Friday Night Trivia July 23,2021
I hope you are ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
All done and I hope it helps. 🌹
OODIEBOM, Hello and how are you doing? And your husband, I hope he is getting better and stronger each day. I read your post, staying in the Hotel all those days must be hard. I pray you and your husband will soon be able to return to Florida. Please know I am here should you need my help. I hope you have a healthy week, drink enough fluids, eat well, rest when you can. Keep us informed please.
Hi xango. I saw your other post and thank you for being there for us. Hubby has been having problems with his lower back and both knees for sometime. Calling out of bed doesn’t help. I think the rehab may do a blood panel to check for Parkinsons. As far as I can determine, his sister had a form of this disease with anxiety. She was the only one. He started therapy for his legs today and is doing things that require a nurse by his side. His short term memory is almost non existent. He does remember when I am there so that gives me hope. I hope all is well with you and yours including your brother in law.
OODIEBOM, was checking in and you will be in my prayers.💕🙏
Hi luvsweets. I saw your other posts and answered those as well. Hope all is well and you will have better news soon. We are home now and hubby is doing better each day. I think the home environment lends itself much better than rehab. We left in such a rush that the house again looks like a tornado hit it. I will do a little each day. Hope you are feeling better as well. Hi to Frank. We miss the both of you in Trivia.
@oodiebom, I am glad to hear from you. Both you and your husband have been in my prayers. Your days must be very difficult and tiring. Its always a good idea to do some research on some of the rehabilitation places around your area down here.
We are doing well, husband goes to work every day at the VA in Orlando. Because of the up cases of COVID-19 they have reinstated stricter rules again. I planted some potatoes, but couldn’t stay outside to long. The heat is unbearable, humidity overwhelming.
I purchased a pasta machine and made ravioli today. It was the first time using the machine to roll and stretch out the dough. Its easier than rolling it out with a rolling pin. I couldn’t get the dough thin enough with a rolling pin. I made about 43 of them, placed in the freezer for future meals and made some for dinner. OODIEBOM do you have enough masks? Please be careful. Eat well, drink plenty of fluids and get some rest. Looking forward to your next post. -
I have been reading about the covid in Fl. And to say I am concerned is an understatement. It’s funny in that I saw the handwriting on the wall and didN’t want to head North at this time. Hubby is doing ok. Just not sure how to handle the rest areas on route South. Have a meeting tomorrow to go over everything. The only problem I have is getting a ride between rehab and the hotel. Uber is a huge problem and Lucy’s didn’t come at all last night. With the help of the security staff made it back by 1 am. Starting tonight will have most meals with him. Too much trouble for the early breakfast. The treadmill on the web page would help the both of us. Now I wish we were in Fl.. Having it fit under the bed, a good thing.
Let you a message on another thread so sorry I made an error stay cool. 😘😎
@ Sheba2011, Please don’t worry about this…. it’s no biggie.
How about going over to the customer service conversation and giving OODIE some support?
Hi FBN. Thanks for adding to the post. I have no idea if the MODS even look at it. It seems no one in tech cards an d think two questions are ok. By the way, the MODS never answered my post from two weeks ago.I’m
@fbn135, how and where in customer service. Went there but it gives you a question asking page.
Hi xango…from the home page here look upper left…browse conversations…scroll down to customer service and click on it…you will see OODIEs post. Have fun.
Fbn135, thank you….done. Stay safe.
Goodnight all and thank you for joining us.
It was great to get an update from Oodie. Wishing the best for her hubby’s recovery.
Have a cool, relaxing week…
Good night to all Trivia Players and good night to our Host. 🌹
Everyone be safe and stay cool this weekend. See ya next Friday. 😘😎
I have some things to do, so I will be checking out early this evening. I wish for all of you a safe and happy week ahead. 🌹😊
Thanks for joining us and have a great, cool week.
Your very welcome!
I entered “show hosts” on HSN online search & then counted. Very “old school”, like me. ☺️
Thanks again…
You all are so awesome!!! Whenever I am stumped on an answer, I *KNOW* I can come here and get it! Thank you to all that are kind and gracious enough to share. Bless you all!!
Thanks! I forgot about the “no space rule” because it’s been so long.
200 Tickets!
Going to leave you all. Hope you have a good game I posted an inquiry with the MODS.
Thank you. As always you are a great hostess! Be sure to take care of yourself as well.
Hi sheba. Yes, I ate. The rehab has been providing me a tray as well. Visiting hours are from 11 am to 7 pm. I am now using Uber. I am very tired. At least I know he is taking his meds. Next Tuesday I get some training as his caretaker.
How stressful your return has been. Take care of what MzKatz said. Take care of you, so you are able to care for hubby.
There is a heat warning here, which I imagine is all over. The heat can really drain you-drink plenty of water.
My thoughts & prayers are you. 🙏
I am so glad to see you even for a few precious minutes. 😘💕 We are all here my friend.
Did you eat today? Soon you will be heading back to Florida. How are you feeling?
Hello to you guys! 👋
Thank you–will do. This is lovely! 🌹😊
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
58 Replies
08.08.21 11:27 PM
9 Participants