$5 shipping?
What happened to $5 all-day shipping on crafts? Did QVC cancel it? If so, they are going to lose a lot of sales. I just cleared my shopping cart to only two items.
I think maybe QVC wants to get rid of crafts on HSN like they did on QVC and this is the start. Sales will drop, number of products will drop, Craft Days will be fewer and soon they will drop crafts altogether, maybe by Fall or starting in 2021. Just my thoughts.
I think they want to get rid of HSN. They bought the company to get rid of competition.
QVC does not own HSN. Liberty Interactive owns both of them.
I waited for today’s special craft day to submit my hefty list of things to order, (because of the $5 shipping) only to find out you’ve added $60 shipping to the order – on a supposed special craft day! My 500+ order just got pruned
down to one item and I may not even be ordering that. I did a Google search and found that this isn’t the first craft day that you’ve done this. I’m sadly realizing my days of ordering hundreds, and I do mean hundreds of dollars of items on craft days are over. I’m very disappointed in you but I suppose I should probably thank you for keeping all of that money in my bank account instead of yours. You see, your prices aren’t usually the lowest available on the world market but up until this time I’ve been willing to pay the usually extra price due to the $5 craft day shipping special and the return policy. I stopped to think about how many times I’ve actually returned items and realized over several years, I literally used it just a couple of times. So that leaves the $5 shipping days. Now they are gone, I’m going to be very surprised if your new policy of saving shipping costs one day every couple of months doesn’t cost your bottom line. I think you may be throwing out the baby with the bathwater here. I’m wondering if this will effect sales for and Griffin and crafters companion as well. I know they are huge in and of themselves but a part of why they are huge has been their HSN exposure. It may not have immediate impact but I imagine it will have impact as shopper attrition increases. After all, if we’re not going to be doing the shopping, why on earth would we spend the day watching the programming. Good luck to ya. -
I waited for today’s special craft day to submit my hefty list of things to order, (because of the $5 song) only to find out you’ve added $60 shipping to the order – on a special craft day! My 500+ order just got pruned down to one item and I may not even be ordering that. I did a Google search and found that this isn’t the first craft day that you’ve done this I’m sadly realizing my days off ordering hundreds, and I do mean hundreds of dollars of items on craft days are over. I’m very disappointed in you but I suppose I should probably thank you for keeping all of that money in my bank account instead of yours. You see, your prices aren’t usually the lowest available on the world market but up until this time I’ve been willing to pay the usually extra price due to the $5 craft day shipping special CBd the return policy. I stopped to think about how many times I’ve actually returned items and realized over several years, I literally used it just a couple of times. So that leaves the $5 shipping days. Now they are gone, I’m going to be very surprised if your new policy of saving shipping costs one day every couple of months doesn’t cost your bottom line. I think you may be throwing out the baby with the bathwater here. Good luck to ya.
I had 10 items ordered and canceled all of them. Not paying $5 + on shipping charges especially when they send most all the items ordered in one box and still charge s/h for each item. 😢😩
Many crafters purchase a large number of items on the designated Craft Days with the $5 shipping total for the entire day. With the typically large quantity of items purchased by many people on the Craft Days, many items ordered are sent to the customers in one large box. When HSN is charging a shipping fee for all of the items today, that is unfair to the customers. We usually order between 20 and 30 items (many of the small in size and light in weight) every craft event. If HSN wants to charge shipping for every item on the craft event days, the company should send every box individually, since that is what the customers are paying for. Today, customers were taken by surprise by having to pay individual shipping on each item, even though all of the items will be sent in one large box! Very poor decision by HSN to do this to their loyal craft customers!
I wasn’t paying attention and had ordered 5 items before I realized I hadn’t heard anything about the $5.00 shipping. Sorry, HSN, the only reason I shop with you is the shipping discount. Time to empty my cart……
I hope everyone took notice of the update regarding returns on their credit card statements for February also..
Under the Cardholder News and Information
VIP Easy Returns will not be available on purchases made after February 29, 2020.-
What? I didn’t know that! Bummer.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I didn’t see that. I did notice that when looking at an item, VIP was no longer noted anywhere. I’m not planning on making many purchases, if any, moving forward as HSN is no longer a preferred shopping option for me. Also, I only used VIP Easy Returns on heavy items. I found that combining multiple orders in one box to the same HSN location, it was cheaper to pay my own shipping for returns.
Will not be buying anything because of the shipping charges for each item.
I was really looking forward to today’s Craft Day, and already had 8 items picked out that I was planning to order. When I saw that HSN wasn’t offering the $5 all-day shipping, I deleted everything from my cart. There is NO way I’ll be spending individual shipping chargers for each item. I feel especially bad for the vendors, as I can only imagine how much money they’ll be losing in potential sales today. I’m very disappointed that the powers that be at HSN opted to eliminate their combined shipping today. So much for them celebrating National Craft Month.
I am one who regularly orders 12-13 things on Craft Day. Not happening today. They must think we are complete idiots who will not mind spending $3.50-$5 shipping PER ITEM within the same order because we are getting the option of 5 flex pays.
Believe me, HSN. I need very few craft items at that rate.
I’m laughing all the way to Michael’s….
I will buy nothing today!!!
Hope the “brilliant” exec that made this decision gets fired when the sales drop. move and during CRAFT month too-some customer appreciation! Dump those carts…..
Well HSN you just lost over $350.00 in sales tonight. I am not paying $50.00 in shipping. There are too many other sites that offer better deals and shipping is much lower. I am sure we all know which ones I mean. Shopping cart will be emptied. Flex pay does not mean that much compared to your $5.00 shipping. I have a hard time taking a 5 months to pay for a craft item anyway that to me that is just something fun to do.
I got the Cricut Joy and I had purchased two items to go with it, but then canceled those two items, bought the exact same items at Joanne’s and my total was $3 less! I can’t believe HSN is doing this! They’re going to lose a ton of business.
I was all ready to spend over $200 but without the $5 shipping deal I emptied my cart !
Going to bed!
Conversation Info
Posted in Crafts & Sewing
28 Replies
04.01.20 8:35 AM
22 Participants