Charged 3x"s for cancelled orders. Refund my money asap.
Refund Cancelled Orders
Order number: ********** $137.54
Order number: ********** $137.54
Order number: ********** $137.54
I don’t know why you would do this. I cannot afford this.
**** Edited by HSN – Removed Order Information ++++
@nothaha, I’m sorry to see we were unable to process your order on FlexPay. Please know this doesn’t mean you won’t be eligible for FlexPay orders in the future. Since the orders were cancelled, we have not taken any funds. You’re seeing an authorization hold for the amount we planned on taking. These holds will normally fall off in 3-5 business days depending on your banks policy. We’ve proactively sent over a reversal for these holds.
Conversation Info
Posted in Customer Service
2 Replies
10.27.19 1:25 PM
2 Participants