Forum Replies Created
Shinshine, you tend to speak from emotion. So much of what you say is not accurate. Wei, did resurface.
You are correct that Wei resurfaced about a year ago. I know because I purchased that eye cream…NUTTIN HONEY. Did nothing for me. However, I understand and acknowledge I am just one person. Others may have had an entirely different experience. What if each vendor was given a quota? What if each vendor, unbenouced to us, had to sale a certain dollar amount per quarter? Maybe some folks aren’t cutting it. I’m not siding with HSN, I know just because I like a particular vendor and maybe even my 50 friends, it doesn’t mean that particular vendor is lucrative enough to keep. Sometimes we’re delusional. We think if our closest friends agree, that equates to EVERYONE or. THE MAJORITY. It does not. It only reflects you and your tiny world. We’re not privy to the sale stats of the vendors. Some vendor in my opinion don’t even have “cross over” ability. Meaning, their fashion would appeal to daughter, mom and grandma. Some vendors are strictly grandma. The questionable ones “in my opinion” are, Slinky and Atthony. To me, they are NOT cross generational…Maybe we don’t know, what we don’t know when it comes to all of this.?.?!!
Hey PattyF, YW! 😊
Thanks BonnABC, you too!
The header of your post says: Korres please stop using fragrance in your product. The title alone sounds like you’re speaking for all. I agree with Lady81 that maybe a better way to bring this to the attention of Korres is to request that they include a fragrance free line for those who are sensitive. I prefer NO fragrance or minimum at best. Also, Lady81 statement “many of us” is an accurate statement-a large number. Compared to “all” which means everyone.
Sorry, I just saw your response. Thought so.
I think the original poster is talking about Shawn from QVC.
Free shipping for sure. Especially when a brand is having a TS. It would be nice to see free shipping or even reduced shipping. I would think during a TS, customers are more likely to pick up multiple items so free/reduced shipping would definitely help. As far as price increases, prices have increased all over the country. Have you not noticed your grocery bill? FedEx and UPS have also signaled that they will be tacking on surcharges. I try in be balanced in how I think. I hate “shoulding” on people when I’m not privy to all the facts. JMO.
I am all for positivity and happiness but I’ve never understood why, if some people were expressing displeasure in something or stating a grievance, some think it’s more important to sprinkle fairy dust on the situation and “smile” it away. I’m really glad Perllier has been working for you. There’s nothing like finding a brand you love but it’s okay if others don’t share the same opinion. On a side note, there are so many people hurting and suffering right now, can’t imagine walking up to them and saying, hey be happy, be positive. No matter how well intentioned, it may come off as displaced euphoria. IJS…