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@pinkdoll…LOL, was it Shawn?? That sounds like her. I enjoy watching her. She and Leah are the Colleen Lopez’s of QVC in my opinion. Some host end up being “personalities” with huge followers.
I totally agree @kelscuddles. I have often thought the same thing…”omg, I’m so excited….” As she dips her knees and claps her hands. But don’t say that too many times on this forum. There is a group who seems to be determined to only speak of rainbows and ponies. Cult like…
If you speak to anything un-aunthentic they come out in droves to censor you. -
Happy dragon, I think you maybe on to something about the “sort.” I never have to wade through sold out items because they always appear at the very bottom of all available items. I imagine if they are showing up all willie-knilly, that could be frustrating. I typically use my phone or tablet and I’ve never had to sort. My items just normally display all available items with sold-out items being last on page.
I guess you’re the only one entitled to share their opinion. When you start telling people to stop watching the program/host it’s ok. When I suggest you stop posting and/or reading post that’s wrong. Ok, got it. Self righteousness is a disease.
Ha! Well if the community post bother you stop reading and participating then. You’re comfortable telling people not to watch….why don’t YOU stop reading post?.?! More reserved, what does that even mean?
@bjspick, I agree. He’s a nationally renowned chef and when he’s doing demo’s he’s representing his brand. I too hope whomever is studying under him, doesn’t pick up his gross habits.
@Kiitengirl, oh no!!! Oh well, at least you tried them. You are so descriptive in your writing I swear I was getting a visual. G’ by G’s jeans weren’t always so problematic with sizing but I did notice a shift with her line. Well, file that experience under, “note to self.” A failed experience in jeans can leave we women traumatized for sure. I heard Colleen Lopez say she was coming out with a jean line in February. Fingers crossed.
Looks like at least 100 new reviews in from people who actually purchased the TS. As a few of us feared, sizing seems to be an issue.
@Kiitengirl, my tempted items are her kimonos although I already have a couple along with her flatter fit pants. I know when they roll out the serious fall fashion I will find items I truly love. I’m trying to stick with my, “only purchase 3-4 new items per season” rule. Buying clearance doesn’t fit into that. If I opt to buy clearance I will purchase without using flex. This helps keep me disciplined. I love Marla’s kimono’s. They really do upgrade whatever you’re wearing. I heard her say over the summer how she was coming out with a velvet kimono for fall…can’t wait. As far as boots, I’m looking for suede this season. Tall and a bootie. So that’s already 2 out of my 4 max allowance. Between my shopping and my traveling something has to give. Also, consuming/purchasing so much is starting to feel yucky.
Ha-ha…hoard is right Kittengirl. But I’m getting better. No more owing HSN, mortgage payments. I had to almost sit on my hands after the recent Marla Wynne visit. I didn’t care too much for the dress…didn’t think it was for me but boy I had a few shaky moments with other items. I’m going to wait until we’re way into the fall fashion reveal and I’ll add a few pieces. Waiting for a nice tall boot for sure.
Tricie1470, has the post office ever lost a package? Yikes! The hoops they make you jump through is ridiculous. Filling out forms swearing on a stack of Bibles in order to get your money back. It made me feel like I did something wrong. I canceled all my future Serious Skincare auto-ships and haven’t ordered anything else.
My look is totally similar Kittengirl. I think AngieP raises a good point…to see someone like Joy Magnano and I’m adding Iman, purchase them. Wow, that would be something to watch. Iman definitely knows how to stay on trend without being “trendy.” I find when you’re too trendy your clothes end up looking dated quicker. When you have a more trend forward, classic look you can keep your clothes longer.
Hi Kittengirl, if you like over designed garments, high low hems with sharkbite, lace on sleeves, keyhole in the back with a bow you would love them. They don’t know how to be on trend without being trendy. Yes, I know many people love their fashion but it’s revealing that their fashion line is the least profitable. They have a brand called “One World” and they have somehow managed to make most of the items look all the same. Most of their denim is boxy and lay right below the navel…not a good look unless you’re twenty. I always thought their fashion was off. With so many women being shoppers you would think fashion would be a profitable area for them but it’s not.
Thanks Taci for your understanding. I wasn’t trying to be flippant but as I’ve said before on another post, I tend to look at things different from most.