My Pillow–They are GREAT Pillows & I wouldn't use anything else
For MANY years both my husband & I woke up with neckaches & migraines and no matter what kind of pillow we tried (a contoured pillow–many kinds, a buckwheat pillow, and loads more) nothing worked. Then one night I ordered a My Pillow from an infomercial. (This was before Mike L. started selling in stores.)
It worked like a dream and still does. Yes–I have replaced it since my original one–but I got my original a LONG time ago. And I got one for my husband & it worked for him, too.
Both my sisters and their families use these pillows, as well. I always recommend the My Pillow to everyone I know.
Here’s a hint: If you really want to get a My Pillow that is most suited to YOU & YOUR body frame, order it directly from the My Pillow website. The stores just have general pillows to pick from. BUT on their website there are more sizes that you can select from. That’s where I always get my replacements. And usually you can find coupon codes to use, as well.
I stand behind the My Pillow 1000% and I am not affiliated with this company or anyone who works with it in any way! And I’m being completely truthful.
^ are examples of “Direct Selling”, stores are dropping these products en masse and the employees of these products are ‘hitting chat rooms’ and boards in order to sell. Sorry, no thanks. Thank you HSN for taking this product line out of your inventory.
Kohls and Bed Bath and Beyond have removed them. While that is their choice, it is also my choice to not shop at these 2 stores and I will exercise my choice. I do not like any type of censorship and that is what, in essence, these 2 stores are doing.
I told you I’m not affiliated with the company whatsoever. I’m truthful about that. I believe in the product and I’ve never had a bad experience with the company. I hate to see people bash a company just because they disagree with the owner politically. This is America–Land of the free. Home of the first Amendement. Or at least it was the last time I checked.
I didn’t have a ‘bad’ experience; they just didn’t stay ‘true’ for very long. Loved them the first night, and a couple months later wondered why I wasn’t sleeping well. I’d washed and dried them according to instructions, etc. … but after a couple months they just went flat by the middle of the night. Got so I popped them in the dryer to puff up before going to bed, which got really tiresome. So after a couple more months I chucked them.
Costco and QVC are two HUMONGOUS vvvvvretailers that still sell MyPillowsso I don’t think MyPillow will be hurting business wise anytime soon.
QVC has not sold them in quite some time.
I agree and was about to have to undergo painful injections until I tried his pillows. If you haven’t tried his towels, they are wonderful too. I got some for Christmas and they really get you dry. No more having to stand under the ceiling fan to get completely dry.
Be forewarned though, you about to be verbally attacked on your post by “nasty” people that do not like his politics. They are the same ones that go and leave false reviews on his products. Sadly, in this country now, some people attack others for having differing opinions.
Thanks for your input on the MyPillow and the towels.I hadn’t tried the towels yet and was wondering about them. Glad to hear what they’re like. And I agree with yuu about people not agreeing with someone’s opinions and how we’re quick to judge and condemn, It’s shameful.
Give it a rest.
NorskyGal, my love, some or many of consumers believe “MyPillow” products are garbage. No one but YOU and a few others mentioned the owner and his beliefs. Perhaps you and the lovers of the substantial products can start an, “I Love Your MyPillow” products on their site? ‘Cause HSN doesn’t sell them. LOL!
Have you ever tried a Mr Pillow or any of the brands other products? If not than your opinion means nothing. I’ve tried the pillow and it is a quality product that I would buy again.
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02.06.21 3:34 PM
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