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Hi Sheba!
I know today is the first anniversary since you lost your Dad so I wanted to just let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers. It is hard. You are strong. Hang in there. Kitty hugs.
Hello again to the birthday girl!
I am so glad to see your post and just wanted to tell you that I appreciate that you have not forgotten me – that means a lot to me. I have not been here since my son died so I have not read anything , but thank you. I will be thinking of you and praying for you on your Dad’s anniversary. My son’s is coming up just after your Dad’s. God will get us through it.
Have a wonderful evening and enjoy your special day with your loved ones. Kitty hugs from me and all the kitties! 🙂
I just wanted to drop in and wish you a very happy birthday. I know it will be different but I hope you are surrounded with love. Your Dad will be with you.
So much has happened this year with my son’s death and I’m still just not ready to engage but couldn’t let your special day go by without wishing you well. Kitty Hugs! 🙂
Love, kitten
I think she is fun too! I have not been watching much HSN in the past few months but it is nice to know she is here again. Thanks for the heads up! 😀
Now if only Mindy Grossman would return…
I am so sorry for your loss. Jordan sounds like a great brother and I know he will live on in your heart and memories. I’m very sorry.
As usual, your crafting cat has put a smile on my face. Do you think they could make me a mask?
Hugs and blessings to you jollyjelly.
Happy belated Easter and Passover everyone! Stay safe and healthy! 😀
I love Dr. Nassif’s kit with the face pads and serum. The pads are used after cleansing and they don’t strip or dry and the serum makes my skin so soft! At first the serum will feel oily but it dries down and then you can use a cream over it. I like his cream too. Another kit I like is Skinn Non-negotiables. I have used the Pep 40 kit but it is too heavy for my skin on its own but for some reason it helps with make-up application. Another good one (when it’s offered) is Lancome Visionairre day and night cream (oil). The night cream goes on like a cream but feels like an oil and just melts into my skin, making it so soft! Hope that helps some!
Hi Skingirl13!
I was wondering where she went. I wasn’t here for awhile so I missed her announcement. Sad to see her go but I know she will land on her feet wherever she goes. I wish her well. -
Oodie, I didn’t know where else to write this post to you. I didn’t want to leave without acknowledging your kindness. and I don’t want to stir anything up so I guess this is my roundabout way of saying thank you. I want you to know I read those two posts from last week and I found them extremely hurtful and insulting to my character and intentions. I want to thank you for addressing those posts and trying to smooth it over. As usual, and true to your form, you are always ready to step in and help. Thank you for trying. I will always appreciate it and your kindness.
I will be posting later in Sheba’s thread to explain why I am leaving but just wanted to acknowledge that your kindness and friendship have meant so much to me.. It has been a pleasure knowing you.On Tuesday, I was shaken to the core by the tragic and sudden death of my son. I am trying to comprehend the incomprehensible. I am trying to put one foot in front of the other and learn how to breathe again.
I hope you read this post, and if not, I hope someone here will lead you to find it. Please stay safe and take care of yourself. I hope you have those little prancing paws around your home soon. Please keep me and my family in your prayers. You will be in mine. Much love, stay safe, but most importantly – kitty hugs to last a lifetime…
Please give my regards to Cherie and Bichon next time they are here. I miss them. Kitty hugs…
That’s too bad. I like Robert and Colleen together and love to see them laughing. This world needs more laughter. I hope it’s just a scheduling conflict right now and not something more. Take care Oodie.
Hi mightymouse! How have you been? It is so good to see you posting! I hope you and yours have a very merry Christmas too! 😀
Hi Skingirl!
Thank you for your kind words. Yes, it has been very hard and heart breaking to lose them and to see Gizmo struggling. I am comforted that Chewey went very peacefully and spent his last moments being happy watching the little kittens playing.
Mambo is a very cute name! My nickname for Walker (Chewey’s son) was Mumbambo! He knew when I called him Mumbambo he was getting a belly rub and baby wipe rubdown for being such a good boy for taking his insulin shot like a champ! He was such a good boy and I miss him very much. He passed 2 1/2 years ago.
We are so blessed to have our fur babies and I agree, they teach us about unconditional love for sure! 😀
Take care! -
Hi jmc1365!
Always nice to meet a fellow BEARS fan! 😀 I do believe I have talked to you over at Sheba’s before. Yes, going to miss Carrie. Sweet girl, very pretty and friendly. I wish her well with her new baby! 😀 -
Hey Skingirl! 😀 How have you been? Not such a good season for our Bears, is it? Pretty sad. Hicks has been out I think since the beginning with an injury and they let some good ones go which I don’t understand. Oh well, there is next year I guess. Such a let down after last year but they are still DA BEARS! Yay! 😀 Go Bears! Here’s hoping for tomorrow!
I haven’t been here because I’ve been sad and not really myself. My sweet kitten Tylie died and not long after, my beloved older cat Chewey died. I was beside myself. The same day Chewey died we had an emergency with one of my other cats, Gizmo (Chewey’s brother) and found out he has a large mass on his heart and fluid surrounding it. We were told nothing could be done for him and he didn’t have much time left. We have been busy spoiling him and making the best out of every moment. He is sleeping now on his favorite fur blankie.
Yep, going to miss Carrie! How is your shopping restraint coming along? Mine has been good. I learned a long time ago that shopping when depressed is not the answer and I haven’t felt much like it in a few months anyway. I bought some boots and a cashmere sweater from Macys a few months back and I love them. Take care! 😀 -
That kitten is just the CUTEST! Thanks for sharing! Have a Merry Christmas! 😀