Shipping issues
Anyone else having issues with their items saying shipped in email but just saying label created when tracked. My cricut mug press and bundle is saying label created for 4 days now. It was suppose to be delivered 3/27 and shipped out on 3/20 but been in the same status of label created. I needed it for this weekend. The crazy part is that my cricut maker shipped out on 3/23 and will be here today 3/25. I’m worried I’m not going to get my other items and by the time I get a refund they are going to be sold out. Actually one is already sold out. Basically I paid for shipping for it not to be shipped.
Since when is paying for a return yourself the only return choice. I’ve always been able to ship a return back using an HSN return label.Now it’s going to cost me twice as much to ship on my own.
Woun’t order electronics thru HSN again.
Very frustrating! One thing you “use to” be able to rely on was that once you order from HSN your order would be shipped expeditiously and in receipt of your item(s) within 3 business days or so. Apparently those days are gone! I am so disappointed/saddened in this change-about.
I believe when it says “shipping label created” that is the last step that the warehouse does and it is ready to be picked up by UPS. They package everything, seal the box and put the label on, then mark it as shipped in their system, even though UPS hasn’t picked it up yet. It is ready and will begin moving soon, I’m sure. I understand your frustration, even though as a whole, I’ve been pretty pleased with HSN shipping times. There has been times when it sits in “label created” stage for days. Hang in there and Happy Crafting.
I hope so because it’s been saying that for 7 days since 3/20 with no movement. I’m hoping it arrives the same time that the one coming from California gets here even though I haven’t seen movement from that one in a few days as well. So frustrating.
I’m wondering why this is happening with crafting items. I have ordered numerous things recenty from different categories and have been amazed at how quickly they have shipped and arrived. With all the slowed down shipping reports in the papers, I’ve been so happy with HSN’s ability to get things out so quickly. It does seem HSN is not handling crafting well at all.
Idk but it’s very frustrating. Especially when customer service can’t help me.
YES! You are not alone! L O N G delivery times are falling on deaf ears with management! Orders sit for days and days. Order deliveries have become undependable. You can order from crafting sites in the UK and they are being delivered faster than HSN. What’s with that!!!! Such a disappointment with HSN. I do hope things worked out for you.
Still waiting on 3 of 4 items. 2 of them still saying label created since 3/20 with no new update. Of course those are the things I wanted most. The 3rd item left California 3/23 and haven’t been updated since. It has a new delivery date of 3/30. The other two still saying estimated 3/29 but highly doubt that.
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Posted in Crafts & Sewing
9 Replies
01.05.22 8:02 PM
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