No $5.00 craft ship
I have never been so disappointed or shocked at a company as big as HSN to do what they did yesterday, Tuesday, craft day. To abruptly with no reason , although they don’t have to give a reason, not give the all inclusive one charge shipping for the day. That perk alone was worth millions in advertising as I’m sure HSN knows. Many crafters wait and might I add shop monthly, regularly, in anticipation of these craft days. HSN needs to be made aware of , that crafters spend ( many on impulse) more much more because of that one shipping charge. Like myself I bought only what I really wanted and that was in protest. I have and do shop a lot on HSN but now I will wait for a coupon or free shipping . Every thing comes from China so that was probably a part of their reasoning but it would have been big of them to address that before the craft day. I also believe many vendors were caught unaware and they probably suffered the most, especially Anna Griffin as she sells exclusive to HSN, maybe she won’t be so exclusive in the future.HSN needs to pay attention to PR, take a loss in shipping and keep your customers happy and repeated shoppers. I apologize for this long vent but worth it if HSN gets our message,
I can’t recall anything recently that Anna Griffin shows on HSN that hasn’t eventually been showing up on her website,including some of the HSN sell outs. Now that she’s got her finshing school and is creating projects for it with her products, I would imagine that more of her products will be stocked there.
I’ve never believed a word they say. They’re the most hard sell company I have ever seen, and they want people to think there’s a shortage so they’ll rush to buy. There have been numerous occasions in the past when prior to a craft day I was looking to see what new products had been added to their website. Every single time there has been a pop out telling me how fast a new item that hadn’t yet been on air was selling. That’s such a lie.
I bought nothing yesterday. I am not going to spend a bunch of money on shipping. Back when the Q had their craft days, I stopped buying from them for the same reason. I heard them say they didn’t have that shipping deal but they had 5 flex pay. Big deal! We are still paying for it in full, no matter how far out the money is stretched. And their sales were not that great, if you ask me. $3 off for a one day only sounds more like QVC’s idea of a sale!
Anna Griffin has some things that are exclusive to HSN but not all of her products are exclusive to them. She sells pretty much everywhere, including her own website. Do a little searching, you will find her items in other places.
HSN was my go to place for crafts but if this is how they are going to be, that is going to change.
They give you $3.00 off the product and then charge you $5.50 for shipping & handling………SUCH A DEAL! I don’t think so. I loved spending 24 hrs watching Craft Day and I always bought amazing crafting items. But yesterday was a complete disaster………..
They lost a fortune yesterday. People emptied their carts when they discovered there would not be $5 shipping. QVC wants to nickel and dime it’s customers, but they lose a huge amount of sales in the process. I hope they are pleased with themselves.
What does some products coming from China have to do with it. As always some crafting products have always come from China. It’s about their marketing tactics and making a profit. Just like at Midnight “hurry and purchase” because they only have so many of the TS. Then they for some reason find MORE! SAD VERY SAD! I think we crafters are learning……Today they still have the TS offer in stock!
Anna Griffin sells directly from her Website also. But she doesn’t always have the same products in stock as HSN or as many choices. https://annagriffin.com/
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Posted in Crafts & Sewing
8 Replies
03.05.20 3:34 AM
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