All Heidi Daus Jewelry Collectors KNOW What I mean!
IF I could personally thank HEIDI, I’d do it. Over the years I’ve collected and been gifted numerous Heidi Daus pieces of jewelry. Recently, I was taken by ambulance to the hospital. I was admitted, went through several days of testing and waiting…then surgery. During my stay, a few of my friends went to my house and brought up many pieces of my HEIDI JEWELRY. They’d put a different piece of jewelry on me each day. On some days…my jewelry was changed more than once. Although I felt physically awful and looked even worse…knowing I was wearing a piece of beautiful jewelry that I loved caused the emotional distress to take flight.
Those of us that love Heidi’s jewelry, I’m sure, understand what I mean. I’d love to hear from those that have also gotten uplifted during a stressful time simply by doing something similar (even if you needed help to do so).
Kindest Regards
@lady4peace I completely understand (: I have been a Heidi-girl since she first started on HSN. Some of my friends have from time to time ask me why I have so much Heidi , I simple say IT MAKES ME HAPPY
I hope you are having a healthy and happy Heidi day (: HUGS -
@Lady4!peace, I am so sorry to hear about your emergency surgery, but glad to hear your jewelry lifted your spirits so well. Good luck on your road to recovery.
Darling, sorry to hear about your recent stay at the hospital and surgery. I pray you are okay, now.💙💓💖💝🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
You have amazing friends and are blessed that they lifted your spirit when needed!
Please let us know you are okay! 💝💖💓💙😍😘😎💋💋💋🤗🤗🤗
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
4 Replies
09.27.22 2:11 AM
4 Participants