Forum Replies Created
Cool–look at you taking to retirement life in a big way!
Oh, I am so sad to hear you have to deal with that loss. That is rough. I understand it is going to be your birthday this Wednesday. I hope you are able to celebrate a little bit, and that’s why I believe that a birthday month is a great idea. Take the entire month of August and find little moments to be kind to yourself, Even though this coming week may have its difficulties, there may be some opportunity the next week or the one after to find some joy somewhere. I wish that for you. Take care. ❤️
Well, congratulations are certainly in order, though I realize it must be emotional for you. It seems that fate (in the form of COVID) stepped in to hurry your retirement along. At least you are safer now and had the chance to work at your dream job for several decades–36 years–amazing!
Really glad to hear you are on the mend. Stay safe and God bless.
Happy last Friday-of-July-can-you-believe-it? I hope the hurricane doesn’t cause you any trouble.
Cool! ❤️
Punctuationwillbethenexttogo… -
That is very scary and I’m glad you’re back home! You are in my prayers. ❤️
Thank you for your follow-up. I hope you are safe there and I know you are being careful, though I worry when I hear the stats for all the hotspots, including the rising numbers in Orange County where I live (yes we have an Orange County here also.) I just happened to drop by right after you posted, so I thought I would give you kudos for your diligence. Have a nice week! ❤️😄