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You are right. No KP today. Going into a shower and then off to see hubby. Yes, bringing the Clean Boss and a bug spray. Hopefully, the aide will be there and I will ask for help. I am going to ask for two bottom sheets since there are no mattress covers. I have problems with vinyl and leather in the heat. Our car seats are fabric which does not bother me during the heat and high humidity. I think what happens is that during the day hubby sweats. The A/C seems to be null and void during the day. After 7 pm you can feel a cool down. By 9 pm I am getting ready to leave and shivering as I do so. I have a sweater and also a sweatshirt just in case. At home, because of our high cost for electric, I keep the temp between 79 and 81. At night it is set at 75 and will go down one or two points during the night and early morning. I tried the thermostat at 65 and found it is too cool especially when going outside. So far these temps are working well.
Tomorrow will be tackling the oven drawer and underneath the stove. I have a mop that can get underneath without a problem and magnificent lighting that will shine the real dirty areas and then some. I would pull the oven out and unplug, but would rather save my back. The refrigerator will be easy to move when I clean that area. I will not only unplug the frig, but will also take care of the electrical on the panel.
Will let you know how everything goes. Manuka did it’s thing. No more sore throat. !!!!😀😀🌴😉🎵🎹
I hope you are OK and things are getting better for you. I know you have or had an anniversary this month. Were you able to add an adventure or did you celebrate at home. Have a great day. It’s hot hot hot here also. No air and over 90% humidity. Take care of yourself. Miss hearing from you and hoping your hubby is OK.
I didn’t see hubby today. Woke up with a sore throat and just too tired to do anything. Feeling better now and hope to get to see hubs tomorrow by early afternoon. I will be bringing Clean Boss with me. Hopefully, the aide will be there to help get the mattress off the bed so I can clean.
Also, he is missing his glasses. Either they are under the bed or in the kitchen area on a tray. Most aides notice these things and puts them on his nightstand. I looked everywhere, but not under the bed. Hubby has the itches from h-ll. I had a phone call earlier saying that the bumps looked worse and they were waiting for the doctor to see him. I said he needs to be seen by either an Allergist or Dermatologist. They think it’s the soap in the wash. I have a feeling he is allergic to the mattress which is vinyl. He has a tendency to sweat and there is no mattress cover. I will also use a bug spray on the mattress. Have a funny feeling since he eats some of his meals in bed, it could be bugs. I will be washing that mattress on both sides. Wait for it to dry and then bug spray it as well. The entire room needs a deep cleaning, though, for now, his roommate is OK.I started to put some of the things back this morning. I could not believe how good those cabinets look. I also took the drawer out from underneath the stove. That is outside waiting for me to clean it with soap, sponge and hose. It’s so warm here, we haven’t had cold water in weeks. So, that drawer will get a real good cleaning. Oh it’s so good to see things starting to come together.
Roofers are due here Saturday unless we have a rain event during the week. We have a few drops in the den, so hopefully that will be taken care of. Next will be the den from top to bottom. I’m not sure if these men do ceilings, if not, may have someone I can contact if need be.
I just completed the knife drawer and washed the dividers. The pots and pans area looks real good. Seems to sparkle with the overhead light. Definitely will finally open the Wolfgang box from the TS sometime today. I made a decision not to put the shelf back, but will put it in the closet with a tag that states where it goes. That shelf sits way back in the cabinet and is definitely hard to get to. I will see how the area looks once it is filled. I may opt for a cabinet that has pull out shelving. That’s what I have in the Cape house, but sometimes it is a nuisance with the larger pots not fitting. As I said prior, I love the pots and pans from Wolfgang. I purchased many years ago All=Clad in Stainless. However, they are not so easy to clean and do need a soaking from time to time. It will be great to have something that is not only useful, but easy to clean.
I made a stop at Costco yesterday for gas. I went inside and was delighted to see the Xmas cookies in the tin were on display. The aide remarked how much his family enjoyed them so I did purchase a tin for him alone. It will go with me today. For now, this is a good start. I picked up the Belgian Chocolate Pudding for hubby. It was a nice treat before dinner. He asked for fruit which I will pick up tomorrow at the Farmer’s. Meantime I will bring the Dragon Fruit and Yogurt. It will have to suffice until tomorrow.
I was in shock, in a good way, that gas was way under $3/gal at Costco. They were 20 cents less than Sam’s. Amazing!!!!! I noticed that the regular stations (Mobil, Chevron, BP, Race Trak) were also showing signs of going down as well. Still, Costco was way less. Sam’s I was su rprised to see that they were 5 cents below Race Trak.
I’m surprised that the kitties run away when you are bringing the food to them. Guess they watch from afar. I think, if one gets a little closer to you and sees that you are friendly, may get the others to do the same. Hmm……I wonder if they smell Poppy. I haven’t seen the little one since a few days ago. He/she may have a home. Have a great afternoon and evening.
We will never forget September 11th. For some reason we were both watching TV and saw the first plane hit the tower. I remember thinking that it was a long way down and people on the top floor should make their way to the first level ASAP. I also thought this had to be a terrorist attack. No one would hit a building. Then the second tower was hit and that clinched it. I also had relatives who worked in these buildings and tried to reach them. We were scheduled for a Canadian trip the end of the week. I would not go if I didn’t hear from them. As it turned out, they decided to stay home that day. Thankfully they were safe. I feel for those who did not make it and still feel the torment on that day.
I am home today. Saw hubby yesterday and he was his old self, though in bed. I am trying to find a way for him to obtain an ID card since he cannot drive at this time. I know there are handicapped vehicles but used ones are just as out of sight as the new. In some cases it is more than a down payment for a house. In Florida there is only one dealership that equips an old or new vehicle for the handicapped. They can ask any price since there is no competition.
Yesterday, I brought a couple of bananas and a baked potato. When I left he was more engrossed with the TV than having an in-between meal snack.Progress has been made. I empttied the knife drawer yesterday and used Clean Boss. I want to do that area one more time. The pots and pan section has also been done. And yes, one more cleaning should do the trick. The only problem will be putting the shelf back. My knees aren’t what they used to be. Getting up is not the problem. It’s the kneeling. The men for the roof will be here next weekend (weather permitting). I may ask for their help. Then again, I may not need that shelf. I doubt if I use it if I would be able to get to those items. I will see how it all works out. Cannot wait to open the box of the Wolfgang pots and pans. I have used his large pot for spaghetti. Love that it has the cup numbers inside. Love the fact that it is easy to clean.
And love the fact that the bottom of the pot fits the burner and the whole bottom gets warm or hot depending on the recipe.It is still terribly hot and humid here. Last night I finally was able to see the moon. It kept me under it’s wing for the ride home. Hope you three have a wonderful evening. Hmm….a new cat.
Bet one of them invited him’/her. Saw a stray kitten yesterday on my home. Too skittish. Besides, there were people nearby walking. I will keep my eyes out for this one.