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I awoke this morning not feeling well. Not sure what hit me. Could have been sulfites. I went to the computer to try and cancel my labs for today, but found the computer was down. Not only was the computer down, but so was the entire box. Had no choice but to keep the appointment. When I entered their suite you need to sign in with their computer. They had the same black screen as me. It sort of gave me a chuckle. At least I knew at that point that there was no way to cancel that appointment. Even their phone lines were dead. Feeing a bit better following the test, drove to the Farmer’s Market. It is on the way home, so made a stop. The place was jammed packed. I noticed that eggs were over $9 for a dozen. Egg substitute was in the same price line. However, the fruit and veggie aisles were lower. My carriage at the end of shopping was packed all the way to the top. And, yes, I felt better. And, when I arrived home, two hours later, and unpacked, the total bill was way under $100. A very nice surprise.
I have no idea what is wrong with hubby’s roommate. He tried to get out of bed. Like, my hubby, he cannot walk. This is a young person, I would say in his 30s. If the aides try to move his legs, he hollers and screams. Hubby said he has huge problems. It is sad to see. Anyway, we had a great visit.
We are doing a complete renovation. It will be a great day when everything is said and done . No more clutter. No papers thrown or tossed about. I picked up plastic containers with covers and will start putting papers away by category. From HSN I purchased a few Origami pieces to house the containers. The people I hired also mentioned that they have a truck to dispose of things I do not need or want. Right now the desk in our MB will be tossed. The drawers no longer work and it’s high time to get rid of it. This area will be great for a bookcase and a chair and floor lamp. A good reading niche. Or, I could enlarge the bathroom. I will mention this to the people who are more knowledgeable Who knows, this may be a better alternative for a walk-in shower. Hmmm…….
Head’s. Up…. Our Farmer’s Market still carries the raw milk.. Was there today and saw it on the shelf.
Before I left to visit hubby, I contacted the Remodelers and found that they will bring samples to the Rehab. I mentioned this to hubby and he was all smiles. The Rehab is approximately 4 miles from the Interstate. It works out perfectly. Tomorrow I will count the traffic lights and the mileage from the last light to the cut off. Looking forward to working with these people.
I just hired the contractor. I am beyond impressed. This company is definitely one stop shopping. They have people who dismantle, install, cleanup, paint, powerwash and to top it off, a decorator to help you decide on color and tile. They bring the samples (hundreds) and I do the picking. Now I jjust need to check to see if they would bring the samples to the Rehab so hubby can take a look. And they do a percentage to start and several in between and then some. Oh yes, the ramp will be metal. I did not want wood. I was concerned with splinters if you held on and slide your hand. Cannot wait to give hubby the entire “enchilada.”
We are having a rain on and off day. Temp is in the 70s as I type. I wanted to stop at Costco, but the people just left. So will venture to Aldi’s which is almost around the corner.
Have a great afternoon. I think I will take a ride to your home for dinner. It’s better than mine.
I am currently working on the cabinet that houses towels, shampoo, conditioners, and other items. I did not look at the labels but will do so as I return them to the shelves. Kindle comes in handy when asking how to dispose of items the correct way. This cabinet has not been looked at since the day we renovated the master bathroom. That is years ago. Yes, I will be using “Clean Boss.” Funny how the new bottles for Lysol Spray says they are 100% effective.
Our aide again was at the other end of our floor. He let me out around 9:30 pm and as I was leaving he whispered how much he misses working with the two of us. I know he doesn’t like hubby’s roommate. There are two different sides to his personality. Not a good thing. He is also unable to walk due to injuries. Visitors are not there except for one lady that I thought was his mom, but may not be, arrives one day every couple of weeks. She brings the bills that need to be paid. Funny, hubby just tolerates him.
The contractor who was here yesterday, had a lady with him that I assumed was his wife. She used the excuse to use the bathroom. I knew immediately it was to look at the house, and I let it pass. Not to worry, I did check each room after they left and everything was in order. I have another contractor coming tomorrow and that is the one I may end up with. I definitely need to renovate most of the rooms, but for now will start with the ramp and the guest bathroom. Once I declutter the Master bedroom, then we can decide on the next project. Right now I need to finish what I started. Next are the closets. This will get me out of the kitchen until I can safely use the other part of the sink that utilizers the drain for the dishwasher. Doing dishes, glassware and utensils is not my forte. I will need to empty the cabinets again in order to sanitize every piece. Otherwise it will definitely be another throw away. No, I do not put pots and pans in the dishwasher.
