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Oh, Mim7, you are absolutely correct. Just junk and unlikable hosts who never keep quiet and let the salesperson speak. I backed off a long time ago and I have found the best websites for much more modern, trendy and classic looks. I am still wearing some of the former designers’ fashions and I still wear my favorite, Joan Rivers, collection both fashion and jewelry. Bye Bye is right!
It’s just not the same. One of the reasons I stopped ordering from QVC and HSN. I just get the necessities. It’s not fun or interesting anymore. I am happy I purchased all those great fashions from real designers. I still have them, they look and feel great. I miss all of them all the way to “Randolph”?
I don’t think her mentioning Bobbi Rae’s change in looks was mean spirited at all. It was just something that was obvious and Knowles pointed it out. That’s it.
I tend to agree that Daus’s taste certainly is not for he faint of heart. I always found it gaudy and over the top but on Heidi, the jewelry looked fantastic. However, I do miss the classic style of Joan Rivers from her jewelry to her clothing. It’s just not the same so I’ve stepped away–far away. I enjoy the Joan Rivers’ pieces I have and will always but for the comment regarding Ebay, I think that’s a wonderful idea. Thank you.
Thank you for this update. Banks make it harder for consumers yet reap incredible benefits.
Yep! This had happened to me but never with such an expensive item. I feel for you.
I’m surprised. I’ve been disappointed with the fashions and am tired of returning them. I’m waiting to get a letter scolding me that I return too many items and I better behave. Hhmmm.
bythesea: I have asked the same questions over and over again. All the great fashions are gone and the products are inferior, expensive and matronly. Even Marla Wynne! Her clothes are too expensive for the quality which to me was the best for a long time. I’ve ordered a couple of items and returned them the same day. I will not spend that money on trash. I now found lots of different boutiques and the service and prices are better. I wish for the old QVC and HSN when I couldn’t wait when Basso, Louie D’Olio, Markie, Randolf ?, Simonton, Terry Lewis\ premiered their line. Gratefully I still have so many of those designers’ items because they were timeless, well made and still look great! The so called designers, to me anyway, keep repeating the same thing: jeans, jean jackets, ugly dresses. Even Guiliana has gone down in fashion choices. Very sad to me and all the other loyal shoppers of these two networks. But it’s their loss.
Wow! I was thinking the same thing. Amy looks nothing like the Amy I remember. And the products she sells obviously do not work. Have you noticed every hosts who sells cosmetics says the same thing: This is the best there is. It works for everyone. HSN/QVC #1 seller. Really?
Just one of the reasons I did away with HSN credit card. Who needs it. Plus I get cash back on my purchases with other cards. What does HSN and this bank do for you?
I agree with you in regard to the “no return label.” i do have a printer and can print my own but the fact that this is just another elimination of something that worked is really frustrating with HSN and QVC Another pet peeve: Why is the price you paid for the item no longer on the invoice? I maybe get one price on an invoice out of every 15. I keep getting more and more frustrated especially when I scroll through the stations and hear those hosts! With the exception of the original hosts (the few who are still there) I just scroll even faster because I truly and honestly cannot stand to hear them or look at them. I feel badly saying that but their voices are like chalk on a blackboard if anyone can remember what chalk and blackboard is. I am so glad I’ve found other online shopping outlets. The quality and styles that are now shown on HSN and QVC are really sad. I still long for the former real designers who I looked forward to seeing and their designs. How much DG2 or Susan (what’s her name) can you own? Everything looks the same. Ugh.
This is an example of how fashion has changed drastically. I always purchased G’s offerings but lately, I just can’t. So disappointed.
You are so right. I stopped watching HSN and QVC a few months after merg4ed and got rid of all the fashion icons. Now they have a bunch of nothing and the “new” hosts are obnoxious. Sorry to say. I can’t stand everyone talking over each other and the hosts always admiring themselves. I’m so happy I found alternatives to HSN and QVC but I still connect with Community.
If you’ve noticed, the “newer” hosts are younger and supposedly attracting a younger client base. It will never ever happen if you continue to try to sell those tacky, ugly, inferior clothes. As I’ve said before, and someone else reiterated, I have things in my closet from way back when they were real designers on HSN & QVC. AND they’re in great shape, they still look good, and I love them. How many pairs of jeans can you sell? They all look the same! So many other places to buy lovely clothes at a decent price. I miss the former hosts.
Very well said and thank you. You spoke for a lot of us. I have found so many other options so much better than QVC/HSN. I always found items on these stations and they were great. So many articles of clothing are still in my closet and in great condition. Joan Rivers was fabulous with great choices and better than the average. Louis D’Aleio (sp) always offered the best most interesting clothes. Dennis Basso! They just swept away all the good and interesting designers and kept the same old boring, ugly offerings. I won’t mention by name but we all know who they are.