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You are so right Chiccandles. Everything is not what it appears to be. We all too often come up with our own story about what we’re seeing. I am guilty of this as well. I really try in catch myself when I see myself falling into this habit.
Kacee484, I’m sorry you found my post negative. My intention was to provide another way of looking at things. You seemed to have everything figured out as if there is some big conspiracy going on. And you obviously are blind to your own negativity. So you may want to take your own advice and “be mindful of negative responses without having all the facts. ” Have a great day!
Kacie484, we don’t know that he set the prices for his products. I’m sure the powers that be have alot to say about price points. What if his products were previously under priced? I don’t know either way just trying to provide another perspective.
Complexways and Robot7, thanks for the suggestion. I will definitely be taking your advice.
Yes I agree. I’m an Amazon Prime member and love their service. As of late most items, I actually get within 24hrs and I love the fact that I can have them leave my package at Whole Foods in one of the Amazon lockers if I’m not going to be at home. Totally convenient.
Iman is definitely back in the U.S. She was just at the ESSENCE festival in New Orleans last week. Google and you will see her red carpet moments.