Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….:)
Pipman, I just saw your post. You can purchase Manuka honey in Costco, Trader Joe and most supermakets. It definitely works on sore throats. It didn’t help my cough, but other people have said it did. You do not need a whole teaspoon, about a 1/3rd would be enough. Can put it into a cup of tea or just use the spoon.
I hope, for your sake, you don’t have Covid-19. I’m hoping your sore throat is from weeding and trimming. However, just to be sure, I would get tested. Take care of yourself.
Dr. Oodie
I also found it at Target when I had a sore throat and used “Drive Up”. So, I never had to leave my car.
At Target: Wedderspoon Raw Monofloral Manuka Honey, 8.8 oz @ $23.49. The item # (DPCI) 212-02-0387
Also on Amazon, same brand but 17.6 oz @ $39.94 or on Subscribe & Save for less.
Hope you feel better.
Good night everyone, OODIEBOM thank you for hosting and be safe. All the players have a great weekend and week, be safe and take care.
Goodnight all! I am so glad you are safe, Samslilangel, and it’s so nice to see Sheba back. Hello, Pipman! I wish a very good week for all of you, and stay safe.
Thanks to Oodiebom for your hosting ability and thanks for the beautiful illustrations we had this evening! 😀 -
It’s that time again when we must say goodnight. Hope you all had some fun. Certainly, we all enjoyed the gifs. I hope you all stay safe, wear your masks and social distance and don’t forget to wash your hands. Have a great weekend and a wonderful week. Hope to see you all back here next week, same time, same place. Good night and may you all have pleasant dreams.
Good night
Goodnight thanks again for being a great Host. Goodnight to all Trivia Players
be safe and enjoy your evening. -
Sweet dreams my friend. ♡
Ditto…Always my friend..
Hello All! Yes, been lurking and watching NBA and MLB. We got hot here in LA…not as hot as other regions but I think it hit 92 and I’m just a few miles from the coastline. Worked outside, trimming a couple of overgrown bushes this morning but by 9A I was dripping…didn’t even pick up the trimmings…they can wilt and I’ll work on it over the next few days. I am going to update my post about the Fire HD 8 Plus that I got this week. It seems to be working quite well overall for just browsing the net. A better test will be when Spectrum comes next Thursday to install TV, phone and internet (from DISH and ATT). ANYTHING has got to be better than my net and wifi now…painfully slow if I am not on the desktop. Of all things with the Fire tablet, it’s not loading the Trivia post in the Community. All other sites and even the main page of the Community load BUT when I go to the posts, it’s showing that it’s “insecure” and it will only load part of Oodiebom’s post…actually having a lot of problems with the iPad as well. Did HSN change something? Any thoughts? One of our donation places reopened this week (Savers) so took two loads of stuff down…worried they will cut off donations like our local Goodwills recently did (stores open but not taking donations). Lastly…yikes! Had that “WHAT the” moment last night about 10:30P…sore throat. Eck! Of course, ANY disease or bad feeling bring on the Covid Scare…seems like my tonsils (never had them out and they have always been BIG). Ibuprofen seems to knock the discomfort, for now. Also, aches and pains but hey, I was up and down ladders with the electric hedge trimmer working on those bushes this morning (one of them, my head was above the roof line). Think a bit to eat, another ibuprofen and bed. Virtual hugs to all!
I tend to get similar symptoms when I get up in the morning and worry about it–then I drink lots of fluids and I feel fine just a little bit later. Be sure to extra-hydrate, and yes, sleep may be the next best thing. Take care, Pipman. 😀
Thank you for the tips. I was pretty restless last night, so hope tonight is better. I’m just going to leave the AC on and not try and stuggle with being warm.
Hi Pipman. Ok, on the Kindle, go into the Internet icon on the front. Type in hsn.com and then go into community. In the upper right hand corner you will see three dots … click on the dots. Scroll down and you will see desktop. Click on desktop, this will minimize the community area and you will be able to read and post as always. Give it a try and let me know if that answers that problem.
For the sore throat. Go out and purchase Manuka Honey. It gets rid of that sore throat one, two and three. In a couple of hours you will forget you had one. Maybe less. Take care. Hope you get to read this before going nighty night.
Hey, THANK YOU! That seemed to work. I’ll play with it this week and see if I can then get into the posts…seemed to work, as I quickly tried. That honey…I wonder where to get that?
I answere Marla Wynne and it says expired or wrong. Know it is the correct answer. Have been trying awhile.
Hi linda-g. Welcome to Trivia where one of us knows the answer. Glad you dropped in.
remove the spacebetweenthe2wordsanditshouldwork 😀 caps are not important
Thank you, I was putting a space since it asked for her name.
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
MarlaWynne no spaces
hmmm……..so far I have been unable to obtain the points on this one. I am getting the red ooops even though I put both together. Go figure…….
Worked fine for me….
fbn, I left you a message under your post to Velvet. Please take a look at it.
I see that you saw it fbn. I’m sorry you are having problems. I hope things work out for you, my friend. 💗
Storm has passed. My Bella wanted to go out now and she hates the rain.
Good to know you are OK. I was concerned with the color of your sky.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
105 Replies
08.20.20 9:36 PM
14 Participants