You will not be disappointed with Henry’s book. It is a fast read. For me, a slow one since I only take the time to enjoy a novel while visiting hubby. He tends to fall asleep after dinner. By the way, I brought him Acorn homemade soup yesterday along with a Smoothie from the Farmer’s Market. He loved the soup. Had not touched the smoothie before I went home. The Smoothie was made with fresh fruit that was not previously frozen. Well, back to work. Hope you have a wonderful afternoon and evening. Enjoy the spring-like weather. Winter has a tendency to show it’s nastiness every now and then.
Hi and thank you for the anniversary greetings. Hubby really felt bad that we could not celebrate going out for dinner. But, there will be more to celebrate when he comes home.
I am now trying to find construction people with a license to install a ramp and redo an entire bathroom. The only thing left standing will be the toilet. I should have the cost on Monday. I have another firm on Monday. This one does everything and has many 5 star reviews. Also an A+ rating from BBB. Not sure of the person I saw today. Just have a first name and no info or background. We shall see what Monday brings.
I’ve been reading about the potential layoffs with the VA. I hope your hubby will be OK.
I am enjoying your dinners and recipes. Cannot wait for hubby to return home so I can try one or two. Right now he is on puree foods. The only thing I can bring are smoothies, ice cream, etc.. Nothing chewable. This all started the day after Thanksgiving when I brought a turkey dinner to the rehab. I did puree the dark meat, but when I had some leftovers of the white meat and was reaching for the container, he grabbed my dinner and started coughing. The end resulted two weeks in the hospital. He is OK now, but I am careful of the things I bring. Every so often I do cheat and let him have something that is not pureed, but still I do cut it up.
Tonight I brought him acorn soup from the Farmer’s Market and a Smoothie. He really enjoyed the soup. He has yet to try the smoothie.Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Plenty of sunshine and some warmer temps. One of us or if we are lucky, both of us will hear some raindrops tomorrow night. Another cold front. But this one will last only a few hours. Have a great rest of the weekend.
Thank you for the anniversary greetings. We had some quiet time together in what they call the TV room.. I did expect to take him out, but the weather had other ideas. Today I was up and about at the crack of dawn. to get a load of wash done and to check the bathroom. The house is still topsy turvy. But it will get done someday.
I did meet a contractor this afternoon. We decided to do the ramp and bathroom first. This will give me some time to move the boxes elsewhere and to empty others. I will probably start on the master this week. I just wish there were more hours in the day.
Looks like you and your hubby are feeling better. Remember to take time for yourselves. Hope you both enjoyed your takeout. You made me hungry. Guess I will order out also since I’m visiting hubby.
The Kindle is up and running and I do carry a recharge plug just in case. The first person for the ramp and the remodeling arrived this afternoon. Very nice man who is originally from Viet Nam. We decided that the ramp and bathroom will be the first to work on. This will give me some extra time to hunt for a twin bed and to do both bedroom closets. I will be able to contact the plumber on Monday to stop a leaky faucet and to repair the drain and garbage disposal in the kitchen.
Last night, as I was leaving, I happened to touch hubby’s arm. It was wet with sweat. I notified the RN and hope an aide got on top of it. Our aide was working the other side of the first floor. I will let him know about this when I see him this afternoon. Yes, I am deeply concerned. I continue to worry about dehydration. He was not that coherent yesterday nor did he have a drink in front of him. I found the water on his night stand and left it on his movable tray. Wish I could have stayed but it was past the witching hour for me.
Hubby and I found it difficult to communicate when we were married. Most of that reason was due to my mother constantly calling and giving me headaches. She is what I call a “buttinski.”
Parents should remember to stay out of their children’s lives and to let them make their own decisions. My mother, may she RIP, never did this. She always found a way to embarrass both of us in front of family and friends. It got to the point that the best solution was to separate. Though I missed hubby, I found that after two years with no real solution was to start divorce proceedings. Three months later I had a court date. That court date had to be postponed because I was working on a case and had to be at the State Capitol and a Judicial Court that day. As it so happened, on the Day of Atonement, hubby knocked on our door of the apartment and actually said we should start over. So we started dating again, and the outcome was that I moved out of that apartment and moved to his City and then received a promotion which meant just an eleven mile drive to my new office. As you can now tell everything worked out.Though my mom took ill several years later, my hubby would drive to her home on Fridays. He would take her to the hair appointment and then we would meet for dinner. I was working and he retired with a “golden handshake.” After all the trouble my mom did to destroy the marriage, he was able to turn the cheek when I was unable to step in. The best advice is to let the children make their own mistakes. It is called “letting go.” Sheba, I know you are not like my mom, but there may be a few who read this thread that think they are doing the right thing. This is for the other buttinskies. My marriage was just days away from ending. What would have happened if I left for good? Thankfully, I never had to answer that question.
