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@kelscuddles, did you see that little puffy memory foam attachment to the shoe? LOL!!! WTH! That was more cushiony than the foot bed. I hope one day someone will do a documentary on the various shopping networks. Would be interesting to see how they all sit around the board table determining how to pitch various products.
Wishing you a Happy and prosperous Nw Year
🥂🥂 -
Hi Rustythedog. Love your screen name by the way. Yes, it definitely shows that she is into textiles.
I watched a documentary featuring her on Netflix awhile back that also featured this point.
What a life she has lived. So glad she is still here and contributing to our fashion world.
Happy New Year!
@jackiebouvier, I totally agree about those Matla leggings and poplin top…so beautiful.
I haven’t given up on HSN. I do find myself shopping less however. This time last year, I owed them a house note!
Anyway, wishing you and all whom you love peace and prosperity this New Year.
🥳🥳🥂 -
@boodiemum, thank you!!! Why didn’t I know about this???? I just checked it out and it’s pretty comprehensive. I definitely will be using once my current MS Office subscription is up.
@xango, I think I agree. I always refrigerate my butter because I don’t use it often enough to leave it out. @nkr1, it definitely says to refrigerate on the package. Maybe some peeps use butter more often, not allowing it to go bad?.? Well, the good news is you never have worry about bad butter. The bad news is…💔💔💔🙄
#blessYOurHeart -
Welcome to the fan club jmc1365! Well that’s three of us that I know of, LOL.
Oh no Kittengirl. I’m so sorry to hear about your fur babies. I almost broke into tears. Heartbreaking…I would lose my mind if something happened to my Mambo. We love our fur babies so much. They are such excellent teachers of unconditional love. Sorry again…💔💔💔
Kittengirl!!! Where have you been? I’ve missed you. Hope all is well. Yes, I agree…wishing Carrie all the best. Da Bears…😪😪😪😪
Good for you Maryf1962. They are really cute jackets. Glad they worked for you.
Agreed Posh52. Long “O” is like Rome or home. LOL, are we really having this conversation? I actually think English is a difficult language and I’m American born. We have I before E except after C. Letters that appear in words that are silent- then why appear if you don’t want to be acknowledged? Waste of time and ink in my opinion.
@hippiegirlcc73, I am totally with you. I have a full chest and I would have definitely jumped to purchase that leopard and the copper but knew I would look like the Michelin Man’s girlfriend. I loved all of them but had to pass.