$5 shipping
I will no longer be able to purchase all of the beautiful Anna Griffin items without the $5 shipping rate for all purchases. Today each box I want is $7.50 shipping each. Sorry, can’t do that. Until this is changed back, I guess I won’t be purchasing.
I can see the shipping charge, if you buy only 1 item. However, for example, when Jay King is visiting I get 20-30 items boxed together. So say 20 items @ $5 each, that is $100 to ship my purchases. Totally outrageous. I think the problem is they don’t want to invest in the the computer programming (very simple challenge) to calculate shipping on # of items purchased, weight, size, etc.
HSN has no plan to reinstate the $5 shipping. Supposedly their prices are discounted to offset the cost. That’s a joke!! Prices have gone up! Even clearance prices have gone up on many items. Who does that? Even Diamond Press prices are getting ridiculously high. I’d rather buy from other online sites. Maybe I’ll buy something from HSN I really want and can’t get it anywhere else, but only when they have a Free Shipping day or $$ off $75 or $99 purchase. Just sad.
I was just checking on the shipping situation on hsn’s website due to the upcoming craft day, and they can manage to ship a mattress for free and bottles of something called beekman, presumably containing some sort of liquids, which is really heavy, but they still can’t manage free shippng on craft items? That is the only way I’d ever buy anything from hsn again. I buy almost everything from England, except for anna griffin items from her website, although she is very slow to add them there. There is very little that is really ‘exclusive’, and if it is that is almost always for just a certain period of time. I haven’t even watched hsn since before March when they stopped the $5 capped shipping. I put AG items into my shopping basket to see how much the shipping would be so far, and it was $60, and there might have been more items to add! Don’t make me laugh!
Absolutely agree with the above comments. Just filled a cart with the supposed “exclusive to HSN” Anna Griffin items and will have to pay nearly $60.00 to ship a $300 order!! I JUST CAN’T DO IT!!! i regularly purchase craft items from England and even they have specials with capped shipping at $7.99 and even if they don’t cap shipping, I have NEVER paid the exorbitant charges like HSN does All the way from England!! I used to figure if it is an “HSN Exclusive” I could only get it there, but I have noticed some (but not all) items slowly make its way to Anna Griffin’s site where you can get free shipping. If capping at $5.00 is not feasible, cap it higher. But cap it!! So tired of being CHEATED. Order is cancelled!!
When is Sept. CRAFT DAY?
Sept 11
Check out Anna Griffin blog she has many of her items there spend 50 and it’s free shipping . Become a member and it’s always free shipping plus an additional 10% off.
I’m in the same boat. I didn’t pay attention to the fact that they were no longer offering the $5 shipping. That’s my own fault. It’s frustrating to spend 100’s of dollars during their craft sales and then be charged over $100 for shipping, especially when it all comes in one box. I will no longer be able to purchase from HSN either.
I agree on the shipping charges. I’m no longer making purchases on HSN craft things because of the shipping charges. There are plenty of other options out there, and purchasing direct from the manufacturers or other retailers without shipping. Big corporations like HSN get huge bulk discounts from delivery companies. Collecting the S&H charges is a money maker for them. Well, I’m done with it.
Noticed we don’t see the ‘sold out’ signs as much either! I don’t understand how HSN doesn’t pick up on the loud & clear message we keep sending. I won’t pay $80 or more for shipping when I’ve purchased $100’s of dollars in products! They either need to bring back the $5 or give us crafters the $5 coupons to use multiple times! Either one would make me buy in mass quantities again. Otherwise as we keep posting we’ll just buy direct from Anna, Sara & others. They offer FREE SHIPPING!
Wait and buy them when she puts them on her website. She can be pretty slow, but there is free shipping over $50 there.
Conversation Info
Posted in Crafts & Sewing
12 Replies
09.02.20 5:25 PM
11 Participants