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I am 72, purchased dg2 since she began, however, as u said must order different sizes in different fabrics/cuts. Was a big shopper as I live in jeans. However, having many returns hsn gives a warning no more free swaps. Ha. Pisses off a fat old Polack!! So, let my fingers do the walkin & found jeans -petite-at less than half the price. Only issue now is often sold out quickly.
Interesting that originals from so many years ago are wonderful-still have them. But recent, ugh, glued on “stuff”found in bottom of washer, etc. Recent ones are trash. Oh well. We move on, right?
just curious if u purchased jeans from many years ago. Awesome, werent they? I recall a few years ago diane was on hawking her “each one hand painted jeans”. So pretty, but expensive, however so beautiful I ordered them. OMG they arrived & it was a rubber iron on thing. HOLY COW. First time in my life I was so furious I went to her site-everywhere complaining. All was deleted!!! So much for AMerican freedome of speech. HSN even deleted the recording of her saying all were had painted. Have not purchased since. She went too far for me. Especially hearing from friends that all the new different types of stretch are so ill fitting that the women say they must order several different sizes each time she invents a “new” type. Too much aggrivation waiting for pkg delivery. Used to be exciting. Nah, moved on long ago.
donahda Isnt it pathetic that due to sellers errors, primarily I think due to mfg. cheap in china, we get letters of warning. Sickening, huh? A blessing for me, actually, as I realized bein’ an old gal all friends gone, was spending way too much time & money late nite shopping. Whew. Now am doing other things, with music plaiyin’ vs tv, & savin $ & feelin good. Dunno how to p.m. on here. If u do & desire to do so, write to me.
I am so sorry for your loss. I began this post over 3 yrs ago!! Since then I did try the virtual. Ordered several sizes and styles. In classic I wore 16, but one of the virtual fit best in 14, however the other 2 in 14 were too tight?? Many yrs ago her styles were pretty and studs were set. Sizes more consistent. Now glued on & come off & prices high. So, I just gave up. Wear the ones that fit 🙂 since I kept them all & vary from 12, 14,16 depending on how much I control my eating. lol. I just gave up purchasing hers as it was too aggravating & the cost of returning is absurd. I now get everyday jeans time & tru WM brand, free returns, and nice stretch & cost $18!! Only problem they sell out quickly online. Perhaps keep the jeans you have, store them, until your grief isnt as deep and u get back to your normal weight.