I remember that we broke up and later headed for a divorce after two years of separation. In a sense those two years made us grow up and come back together. The first 6 months back was really difficult. It was up and down. I had decided that if things were not different I would leave. However, before the year ended I could not fathom being without hubby. And it’s been that way ever since.
I stopped for gas at Sam’s Club and got sticker shock. On line, when I checked, gas was $2.71 and Costco was $2.79. I had looked at the prices at 2 pm. Well, when I arrived at Sam’s the pump was $2.97. I had no choice. The vehicle has a 12 gallon tank. It took 10 gallons. I was actually almost driving on fumes. Also, because of road construction, getting to Costco was out of the question. It now takes over 45 minutes to go 3 miles on the interstate to Costco. I will also need to consider this when we actually can travel North.
I contacted Amazon’s CS Unit and explained that the Kindle was left behind. If anyone stole it there would be no way to recharge it. No way for them to access any of my books or any info.
I contacted the Rehab this afternoon and our aide found it. When I arrived he mentioned that I probably would need a new battery. The life on the battery was less than 2%. I will be contacting Amazon shortly to let them know that the Kindle is safe. Because I had almost no batter y life left, I could not show hubby your thoughtfulness. Tomorrow is another day. I will let you know.Before I forget. Henry Winkler’s book is amazing. I have never laughed so hard. A very talented person. To think he was at Emerson College while I was a student. I remember my friends stating how talented he was. Unfortunately, I was unable to see any of the shows. I had other commitments that conflicted. I hope you get to read his novel.
I will be showing hubby your display once I find the Kindle. The aide yesterday turned the bed down for hubby and in doing so covered my purse. I saw the purse and assumed the Kindle was in my tote. It wasn’t until I arrived home and went to retrieve Kindle for a recharge. I found it was missing. I tried contacting the Rehab, but the switchboard was closed. No way to contact the nursing staff, hubby or anyone. I contacted Amazon and the machine is now closed where no one will be able to charge it or use it. I will contact the rehab this morning and hopefully it will be with hubby when I arrive.
Hubby does have some short term memory loss. However, I have kept him posted on everything that has been going on. He remembers losing the roof two years ago, our rodent problem, etc.. He has been updated daily by me and now is getting excited since I am in the process of interviewing people for our much needed renovation. I used the same service for the roofer who turned out to be exceptional. So good to work with him. I would like to bring him North. Anyway, this service came up with one person who, like our roofer, has only been in business for two years. They have a 5++rating from other clients and an A+ from BBB. I am looking forward to meeting them on Monday. Hubby would like to be here when they arrive. However, sitting in the car is not feasible. However, once the ramp is installed and I learn how to help him in and out of the car with the wheelchair, all else may be possible. Actually, I would welcome him home and helping me . This could be the best therapy ever and will speak with the social worker on this idea. He will still be staying in the rehab until the flooring in the master bedroom is installed and the hospital bed is delivered. The hospital bed is twin size and is able to be 9″ above the floor. Since hubby still has a tendency to try to get out of bed on his own, this will be helpful. The other thing I am looking at is a chair that is waterproof with a remote. This chair goes down to floor level and can rise to 21″ thus helping him in the shower. If one of us trips and falls can be moved to the person’s location and thus enable that person to reach a level to either be moved to the wheelchair or if in my case, to be able to stand and walk. Amazon has had many ideas, suggestions and tools. It has been a learning experience for him and for me. There is even a wheelchair that can go over a toilet.
We had some alone time, but it wasn’t the same as being home to celebrate. I mentioned that we will definitely do something when he returns home. I am hoping either this month or sometime in April. As soon as the ramp is installed, the bathroom is completed and the hospital bed along with my twin bed, he will be home. No question. I also want to thank you for the anniversary wishes. To think we almost ended up in divorce court after celebrating the first year of marriage. Who would have thought we would be together years later. Worst part is that those years go by too fast. Again, thank you for your post.
