forever and never to part
Together forever we two
And don’t you know
I would move heaven and earth
To be together forever with you
So don’t stop me falling
It’s destiny calling
A power I just can’t deny
It’s never changing
Can’t you hear me, I’m saying
I want you for the rest of my life
Together forever and never to part
Together forever we two
And don’t you know
I would move heaven and earth
To be together forever with you -
I want to hear the story try to post if you can. Loaf I am sorry you are still getting those
emails. I don’t know what to do. -
I know you are in a better place still I have this place in my heart for you always.
My dear we will always remember you. ♥ I love you Mcpoopoo♥Prayers to your dear family. ♥
Top of the morning in Cali to you. I am hoping your grandson is doing better. Keep giving
him the soup and crackers and plenty of fluids you are doing the right thing.I hope the storms did not scare the kitties sometimes loud noises affect them but I know
you know this. My cats always hid during the holidays where fireworks were used by others
and loud storms. I can say nothing bothers Poppy. ♥ Good luck with your upcoming appts.
I will be praying for you and I mean that. 🙂I hope you and your family have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend. Please take it easy.
I know you will but just a reminder. I love your Heidi Daus picks. I am still waiting to get
the Tassell suite. 🙂 As you can see I have plenty of flowers to go around but the day is still
young. Heidi will be on again this evening. ♥ Take care of the little one. ♥ -
Free of Gravity
We take flight mentally and experience new insights when we rise above our habitual ways of thinking.
As earthbound beings, humans have always had a fascination with winged creatures of all kinds. The idea of being able to spontaneously lift off from the earth and fly is so compelling to us that we invented airplanes and helicopters and myriad other flying machines in order to provide ourselves with the many gifts of being airborne. Flying high in the sky, we look down on the earth that is our home and see things from an entirely different perspective. We can see more, and we can see farther than we can when we’re on the ground. As if all this weren’t enough, the out-of-this-world feeling of freedom that comes with groundlessness inspires us to want to take flight again and again.
Metaphorically, we take flight whenever we break free of the gravity that holds us to a particular way of thinking or feeling or being. We take flight mentally when we rise above our habitual ways of thinking about things and experience new insights. This is what it means to open our minds. Emotionally, we take flight when the strength of our passion exceeds the strength of our blockages; the floodgates open and we are free to feel fully. Spiritually we take flight when we locate that part of ourselves that is beyond the constraint of linear time and the world of form. It is in this place that we experience the essential boundlessness that defines the experience of flight.
Taking flight is always about freeing ourselves from form, if only temporarily. When we literally fly, in a plane or on a hang glider, we free ourselves from the strength of gravity’s pull. As we open our minds and our hearts, we free ourselves from habitual patterns of thought and emotional blockages. As we remember our true nature, we free ourselves from identification with the temporary state of our physical forms. The more we stretch our wings, the clearer it becomes that taking flight is a state of grace that simply reminds us of who we really are. ♥
Good Morning Cherie,
I think I understand your post today. This Thread is my Diary. I do this because I want to.
Cherie when I started this not a soul was on here then Loaf started and it just grew I never
meant for it to have so much. Anyway since my area is fashion, music, dance this is what
I try to do with the thread. HSN is a shopping network. Back in the day we had lot’s of
threads that were interesting. I was always in TAY no one paid any attention to me much.These are my thought and feelings. I love when people post I just don’t want anyone changing
how I do my Thread. Gosh I hope I am saying this right I wish I could write to you privately.No biggie Cherie I have my own personality and the way I like to do things. I respect everyone
who posts I have a form and a format to how I want the Thread to look. I have seen threads
where I could not follow the conversation this goes years back.This is where I come to get away from it all. The only time I never posted was when I was
near death. I came back slowly and I posted everyday I take my laptop with me LOL!
Enough of me and my thread you and Captain have a great day. ♥ Enjoy the weekend and
did you get some sleep? Nothing like it when you work hard. Hugs to the kids and let them
sleep in too. ♥ Shout out to your Mom. Cherie this is the date Mcpoopoo left us. God how
I miss her. -
Enjoy the Lake House I love it. ♥ Have fun with your family and I hope the weather is alright.
I have relatives in your area and they are going out of town.Be good with Heidi Daus! NOT! Hugs to the furbabies. 🙂
I get it about the planes, I really do. You are not alone. A lot of people are afraid of flying. I used to be one of them. As a kid, I flew many times and it never bothered me but I think once I became a mom, things like that made me anxious because you start to think of things going wrong and who will be there for the kids. I started facing my fear slowly about flying when my kids were older. My dad treated the whole family (47 of us) to an Alaskan cruise and the only way I was going to be able to go was to fly from here to Seattle to catch the boat! My son reassured me he would be with me the whole time and he talked me through all the noises and bumps (I’m kind of tearing up now because I just have the BEST kids, God bless them). My son’s love and hobby has always been planes, especially military. He knew them inside and out (he even flew the F18 simulator at the AF training base here. He got special clearance when he was a youngster). Anyway, that really helped me. We had to take a small prop plane that only sets 20 so our seats were next to each other and daughter was across the aisle. I was very nervous but he made it possible. We had to connect to our jumbo jet at LAX and then we all sat next to each other on our flight to Seattle. After the cruise and on our return flight home, I actually found the take-off and landing kind of fun! 😀 I was still nervous though and I knew I still needed to fly more and become comfortable with it. So I decided to make it a priority one year to face my fears so I decided to fly to Chicago BY MYSELF and go shopping for my birthday! I DID IT! O’Hare International is a HUGE airport but I made my way around there too! Unfortunately, I didn’t get the shopping done that I had planned because the next day I passed out 4 times while walking down Michigan Avenue. 911 was called and I was in the hospital. That was the beginning of my heart issues… Now I am kind of back to being afraid to fly but for different reasons and that is in case I get into trouble while on the plane but they do make emergency landings.
One reason the Concorde is so exciting for me is that I can only be on a flight for 3 hours and still be in Europe! Otherwise, I will take a cruise there because those flights are just too long! And how often in life can you say you flew at over mach 2? Lol!That is so cool about your Captain! I hope he will finish up his training and get his license. My son is planning to get his when he isn’t so busy at his job. His job has him working 12-14 hours many days. But he loves it and there is major hope for cancer coming soon to the public. 😀 They are ready to start manufacturing it. 😀
I think that’s adorable about your kids feeding the little miracles that show up. God will bring you the perfect fit when it’s time. Just keep your heart open to it. I have no doubt either that Simba will help guide it along. I know Cuddles has done that because she probably saw me crying all the time. She was my “baby girl” and best friend. It takes a long time for the heart to heal so just take it as it comes.
Are you having cray cray weather too? It has been so unusually cool for May here! It’s actually COLD at night! Normally our AC would be on by now! I’m not complaining and I hope we have a cool (one can pray) summer! Have a good one. Sorry if I talked your ear off. Kitty hugs! 😀
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
24,421 Replies
01.01.70 12:00 AM
49 Participants