Customer Appreciation—not so much–bring back $5.00 shipping
I didn’t know they weren’t offering the usual shipping deal today. I had ordered 5 items and was about to add more….when I realized they were ripping off their craft customers today. It was sooooo disappointing having to empty my cart. I am not happy and see that I am not alone. Thanks a lot for wasting my whole day, HSN. I cannot afford such INFLATED shipping.
I was ordering slip on sneakers for 32.91 when I submit . it was 32.91 plus 5.50 SH .then $5.50 for 5 to 7 days”? hsn is gauging us customers!.I dont think those that ordered them paid much attention to it but once they get them and look at there invoice, I bet they all return them back to hsn. today’s special isn’t selling not one color.
I will agree with most of the statements here. I am also one of those people that deleted my entire order when I saw the shipping was not the $5.00. Don’t blame the venders this was an HSN decision. Yes I do purchase from Anna and Sara off their own sites. Guess its knowing what you are willing to pay for an item. As well as knowing if you have confidence in a company or not. With HSN you need to LISTEN carefully to the hosts … then drop down and READ what’s written as well as reviews if available. Must admit it makes me sad to hear a host say “this is the lowest price we’ve ever offered” knowing I paid less for the same item from HSN. Also keep your eyes peeled on JoAnns, Michaels, Amazon, HSN, QVC, etc…use a coupon you MAY get a better deal.
Big fail for HSN on their craft day shipping costs. I watched carefully. I filled my cart with all my orders just before midnight. It had $86 in shipping charges on 16 items. The day began and I started the order process and got to the last part of final checkout and that $86 for shipping never left. I simply deleted every item that I believed would not sell out. That left 7 items. I swallowed hard and pushed submit order. None of those 7 sold out. And I realized there is nothing special about Craft Day anymore. Nothing. I can now buy all these things whenever I feel like. And I will probably not feel like it much.
I can buy almost all the Anna Griffin and Crafters Companion eventually on their websites. Anna ships free for $75 and CC has structured discounts. Cricut, if you have a Design Space Subscription, has a vigorous 10% plus special codes for an additional 10% off, with frequent special deals. Over $50 gets you free shipping. The big sales can sometimes be 50% off everything. Crazy good. That being said, the Cricut bundles on the Cricut Joy on HSN beat Cricut direct costs by about $1 per bundle. I did order some of the bundles. But that was done only after checking my costs between the two down to the last penny. Cricut must have held HSN’s aggressive shipping costs in low place as the bundles were much lower on shipping costs than other vendors items. I would have loved to have seen that negotiation. I am betting my Cricut orders will be fulfilled directly from Cricut. At least I hope so. We will see….
I feel sorry for the vendors. Anna had only one sell out. Sara Davies seemed way down on sell out. The stench of Qurate shipping costs, however, fills the air. It smells like “bad business.”
Actually, it’s free shipping on orders of $50 or more on Anna Griffin’s website. I wouldn’t feel too sorry for Sara Davies. Her company is worth at least £35 million.
Agree so much on this! I was lololing when they kept promoting Customer Appreciation Month for April… But we’re going to gouge you on shipping in March!
Honestly a die or 3 doesn’t cost that much to ship! In one case tonight the shipping was 33% of the item’s cost, it just doesn’t compute!
I also heard them saying they CUT the prices for a couple of Sara’s bundle’s to cover the extra shipping!
Ha!! We can do math and there’s no extra savings unless you go 50% or more or every item!
And most places that charge you a $100 or more for an item won’t charge shipping anyway duh.
Surely, they’ll notice this won’t fly and get back to giving crafter’s the incentive to shop here and appreciate that we do…….. Or did. -
Clearance prices have increased.
Shipping prices have increased.
Regular merchandise (non-clearance) have increased.
They got rid off amazing vendors.
This is customer appreciation?
Hosts/vendors are now saying “Oh, we marked everything down so low, it’s a better deal without the shipping deal”…what a bunch of…..lies. EVERYTHING I had ordered (and then emptied out of my cart) was REGULARLY priced. No deals…Sara Davies, Adam Freeman, Shannon Smith…etc., etc., just inflated shipping costs. Sorry, but it’s crazy to say $30. plus dollars is a bargain for shipping. It just isn’t and I just can’t justify spending that much.
Not only that, but some of the so-called sale prices were higher than the prices when the products were first on.
I got a response from John in customer service via email and they apologize with no explanation as to what happened and went on to say he’s “sure [they] will have another amazing promotion soon.”
What do you mean by ANOTHER, John? There is not one occurring, hence the purpose of my email. Such incompetent responses! -
Specially $5+ on most items. Then they send all of your orders in one box and still charge s/h for each item. 😢😩
Conversation Info
Posted in Crafts & Sewing
11 Replies
03.16.20 6:48 AM
9 Participants