Hi. Today was our 54th Anniversary. I didn’t have a chance to do anything or bring something special to hubs. The phone calls kept me home. Finally I decided that the machine could do it’s part and left. Hubby was in a wheelchair when I arrived and we went to a private area where I could let him know what was going on. I had pictures to show what the walk in shower would look like and also with the shower from above and another in the middle to give him a spray all over. I even was able to tell him about the rails that go on either side of the toilet that would help him from the wheelchair or any sitting device to get to where he needs to be. This will also enable us to use it at rest areas and hotels since it is mobile. He was actually dumbfounded. Thought he would need to stay in a facility permanently. Big smiles all around. I also mentioned that he would be part of the renovation. I will bring samples to the rehab so we can both pick and choose. I will write more later since I know you are on at the moment and want to do other things.
You did not miss our anniversary. It is tomorrow, March 6th. 54 years (55 in 26). I was all set to take hubby out for a ride on our anniversary, but the weather will be too cold for him to be out and about. We will celebrate over the weekend of sometime next week. We had a great conversation. However, his roommate is something else. Was nice in the beginning and now is showing true feelings. He goes to bed around 7pm. However, the problem is he wants me gone before then. Said I should come earlier in the day to visit. Wish I could. But there are things that need to get done in the few hours I am home. But I didn’t say anything. I just let it go in one ear and out the other. Visiting hours start around 8am each day. Visitors can stay as long as they want, but cannot stay overnight. Tomorrow will be a different story. I will be with hubby either before or after lunch. I will pick up my dinner on my way to see him. I never got to Sam’s for gas because of the tech taking so long. I didn’t realize the time until he left. No shopping. No gas for car. Just got everything together and left for the rehab.
There were times during the winter when we lost electricity. It wasn’t hours, it was days. No heat. No hot water. Thank goodness we had a gas stove that we could use. Being that the temp outside was freezing, I took the food out of the refrigerator and put whatever I could into containers with covers. The food went outside I left everything in the freezer intact. However, with hurricane Milton, everything in the freezer and frig perished.
Temp in our area is on it’s way down. We were in the high 70s just a few hours ago. Tonight we will be somewhere in the 40s. Raining on and off since last night. Not complaining, we do need those drops.
I went online yesterday to see if there is anyone who can install a ramp, redo the bathroom and install flooring. Painting is also needed. I have had quite a few responses and I will start seeing people beginning Saturday. One in particular sounds real good and I will be meeting with them on Monday. There are others as well.
I had the A/C Tech here for three hours. There are no problems. I am now all set until the fall. No new A/C needed. The meds seem to be working. I had the beginning of a migraine yesterday morning and took the meds. Unfortunately it made me sleepy and nauseous. However, the headache is gone and that is the important thing. I am now off to get gas at Sam’s Club. Then on to see hubby. Not planning to stop for food, though our Farmer’s Market had a two day extra special sale which I will need to miss.
Sorry to hear you lost electricity. Hope the pipes are OK. I surmise your hubby has today off due to the weather and other things. Take it easy.
I finally picked up the meds. I will start it tomorrow since I had taken others. I think I finally figured out what causes these headaches. Definitely it is the sap running through the trees. The warmer days set everything ahead. The other reason iis the weather. Cooler temps are predicted for Thursday and Friday. Night time temps could be in the 40s. Day time we will be lucky to see 70. The low from your expected snow could be the reason. My usual aches and pains are heating up.
I mentioned to hubby that I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the rain on Wednesday will be severe. This was hours before returning from the rehab and receiving a weather update.Hubby is doing OK. Now it is my turn. I need to have workers here to redo an entire bathroom, paint and install new flooring. I will have an exterminator check our home for termites and other insects. The one I;ve been using also goes under areas outside to check not only bugs but for rodents. The house will not be totally cleaned when hubby returns and that’s OK. He needs to start doing some things. No rest for the weary. Actually, he wants to help and the extra two hands will definitely come in handy.
I forgot to mention that last night as I was walking to the car, I saw the moon in the Western sky. By no means was it full. We had half a moon in a deep red color. Very pretty and it made the scene mellow. Very peaceful last night. Even watched several planes heading for the airport. Tonight the moon was white. The temp is now in the mid 60s. A clear night for a change.