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RUBYDEE I agree could be meds, to a point, but she has always been talking over hosts, and thinks we are all interested in her travels, high end parties she is invited to etc. I too muted sound often. I stopped purchasing her jeans long ago. After her bout with cancer, she mentioned several times she wears mens t shirts under her clothes. It has been proven polyester is highly toxic to our bodies. Skin is our largest organ, & absorbs these toxins, so I think that was the reason as dr.s often suggest we wear cotton or other non toxic fabrics. I never ordered her tops (or anyone elses) unless mostly cotton. I was hoping after her cancer she would begin offering healthier fabrications, but she didnt. I had one day gone to peruse her clothes looking for cotton, and was surprised to see it read her last visit would be Nov. Guess she is retiring?? Asked on here but no response. I wish her good health and happy retirement.
CaliforniaGold–you got your wish!!! lol She is off the air as of last visit, I think 11/11. I too was sick of her incessant yakking, bragging. She is to be replaced with the young guy who was on air more than she was, and I couldnt stand him either. I stopped purchasing her jeans long ago. Have a great retirement Diane. hope its in good health.
I certainly do recall professionalism. Yes the rude comments. I stopped posting here, for a while, as one was a personal attack. I am proud to live in America and appreciate my freedom of speech. I have an opinion and can voice it. Yes, it is interesting some folk feel compelled to stand up & protect a corporation. lol I enjoy reading different opinions. How boring it would be if we all thought alike. Perhaps u are correct tillyboy and they are hsn personnel.
well, supposedly going green is the reason for no longer providing labels. Personally I believe it is to make returning items more difficult. I do not have a printer, so I pretty much dont order, as only way then is to phone & ask a label be mailed. Certainly hope u get credit for item. Pehaps phone & explain? Didnt help me, tho.