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tylercat, I perused some posts here, but chose to respond to yours, as it is just so sweet, simple and honest. Sadly, D does know the sizing issues. I own dozens of her jeans from 20 yrs ago when she was on top of everything. Sadly as companies grow owners become arrogant and hire a million dollar company to fix the issue. She certainly is not going to visit a third world country to supervise sizing when she could be touring Paris first class all the way, and just design. I knew this was her solution to hire someone to fix it, when her prices began increasing-a lot. Next clue was when I saw the newest item-the tri size jean? what the ? Hmm did anyone else see that prior to selling on tv there were 20 5 star reviews-all of which were women who had received the jeans free? Well, now she is gettin’ bit in the , as there are 72 -, 1 star reviews. Only 42 5 star, remember tho 20 of them from gals receiving the free jeans. So much for raising our prices to pay for company to fix it, huh? I see businesses as a triangle. Wide with work at the bottom till you rise to the wee teeny tiny top. She doesnt realize she has lost touch with the reality and at that pinnacle it is so very easy to fall down. In her arrogance, she forgets although she is dubbed the queen, there are many lil princesses who work really hard in control of every aspect of their business, and charging way less for pretty much the same amount of denim. Now, for anyone ready to dump on me. I shall say @ 70, I have saved some of her works of art that no longer fit, just in case I can lose 20#. Absolutely gorgeous workmanship, articulated fit. The black not quite bells, with gorgeous thin shades of gray/white ribbon woven into the bottoms. When glass stones were set with metal grommets, not glued on plastic bits that come off in the wash. I have found a jean princess who so far has consistent sizing, & still searching for the perfect fit/style for me. I am a bit sad because I wont watch Diane anymore lest I be tempted,to purchase, but also the decor now is not as lovely as it used to be. She wants to “create” forgetting some simple/elegant/beautifully decorated styles could make a comeback. Yeah, I remember when. I figure these new princess working so hard to build are good to go for a while-until they reach the top & forget how hard to get there. For me, ha ha, I shall be in heaven by then where everything I “order” shall fit perfectly and make me look young again. lol for you young ones. Dont settle. Check out the up & coming princesses.
I responded to your “soap dilemma” because I feel i sorta know you. I want to tell you how sometimes words from a kind person can affect another. I am going thru something horrible, and your kindness/compliments helped me today. I smiled for the first time in weeks. I thank you.
jmc1365 appreciate you responding to my post. I was posting to avoid thinking about a family crisis, and your kind “thanks” — well, you shall never know how much it meant.
skingirl13, I find your comments delightfully outspoken ( besides the fact u stuck up for me!!l.) I figure you are a great distance from me. I am in Illinois, but do remember if u ever happen to be in this area, I would be absolutely delighted to take you out for lunch/dinner. email, oh oh, perhaps icky stuff will be sent. —-sherryrose190p@yahoo
Skingirl13 thank you, if I responded to being called whiney, it wouldn’t have been as nice as you were. I would have mentioned that perhaps exaggerating is just as bad as complaining. I have purchased many great jeans at stores for much less than $100. Flex pay? Too difficult for me to keep track of, and if I have to worry about getting flex pay, gee perhaps I am spending beyond my means. Every store I shop at has a 30 return policy, longer over the holidays, aaannnnndddd, I do not have to pay $9.00 to return. Oops guess I am whining/complaining again. Ah, guess its because I am old & Polish. lol. Oh, my “cooling off/time out” period is over….gonna go write my review!!!!