My Pillow–They are GREAT Pillows & I wouldn't use anything else
For MANY years both my husband & I woke up with neckaches & migraines and no matter what kind of pillow we tried (a contoured pillow–many kinds, a buckwheat pillow, and loads more) nothing worked. Then one night I ordered a My Pillow from an infomercial. (This was before Mike L. started selling in stores.)
It worked like a dream and still does. Yes–I have replaced it since my original one–but I got my original a LONG time ago. And I got one for my husband & it worked for him, too.
Both my sisters and their families use these pillows, as well. I always recommend the My Pillow to everyone I know.
Here’s a hint: If you really want to get a My Pillow that is most suited to YOU & YOUR body frame, order it directly from the My Pillow website. The stores just have general pillows to pick from. BUT on their website there are more sizes that you can select from. That’s where I always get my replacements. And usually you can find coupon codes to use, as well.
I stand behind the My Pillow 1000% and I am not affiliated with this company or anyone who works with it in any way! And I’m being completely truthful.
I love My Pillow products. Because HSN decided to get political and pull their products I will no longer be a HSN customer. I’ve shopped with them for years. Too bad!
The supporters of a controversial company not doing business with HSN who post on HSN’s board appear to advocate a political agenda. But I am here to advocate for them because of all people they’re most in need of a good night’s sleep, I’m glad you all are now sleeping well on your pillows, and I hope you soon understand the reasons you were not sleeping well before.
WOW! Your choice…your money. We are a veteran family somehow I don’t thing we are included in your statement.
We want everyone to feel comfortable sharing their experiences and ask that all comments remain respectful toward other members.
I agree. I think it’s the principal here and nothing else. Clearly they are letting others influence them- I’m not sure if the same thing happened with Joy Mangano products. HSN/QVC need variety in their products and they’ve lost it; It’s the same things over and over – getting old. I for one will no longer be purchasing anything from HSN just as I no longer purchase Nike products etc. I stand for America, veterans & patriots. This country is going downhill fast and they are just contributing to it. Very sad.
I am right there with you!
BEST PILLOWS EVER! And I will no longer be spending any money on HSN since they hate free speech so much, not to mention companies that EMPLOY AMERICANS!
I have purchased My Pillows and love them. I had really bad neck problems and this was the only pillow that helped.
Mike Lindell should not be bashed nor his products because of his political beliefs.
If he were left leaning none of this bashing would be going on. Im so sick and tired of all this.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and shouldn’t be lambasted because they have a different view. -
You all are aware he has a direct website right? Why not go there and buy, buy, buy?
ABSOLUTELY! HSN is the loser in this!
I love all their products, sheets, pillows, towels, 3” foam topper. For the pillows, wash them every six months, no longer than a year, for our health. If your pillow of another brand isn’t washable, toss it out after a year because it’s a collection of dust mites and skin debris and germs. If you have allergies, it’s a great pillow cause you can wash it every six months to help reduce allergies. My allergist actually says not to keep an unwashable pillow longer than six months! And fluff them up before you go to bed. They are made so that your neck is cradled in the valley as the material shifts. If you like a firmer pillow, get the beefier one made for bigger people. That beefier one hurts my neck but I am petite. I had such bad neck aches before trying my pillow brand.
People seem to be very hate filled these days and think a difference of political opinion means the other person sucks or is the devil. They think they are getting the truth from their TV news. I think some people just like having a target for their inner hatred and blame of others.
I have had a few accidents and injuries from abuse by the hands of another. For me my pillow was not all it claimed to be. After 6 months it lost its support. So I put on my thinking cap and thought I could do better. I made my own pillows purchased a 3 inch foam measures 24 in. x 72 in. For less than $24.00. Cut the foam into 1 1/2 inch & 1 inch little hexagons. You could use squares if you wanted but for me the physics of the hexagon vs the square was worth a try and makes for them being smushed up & holding shape made sense. For force dealing with motion. And it worked. I made a pillow case and stuffed the pillow with little memory foam hexagons, sewed it up. You could use a pillow case you have if you have extra’s. Now that is the best pillow ever. Its washable and I have enough foam left to make many others in different sizes. There are many creative crafty souls on HSN. Give it a try and let others banter about pillows. If you use squares I would suggest you stuff the pillow till its full than remove about 2 handfuls. So you can shape pillow and it holds its shape. Hexagons I stuffed it full but did not pack them in and sewed it up.
I love these pillows! So easy to customize and get the exact support you need where you need it! Plus very easy to wash and dry which is important these days. Especially when my furbabies take them over for a day. 😆
I bought this pillow many, many years ago. I still like it and would buy again regardless of the political involvement. It seems quite silly to me the people who will allows the views of the government to determine what pillow they chose.
It is very sad that some people attack other people for their opinions. I know nothing about the pillow or the man or his politics, and I don’t care. He’s entitled to his opinion, and it wouldn’t stop me from buying the pillow if I was interested in trying it. There have been a few people here who have gone out of their way to show such a pathological animosity for the man that it says more about them than him.
You must be seeing different posts than I am, I do not see anyone attacking other people. Are you referring to another thread?
I bought the travel my pillow from QVC and it is lumpy and uncomfortable. I would not buy again, nor would I give any money to the company. I chose where I want to spend my dollars, but this is not a close call as the product was so disappointing. Not attacking or disagreeing with anyone, just adding my opinion.
I would rather sleep on a concrete block.
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Posted in Home
33 Replies
02.06.21 3:34 PM
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